Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1987: Wang Mengbin's impact on the period of spiritual transformation

"No, but Shenbing Palace has been collecting rare refining materials for these years, and is still looking for secret realms and forbidden places. Maybe it is to refine treasures that break the interface!"

Wang Mengfen said with some uncertainty, he didn't know if the Shenbing Palace was going to refine the treasures that broke the interface.

Tian Lanzong closed the space channel, and everyone knew the idea of ​​monopolizing the Thousand Gourd Realm.

"Is there any news from the Thousand Gourd World? Or particularly important news?"

Wang Qingling asked.

"There is no news from the Thousand Gourd Realm, and I have lost contact for many years. It is said that many Nascent Soul cultivators who went to the Thousand Gourd Realm thought that the soul lamp of their life had gone out."

"It seems that the Sanyan Palace is also collecting rare refining materials. I don't know if it is going to refine heavy treasures."

"Jiuyouzong has changed its suzerain, it seems to be a senior named Zhong Tiandao."


All the elders shared the news they got, and the news was mainly about the situation in Dongli Realm.

Zhenhaizong already has four Nascent Soul cultivators. With the help of the Wang family, their strength has become stronger and stronger, and the sect master of Jiuyouzong has changed positions.

"By the way, Tianxu Cave seems to be collapsing, maybe there is an abnormality in Tianxu Cave!"

Wang Mengfen suddenly remembered something. During the war hundreds of years ago, the ban on the Wangui Sea, one of the seven fierce places in the South China Sea, was broken, and a large number of ghosts rushed out, killing a large number of monks. After these years of encirclement and suppression, the ghosts were swept away. , the Wangui Sea no longer exists, and there are only six fierce places left in the South China Sea.

Tianxudongtian has existed for much longer than Wangui Sea Area. I don't know what happened in Tianxudongtian, it seems to be collapsing.

Wang Qingling didn't care about this issue, and the collapse of Tianxudongtian had no effect on the Wang family.

"Send someone to pay close attention to the news of the Thousand Gourd Realm, and take care of the Seventh Brother and their Soul Lamp."

Wang Qingling ordered.

A red light flew in, it was Wang Changjie.

He has been traveling abroad all these years, gaining knowledge, making friends, and has entered the middle of the Yuanying period.

"Uncle Changjie, you're back."

Wang Qingling was very happy to see Wang Changjie.

She was stuck at the bottleneck. After Wang Changjie came back, she could go out and travel to resolve the bottleneck.

Wang Changjie nodded and said, "After traveling abroad for many years, Qinglian Island is better. You have worked hard all these years."

"You all go down! I have something to tell Uncle Changjie."

Wang Qingling asked the other clansmen to retreat, leaving only Wang Changjie.

"Changjie, I plan to go out to travel, resolve the bottleneck, and leave the affairs of the clan to you."

Wang Qingling said solemnly.

"Resolve the bottleneck? No problem, wrap it on me."

Wang Changjie agreed without hesitation. He has been abroad for many years, and this time he plans to retreat and practice for a while.

Wang Qingling told her for more than half an hour and explained everything. The next day, she left Qinglian Island with Bingfeng Jiao and went out to travel.


Qinghuanjie, Qingyun Archipelago.

Qingyang Island, a secret room.

Cheng Zhenyu sat cross-legged on the futon, holding a strange seal in both hands, and his body was full of aura.

Suddenly, the stone room he was in shook violently, like an earthquake.

Cheng Zhenyu seemed to sense something, the magic formula changed, the aura on his body slowly dissipated, and he opened his eyes.

The stone room shook violently, as if someone was attacking Qingyang Island.

"what happened?"

Cheng Zhenyu frowned, took out a gleaming green light communication disk, entered a magic formula, and asked, "Madam, what's the matter? Is there a strong enemy coming?"

"No, Daoyou Wang is in the period of impacting the spirit transformation. His fleshly body is transformed into sandalwood, attracting many monsters, and the monsters are attacking Qingyang Island."

Zheng Nan's tone was hurried, with a trace of panic.

"The fleshly body becomes sandalwood!"

Cheng Zhenyu's eyes flashed with surprise, and his face was full of envy.

He put away the call tray and walked out.

Five gigantic dark clouds floated high in the sky, lightning flashed and thundered, and the thunder snakes kept walking, and the thunder was endless.

Careful observation, the five dark clouds are connected together, as if a whole.

Thousands of monsters gathered around the island, and the sea rolled violently, setting off one after another huge waves.

Hundreds of demon birds are frantically attacking Qingyang Island, and a blue light curtain covers the entire island.

Intensive spells hit the blue light curtain, and the blue light curtain swayed with ripples, like mud like the sea, and disappeared without a trace.

Under the intensive attack, the blue light curtain was twisted and deformed, and it seemed to be broken at any time. The entire Qingyang Island shook violently, and a large number of rocks rolled down.

Cheng Zhenyu's face froze, and he flew into the sky.

"Madam, you must not let them affect Daoyou Wang's impact on the Divine Transformation Stage."

Cheng Zhenyu's tone was heavy, once Wang Mengbin entered the stage of spiritual transformation, it would be of great benefit to their future development.

Zheng Nan also understood the seriousness of the problem. Wang Mengbin's relatives were not by his side, so he could only rely on them.

Zheng Nan held a light blue pipa in both hands, his fingers swept across the strings of the pipa quickly, and a rapid sound of the pipa sounded, full of chills.

Cheng Zhenyu's sword art was pinched, and three flying swords that flickered incessantly with yellow light flew out, and in a sharp and piercing sound of swords, they turned into thousands of identical flying swords and floated in the sky.

"go with."

Cheng Zhenyu tapped lightly on the attacking monster with two fingers, and thousands of flying swords shot up into the sky, rushing into the sky like lightning, flashing like a tide, and rushing towards the monster.

For a time, the roaring sound continued, all kinds of spiritual lights were blazing, the air waves were like tidal waves, and huge waves were set off on the sea.

The northwest corner of the island, a long and narrow valley.

The valley is flanked by uneven cliffs, covered with cyan vines.

At the end of the valley, there is a cave several feet in size. Inside the cave, Wang Mengbin sat cross-legged on a cyan futon with his eyes closed. A cyan jade box and a cyan porcelain vase were placed in front of him.

Wang Mengbin's body exuded a strange aroma, resembling sandalwood. If you carefully identify it, it seems not.

The fleshly body is transformed into sandalwood, and he is impacting the period of spiritual transformation.

After a while, Wang Mengbin opened his eyes, and a gleam of light shot out of them.

"The day has finally come."

Wang Mengbin said to himself, his face solemn.

He took a deep with mixed emotions, excitement, excitement, worry and other emotions flooded his mind.


A deafening thunder sounded, interrupting Wang Mengbin's thoughts.

The cave he was in shook violently, collapsed suddenly, and a thick silver lightning flew in, heading straight for Wang Mengbin.

Wang Mengbin's sleeve flicked, and a silver light flew out. It was a small shield that shone with silver light. After entering a magic formula, the small silver shield instantly swelled and blocked in front of him.

The silver lightning struck the silver shield, and it burst open, and a dazzling silver thunder light enveloped the entire cave.

After a while, the silver thunder light dissipated, Wang Mengbin was unscathed, and a silver shield flew around him indefinitely.


A huge thunder sounded, and a silver lightning that was thicker than before fell from the sky and struck Wang Mengbin.

Wang Mengbin's face condensed, his **** lightly tapped, and the silver shield rose sharply, blocking him.

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