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Chapter 2012: Xuanyin Cave and Spirit Transformation Ghosts

The latest website: Two days later, Wang Changsheng and five people appeared in a vast black jungle. You can see a large number of black trees. The leaves are black, the trunks are covered with black thorns, and a thick black fog shrouded the sky above the dense forest. .

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Yu Xin, Feng Yao, and Yuan Shu stood under a towering ancient tree and were talking about something.

"Xuelinmu is in a Xuanyin cave, where there are certain restrictions on consciousness, and there are still many ghosts. I have prepared two Jin Yandu magic talismans. As long as there are no ghosts in the refining period, there should be no problem."

Feng Yao is full of confidence.

"Fellow Daoist, why didn't your ancestors take away the Xuelinmu when your ancestors discovered it? Were there ghosts guarding it at that time?"

Wang Changsheng wondered.

Feng Yao nodded and said solemnly: "Yes, at that time, the blood linden was just a seedling, and Xuanyin Cave was actually a large-scale Xuanyin mine. The yin was very heavy, and it was easy to breed ghosts. My ancestors discovered the blood linden. Later, a ban was set up, but after so many years, it is hard to say whether the ban exists, but one thing is certain, there must be a lot of ghosts in the Xuanyin Cave, and there may even be ghosts in the refining stage."

"If there are ghosts in the refining stage, let alone blood lini wood, our little lives are gone."

Yu Xin's brows were furrowed, the gap between Spirit Transformation and Void Refinement was too great. If there were ghosts in the Void Refinement period, they would be sent to death.

"Since Daoist Feng dares to hunt for treasures here, he should be prepared!"

Wang Changsheng said meaningfully, Feng Yao's ancestors have been to Xuanfeng Cave, and Xuanfeng Cave will only usher in a period of weakness for thousands of years. For such a long time, Feng Yao must have made some preparations.

Feng Yao nodded, flipped his left hand, a silver light flashed, and a silver talisman appeared in his hand, with amazing aura, and the surface of the talisman was covered with mysterious runes, vaguely forming a minifigure.

"The fifth-order talisman!"

Wang Ruyan said in surprise that there were not many talismans in the Spirit Transformation stage.

"That's right, it's the fifth-order talisman. I spent a lot of money on this mysterious talisman. I ordered it from the Seven-Star Merchant Alliance, plus the ghost hunter. Whether there is a ghost in the virtual period, just try it. Know."

Feng Yao said proudly, flipped his right hand, a black light flashed, and a black compass with no light and flickering appeared on his hand. The compass was engraved with a large number of scales and a golden pointer.

The low-grade Tongtian Lingbao Ghost Hunting Plate is an auxiliary treasure, mainly used to find ghosts.

As soon as he took out the black compass, the golden pointer on the surface of the black compass quickly turned, and the scale on the compass suddenly brightened. After a while, the golden pointer pointed to the depths of the jungle.

"Ghost-hunting disk? Fellow Daoist Feng, is your ghost-hunting disk reliable? In case something goes wrong."

Ape Shu looked suspicious.

"Fellow Daoist Monkey, don't worry, the ghost hunting disk is from the Shenbing Gate. I bought it at a huge cost. I have tried it many times, and there is no problem, but what you said is also reasonable. I plan to let Xuanzhen Fubing bring it with me. Seek the ghost plate to explore the Xuanyin Cave, if there is really a ghost in the refining stage, then forget it."

Feng Yao said unhurriedly, it was thousands of years ago that his ancestors entered Xuanfeng Cave, and so many years have passed, no one knows whether there are ghosts in the Xuanyin Cave, so it is better to be careful.

He injected mana into the silver talisman, and the silver talisman suddenly burst into a dazzling silver light, and the silver light dissipated, revealing a burly young man in silver shirt. .

Feng Yao's eyebrows shot a blue light, and the head of the young man in the silver shirt disappeared.

Feng Yao's wrist flicked, and a golden light flew out from the spirit beast bracelet. It was a golden beetle with four wings on its back, exposed fangs, seven silver spots on its abdomen, and a circle of lines on its tail. Breath, it is a fifth-order low-grade spirit worm.

"The seven-star worm is actually this kind of strange insect. I heard that this worm can release the seven-star divine light and restrain the monsters and ghosts."

Wang Changsheng said the origin and characteristics of the golden beetle. The seven-star bug ranked 155th on the list of ten thousand bugs. The seven-star divine light released restrained demons and ghosts. A ghost that is too tall, the Seven Star Insects may not be an opponent.

Feng Yao handed the ghost-hunting plate to the silver-shirted youth, the silver-shirted youth strode forward, and the seven-star bugs followed, Wang Changsheng and the five stayed where they were, with their spiritual senses wide open, paying close attention to the silver-shirted youth.

After walking for more than a hundred miles, the silver-shirted youth walked out of the black jungle, and a steep black giant peak suddenly appeared in front of him. At the foot of the mountain, there was a hole as large as a zhang, and a gust of wind blew from time to time.

The golden pointer on the ghost-hunting disk turned quickly, and finally the golden pointer stopped and pointed to the hole.

The silver-shirted youth walked into the cave, followed by the Seven Star Insects.

After a while, there was a loud explosion in the cave.

The spiritual consciousness of Wang Changsheng's five people is close to Xuanyin Cave, and they are subject to certain restrictions.

Wang Changsheng released the double-eyed mouse, a ray of distraction rested on the double-eyed mouse, and the eyes of the double-eyed mouse lit up with a dazzling yellow light.

He could clearly see that the young man in silver shirt was fighting with a group of ghosts. Most of these ghosts were in the form of monsters, and there were also some bone corpses.

The seven-star worm spurted out a golden glow, covering the ghost or the bone corpse, the ghost or the bone corpse let out a scream, and a burst of blue smoke rose, and the ghosts were swept into the seven-star worm's mouth by the golden glow and disappeared.

A Specter with an ape-headed bear body and a pair of cyan flesh wings on its back suddenly emerged from the stone wall, and slapped the silver-shirted youth with its sharp claws like a sickle.

With a muffled sound, the sharp claws slapped the silver-shirted youth, sparks flying everywhere.

A dazzling silver light burst out from the body of the silver-shirted youth, covering Li Gui, and Li Gui was unable to move.

A golden ray of light descended from the sky, covering the Specter, dragging him into the body of the Seven Star Insect and disappearing.

After dealing with Li Gui, the young man in silver shirt strode forward, and after a while, a black light curtain blocked his way, and there was a hideous grimace on the surface of the black light curtain.

The young man in the silver shirt breathed a sigh of relief and left with the Seven Star Insects.

A silver escaping light and a golden escaping light flew out of the Xuanyin Cave. Not long after, the two escaping lights landed in front of Wang Changsheng and the other five. It was the silver-shirted youth and the seven-star worm.

There are several long scratches on the back of the silver-shirted youth, and there are also several scratches on the body of the Seven Star Worm.

"It has been investigated, the ban is still there, there is no ghost in the refining stage, and the fifth-order ghost has been solved by the Seven Star Insects."

Feng Yao breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

"So easy?"

Wang Changsheng raised After so many years, even if there are no ghosts in the refining stage in Xuanyin Cave, the power of ghosts in the spirit-transforming stage is too weak!

"The Xuanzhen Talisman and the Seven Star Insects were specially prepared by me. In addition to the ghost hunting disk, it is very easy to find a ghost and destroy it. After all, it is not a ghost in the virtual refining period. Besides, the ban is still there, and the ghost hunting disk is not abnormal. , Fellow Daoist Shark has been thinking too much."

Feng Yao said indifferently, he has been preparing for many years, isn't it normal that the magical power of the Seven Star Insects restrains ghosts and easily destroys ghosts? If he has been preparing for so many years, it will still be difficult to deal with a spirit-transforming ghost, isn't it a waste of preparation?

"Fellow Daoist Shark, your suspicions are too serious. Fellow Daoist Feng came prepared. It's not normal for a fifth-order talisman to add a fifth-order seven-star worm to destroy a spirit-transforming ghost?"

Yu Xin said with some dissatisfaction.

"We still have to be careful, there are no major mistakes, there are many examples of capsizes in the gutter."

Wang Ruyan suggested. .

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