Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2024: Return and Tribute

The latest website: Time flies, fifty years have passed quickly.

Xuanyang Realm, the main altar of Zhenhai Palace.

In a dense green bamboo forest, a simple green bamboo building, Chen Yueying sat on a wooden bench, her eyebrows were wrinkled, Fang Ming stood beside her with a respectful expression.

"It's been more than 100 years since they disappeared, and there is still no news? Their natal soul lamp hasn't gone out!"

Chen Yueying frowned and said that she still values ​​Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan more, not because of their strength, but because their existence can save more spiritual platforms, which will help consolidate the power of the Ascension faction.

By convention, any high-level cultivator who joins Zhenhai Palace must leave his soul lamp.

"Junior Nephew Wang and Nephew Wang's natal soul lamps have not been extinguished, but they have been missing for more than two hundred years and may have been captured by aliens. This is not uncommon."

Fang Ming's face was embarrassed. If he knew this, he would transfer them to the inland and make offerings as mascots.

Just as Chen Yueying was about to say something, a blue paper crane about the size of a zhang flew in and landed in front of her.

Chen Yueying entered a magic formula, and the blue paper crane spit out a human voice: "Senior Sister Chen, are you convenient now? I have something to ask you."

"Junior Brother Yang is here, Fang Ming, go and invite him in!"

Chen Yueying ordered.

Fang Ming responded, turned around and walked out.

Outside the bamboo forest, a tall man in a blue shirt had his hands behind his back. The man's temperament was elegant, his hair was like ink lacquer, and he had a jade crown and a golden hairpin. His gestures and gestures gave him a taste of immortal style.

A blue light flew from a distance, and it didn't take long before the blue light landed in front of the man in the blue shirt, and the light disappeared, revealing the figures of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

They spent more than fifty years, spared a big circle, almost died at the hands of aliens several times, and after several toss and turns, they returned to the territory of the human race.

As soon as they returned to Zhenhai Palace, they planned to visit Chen Yueying.

"Disciple pays respects to Master Yang!"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan said in unison, bowing and salute.

After joining Zhenhai Palace, they have seen the portraits of many high-level people in Zhenhai Palace. The highest level may not know the people below, but the people below must know the highest level of Zhenhai Palace.

The young man in green shirt is called Yang Qinghua. In the middle of the integration, he is a seventh-order alchemist. He is the only alchemist in Zhenhai Palace who can refine the Nine Dragons Pill.

"Physical training is good, are you?"

Yang Qinghua was stunned for a moment. He had been practicing in seclusion before, and he had never seen Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

For a cultivator, it was normal to be in seclusion for 1,800 years, while Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan joined Zhenhai Palace for less than 500 years.

"Disciple Wang Changsheng (Wang Ruyan), we ascended from the Dongli Realm."

Wang Changsheng said truthfully, Yang Qinghua's ancestors ascended from the lower realms and belonged to the Ascension faction, and it is better to report his identity when facing his own people.

"It turns out that you are the two disciples who ascended from the lower realm. You are here to visit Senior Sister Chen!"

Yang Qinghua suddenly realized and said casually.

"Exactly, we got a few good things and want to ask Chen Shizu to open his eyes."

Wang Changsheng said sincerely, they got a lot of things from Xuanfeng Dongtian, the most precious thing is the high-grade Tongtian Lingbao, in addition, there are some high-year elixir, they plan to donate a few good things to Chen Yueying, Get yourself a good errand.

Yang Qinghua nodded and didn't think much about it. As a seventh-order alchemist, he had never seen any good things. The good things in the mouth of the cultivator of the gods could be better.

At this time, the spirit bamboo of the bamboo forest moved, and Fang Ming came out.

"Hey, Martial Nephew Wang and Martial Nephew Wang, you're back, and I just told Shizu Chen about you! Where have you been? Why have you been missing for nearly two hundred years?"

Fang Ming said in surprise.

"It's a long story, I'll talk about it later."

Wang Changsheng smiled bitterly, he didn't expect to leave Zhenhai Palace for such a long time.

"Master Yang, Master Chen invites you to come in, come in with you!"

Fang Ming invited them in, Yang Qinghua walked into the bamboo building and had a detailed talk with Chen Yueying, while Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stayed outside.

"Senior nephew Wang, where have you been all these years? You made Senior Brother Cai so anxious, he said that if it weren't for you, he wouldn't have escaped."

Fang Ming asked curiously.

"We followed Master Cai to rob and kill the aliens, but the reinforcements of the aliens arrived soon, and we had to run for our lives..."

Wang Changsheng briefly talked about their experiences over the years, but he concealed some things, such as he went to Xuanfeng Dongtian and Xuangui Zhenjun's Zuohua Dongfu.

Fang Ming's face showed an expression of sudden realization, and he said with a chuckle: "It turns out that it's hard for you. After you disappeared, Senior Brother Cai sent someone to look for you, but unfortunately they didn't find you. If Senior Brother Cai knew that you had returned safely, he would be very happy. ."

"We came back by detour, otherwise we should go to Jinchan Island to report to Master Cai."

Wang Changsheng explained quickly.

"It's nothing, just come back."

Fang Ming said disapprovingly, if Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan hadn't sacrificed a heavy water thunderball, Cai Yunfeng might not have been able to escape.

"By the way, Uncle Fang, we haven't been in these years, what happened to Xuanling Continent?"

Wang Changsheng asked casually.

Fang Ming didn't hide it either, and told him what he knew. Qin Ming and Li Yaoyao entered the virtual refining period, and the aliens made frequent troubles at the border, killing and injuring many cultivators.

Qin Ming and Li Yaoyao are the rising stars of the Ascension faction, and they are also the key training objects of the Ascension faction. It is normal for them to enter the Void Refinement Stage.

After chatting for a cup of tea, Yang Qinghua walked out of the bamboo building, and Chen Yueying's voice suddenly came out: "Fang Ming, send a gift to Junior Brother Chen, Junior Nephew Wang, Junior Nephew Wang, come in, I have something to ask you. ."

Fang Ming responded and sent Yang Qinghua away in person, while Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked into the bamboo building.

"Disciple pays respects to Master Chen."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan bowed and saluted with respectful expressions.

"Why have you been missing for so many years? Where have you been?"

Chen Yueying asked knowingly. Fang Ming and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were talking outside the door just now, and she naturally heard it clearly.

Wang Changsheng repeated it He took out a beautiful cyan jade box, handed it to Chen Yueying, and said respectfully, "This disciple got a treasure in a forbidden area, and this treasure fell into the hands of the disciple like a pearl. It's better to leave it to Master Chen."

Chen Yueying didn't take it seriously. When she opened the jade box, a burst of dazzling blue light swept out, and the blue light dissipated, revealing a sparkling blue bead.

Wang Changsheng got a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao and two middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao in Xuanfeng Cave. This Xuanfeng Pearl is the life-changing magic weapon of Master Xuanfeng. Wang Changsheng wants to make a deal with this treasure.

"High-grade Tongtian Lingbao! Where did you get it?"

Chen Yueying was surprised that a low-grade Tongtian Lingbao is worth tens of millions of spiritual stones, and a high-grade Tongtian Lingbao sells for more. Tongtian Lingbao.

"The disciple was lucky enough to enter Xuanfeng Cave, and what he got from it was chased and killed by aliens, and he almost died."

Wang Changsheng said at the end, with a lingering expression on his face.

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