Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1974: 5 years and decline

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Spring and autumn come, and five years have passed quickly.

In a secret room, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a blue futon, with some refining materials placed beside him, and a blue shark more than ten feet long floated in the air.

The blue shark's body is covered with blue scales, the open mouth of the blood basin has a row of sharp fangs, and the blue eyeballs keep turning like a living thing.

This is a fifth-order low-grade puppet beast. Wang Changsheng spent a lot of refining materials, and finally made the first fifth-order puppet beast.

He came to Tianshafang City for more than five years, and Shaiyao seemed to have forgotten their existence and did not contact them, but Shaqing'er had visited them twice.

Shark Qinger let them live in Tianshafang City with peace of mind, Shayao was healing and had no time to see them.

Idle is also idle, Wang Changsheng purchased materials to refine the fifth-order puppet beast. After a lot of practice and consuming a lot of materials, he successfully refined a fifth-order puppet beast.

This shark puppet beast is made of Tianhai sand as the main material. Tianhai sand may appear on the seabed for more than 10,000 years. The texture of Tianhai sand is hard, and it is usually used to refine heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures such as swords.

In addition to this fifth-order puppet beast, he also upgraded Sha Yunpei to a low-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

Wang Changsheng entered a magic formula, and the shark puppet beast let out a low roar. From the appearance, this puppet beast was no different from the fifth-order monster, and it was impossible to detect any abnormality with the use of divine sense.

Activity on the seabed, this shark puppet can play a big role.

Wang Changsheng's tactic changed, and the surface of the shark puppet beast lit up with countless spiritual patterns, and in a sound of a mechanism, it turned into a metal sphere with blue light and flew into his hand.

His eyes are full of joy, he can make the first fifth-order puppet beast, and he can make the second one.

In order to refine this fifth-order puppet beast, tens of millions of spirit stones were spent on the materials alone. Fortunately, he obtained the property of the three god-turning monks before, otherwise he would not be able to support him in a lot of practice.

As the level of puppet control increases, the cost price will decrease.

Wang Changsheng flipped his palm, and the blue ball disappeared. He put away the things on the ground and walked out.

He suddenly sensed something, took out a blue-light shining shell, and the runes flashed, obviously it was a magic weapon.

He entered a magic formula, and Sha Qing'er's voice suddenly sounded: "Senior, grandma left the customs today, and specially sent me to invite you to come over."

"Okay, let's go over here."

Putting away the blue shell, Wang Changsheng came to the secret room where Wang Ruyan was, and sent a sound transmission.

Time passed by, but Wang Ruyan did not come out.

Wang Changsheng knew that Wang Ruyan was making a talisman by virtue of the secret technique of the concentric worm.

He thought for a moment, then turned and walked out.

Wang Ruyan didn't know how long it would take to come out, so he went to see Shayao first.

Walking out of the residence, Wang Changsheng saw Sha Qing'er standing at the door.

"Let's go! Qing'er, my wife can't leave, I'll go with you."

Wang Changsheng explained that after getting along for a few years, he had a good impression of Sha Qinger.

Shark Qing'er is relatively simple, a chatter, and has no bad intentions.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng followed Sha Qing'er to Sha Yun Tower.

Shaun Yao sat on the main seat, with a ruddy face and full of energy. An old man in green robe with thin cheeks sat beside him.

"Mrs. Shark, this is fellow Taoist turtle!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes fell on the old man in green robe, and he said with a smile.

"Old Master Turtle Thirteen, I have seen fellow Daoist."

The old man in green robe reported his name, and his tone was a little indifferent.

"Fellow Daoist Shark, thanks to your help, Qing'er was able to return to me safely. The old man is very grateful. Be careful not to respect me."

While talking, Shaiyao took out a beautiful blue jade box. With a flick of his wrist, the blue jade box came out of his hand and flew towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng caught the blue jade box, opened it, and found a dark blue spar and a blue storage ring inside. The spar was crystal clear, like amber.

He reached out and grabbed the blue spar. It was soft to the touch and left a few fingerprints. After a while, the fingerprints disappeared and the blue spar returned to its original state.

"This is the water glass crystal! Sixth-order refining material!"

Wang Changsheng was surprised and said that the water glass divine crystal is a unique material of the sea clan, with strong plasticity and strong recovery ability.

The water glass **** crystal in the jade box is sold on the market, at least one million spirit stones can be sold.

"That's right, it's the water glass **** crystal. In addition to the water glass **** crystal, there are also some fifth-order refining materials. Thank you for your life-saving grace to Qing'er."

Shaiyao said politely.

Wang Changsheng accepted it and said, "It's just a little effort. Our couple wants to go to Xuangui Island. I wonder if fellow Taoist Gui can help? We are very grateful."

"Sorry, I can't help you, Daoyou Jin has lost his power. Even if the old man goes to Xuangui Island, he will be in trouble when he encounters people from the Golden Scales."

Turtle Thirteen politely refused.

Wang Changsheng sighed lightly and nodded, no matter whether what Gui Shisan said was true or not, they could only rely on themselves. Fortunately, he prepared with both hands.

"There is a sea map in the storage ring, which records the situation near Xuangui Island in detail. If you really want to go to Xuangui Island, you might as well pass through the blood shark sea area, where there are many blood sharks, which are more dangerous. The clan also rarely appears, and the chances of going to Xuangui Island from there to meet the golden scale clan are relatively low."

Shaoyao spoke eloquently.

"Many thanks to Mrs. Shark for the pointer. There are still things to deal with, so I won't stay any more, and say goodbye."

Wang Changsheng thanked him and turned to leave.

Shawn Yao did not hold back either, and asked Sha Qing'er to send Wang Changsheng away.

Back at the residence, Wang Changsheng took out a blue storage ring, took out a blue shell, and penetrated into it.

After a while, he withdrew from his consciousness with a thoughtful expression on his According to the jade slip, the blood shark is very aggressive and revengeful, and the group is not large, usually Several or a dozen of them appear together, and there are even sixth-order blood sharks in the blood shark sea area, which is more dangerous. Because of this, the golden scale family rarely appears in the blood shark sea area.

If it does not pass through the blood shark sea area, but directly passes through the territory of the Golden Scale Clan, once it encounters the high-level Golden Scale Clan, it will be troublesome.

"Husband, is Mrs. Shaan not willing to help?"

Wang Ruyan's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Wang Changsheng's thoughts.

Wang Changsheng turned his head to look behind him, and Wang Ruyan walked towards him, his face filled with a deep joy.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Well, twisted melons are not sweet. Since they don't want to help, let's rely on ourselves. Anyway, I didn't put all my hopes on them. By the way, Madam, is there any happy event?"

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