Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2016: Child and Mother Lock Amulet

The four Wang Changsheng nodded and agreed.

They have used their divine sense to scan several times, but have not found any other monsters.

The five people flew down into the huge valley, Feng Yao took out the array flag and started to form the array.

The double-eyed rat was lying on Wang Changsheng's shoulder, and Wang Changsheng had been paying attention to the giant beast in the cave.

The beasts seemed to be sleeping soundly, not paying attention to them.

After the formation is arranged, it is natural to send someone to lure this monster.

"I'm going to seduce this monster! But Daoist Shark, Mrs. Shaan, and Yuanshu will control the formation to trap this monster. I will pick the green luan fruit with Daoist Feng. This is a sixth-order monster, not a troublemaker. for fun."

Yu Xin volunteered and put forward conditions.

"How do I know if you will pick the green luan fruit and walk away? What if this demon escapes?"

Wang Changsheng said with a cold face, the heart of guarding against others is indispensable, and he does not fully trade wind and distance.

"I don't mind, but I forgot to tell you, I seem to have found the body of Venerable Xuanfeng."

Yuan Shu's words are amazing. Strictly speaking, Xuanfeng Dongtian is an independent space opened up by Master Xuanfeng, and it is also his seated cave residence, but his body and inheritance have not yet been found.

"What? Where is Venerable Xuanfeng's body?"

Yu Xin was surprised, with a look of displeasure on his face, Yuan Shu did not tell him about it.

"Really or not? Xuanfeng Dongtian has been around for so many years, maybe the body has been discovered long ago, but it's just kept secret."

Wang Changsheng didn't quite believe it. He suspected that there was something wrong with Yuanshu, so naturally he wouldn't believe his words.

Yuan Shu told the story again, but he did not say that he had been controlled by the purple soul corpse worm, but only said that he could not break the ban, so he joined them.

"In this case, after picking the Qingluan divine fruit, let's go to find the body of Venerable Xuanfeng. I hope fellow Daoist Ape's judgment is correct."

Feng Yao said solemnly, Master Xuanfeng is the pride of the Xuanying clan, with profound Taoism and great magical powers. He was famous in the past. If he can get the inheritance of Master Xuanfeng, it will be of great benefit for him to advance in the future.

"Let's do it! I'm here to lure the monster, you control the formation to trap this monster, and the talismans of Daoist Feng and I pick the green luan fruit, how do we know if you are united to harm us? Daoist Feng, you and Yu Daoist friends have known each other for a long time, don’t blame us for thinking too much.”

Wang Ruyan looked unhappy and proposed a compromise plan.

Wang Changsheng's mana is deep, so it is more appropriate to leave the control formation.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Yu Xin readily agreed.

Yuanshu and Fengyao didn't have any opinion either, they cast spells to hide, Wang Ruyan strode towards the cave.

The cave was not big, and after walking more than a hundred steps, she came to the end. A cave with a size of several acres appeared in front of her. A giant blue beast with a pair of blue antlers on its head was lying in the corner, as if it had fallen into a deep sleep.

As soon as Wang Ruyan appeared at the entrance of the cave, the giant beast seemed to notice it, its huge body moved and opened its eyes.


The blue giant beast let out an extremely angry roar, and each of its eyes shot a blue light, and it went straight to Wang Ruyan.

Wang Ruyan was prepared for a long time, opened Xingkou, let out a low drink, and a blue sound wave flew out and greeted him.

The blue sound wave collided with the two blue lights, and they both perished. A powerful air wave erupted, shaking down a large amount of gravel.

Wang Ruyan turned into a flash of light and flew out of the cave, the beast chasing after him.

Two blue lights brushed past Wang Ruyan and hit the ground. A blue layer of ice appeared on the ground immediately, and Wang Ruyan broke out in a cold sweat.

Wang Ruyan flew in the direction of the formation, and the blue giant beast made a loud roar. Wang Ruyan's face turned pale and fell from the sky. She was horrified to find that she could not mobilize her true essence.

The supernatural power of the blue behemoth reminded her of the Zhenling Roar of the Sea Ape.

Taking this opportunity, the blue giant opened its **** mouth, and a little blue light emerged from its mouth. The blue light flashed, and a blue glow swept out, covering Wang Ruyan.

At this moment, a deafening man shouted loudly, the blue glow suddenly dissipated, and the body of the blue behemoth trembled slightly.

Wang Ruyan also returned to normal, turned into a flash of light and flew high into the sky, two blue light hits from behind, she quickly avoided, the two blue light hit the stone wall, and the stone wall instantly formed a blue layer of ice.

The blue giant turned into a blue light and chased after it.

The ground suddenly burst open, and hundreds of azure lights flew out, gathered in one place in an instant, and turned into a thick azure light curtain, covering the blue giant beast.

The four Wang Changsheng appeared, each holding a cyan light flashing array plate in their hands.

"Friend Shark, Fellow Daoist Yu, and Fellow Daoist Monkey, let's control the formation to trap this monster for a moment, Mrs. Shark, you move faster."

Feng Yao told him to control the fifth-order talisman to walk towards the cave. .

"Be careful, ma'am."

Wang Changsheng warned and frowned.

He always felt that something was wrong, the process was too smooth, even if the sixth-order monster couldn't transform into a human form, it wouldn't be so stupid after years of hard work!

But the fact is in front of them, the sixth-order monsters are indeed trapped by their formation.

Wang Ruyan nodded and followed the fifth-order talisman towards the cave.

Wang Changsheng's majestic mana was injected into the array frantically, and bursts of green hurricanes blew up in the cyan light curtain, heading straight for the blue behemoth.

The eyes of the blue behemoth kept shooting out a blue light, and the blue hurricane was hit by the blue light and burst into pieces.

The double-eyed mouse was lying on Wang Changsheng's shoulder, and its eyes turned golden yellow.

Wang Changsheng could clearly see the situation in the cave. The fifth-order talisman took out a golden dharma disk and punched in several magic tricks. The golden dharma disk lit up with countless golden runes and spurted a thick golden light, hitting the golden dharma. above the light curtain.

Wang Ruyan opened his mouth and spewed out a blue sound wave, hitting the golden light curtain.

The ban has existed for tens of thousands of years, and it stands to reason that the power of the ban has been weakened. Even so, they attacked for a quarter of an hour, and the golden light curtain was still intact.

"Hurry up, we can't last long."

Yu Xin urged, with an anxious tone.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, step back and let me have a try!"

Wang Ruyan hesitated for a moment, then took out a Mingyue Bead, flicked with two fingers, the Mingyue Bead suddenly burst, and a large piece of Styx water splashed landed on the golden light curtain, golden The light curtain was instantly covered by a black layer of ice.

She spurted out another blue sound wave, the light curtain shattered instantly, and a simple stone room hundreds of feet in size appeared in front of them, a strong spiritual energy surged out, and a tall cyan fruit tree appeared in front of them.

The whole body of the fruit tree is flickering with blue light, and there are more than ten oval-shaped blue fruits hanging.

"Qingluan Divine Fruit!"

Wang Ruyan's expression was excited and his eyes were fiery.

Qingluan Divine Fruit is one of the top ten spiritual fruits in the Xuanyang world. If you touch it directly with your hands, the Qingluan Divine Fruit will melt in an instant. You must wear gloves made of silk spit by the Sapphire Silkworm King to keep the Qingluan completely. God fruit.

The fifth-order talisman took out a pair of light cyan gloves and put it on, flew to the Qingluan divine fruit tree, carefully grabbed a green luan divine fruit, twisted it lightly, and the fruit stalk broke.

He carefully picked more than ten green luan fruits and put them into more than ten jade boxes.

"You may not be able to enter the Xuanfeng Cave in the future. Let's divide the Qingluan fruit tree! It has grown for tens of thousands of years, but it is a good material for refining."

As the fifth-order talisman said, he took out a long sword with silver light and slashed towards the Qingluan fruit tree.

With a loud bang, the Qingluan fruit tree was cut off in the middle, and a talisman that flickered incessantly flew out. The surface of the talisman was covered with mysterious runes the size of tadpoles, and the aura was amazing.

"No, it's the child and mother's lock talisman, which is used to imprison the sixth-order monster."

Wang Ruyan seemed to think of something and exclaimed.

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