Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2033: expatriate assignment

Latest website: He is the head of this stronghold, and all disciples must obey his orders.

It is rumored that there is green gang jade silver appearing somewhere, and the green gang jade silver can be used to condense the Dharma. .

"Master, this disciple is about to report to you that they have already been killed, and the soul lamp of their life has been extinguished. If you count the time, they were killed two years after leaving Xuanyue Mountain."

A silver bell-like female voice came from the cyan compass.

"What? Their natal soul lamp went out? Has anyone sent someone to find them? The natal soul lamp sometimes makes mistakes, and it is not absolutely reliable."

Chen Haotian's face became ugly, his two disciples were not weak, otherwise he wouldn't have sent them out, and died inexplicably, he was really annoyed.

"People have been sent to look for them. According to the investigation of the Law Enforcement Hall, they died before they reached their destination. The reason is unknown, but the people who dared to kill our Zhenhai Palace are definitely not ordinary people. Maybe it was done by other sects, by the way. , two cultivators were transferred from the main altar, and they were personally recommended by Uncle Fang of the Deacon Hall. They said that they had something to see the master, what do you think?"

Chen Haotian pursed his lips and said, "I'm not in the mood to see them right now. Please pay attention to the sixth-order healing pills, which have damaged a lot of vitality for Shidu's great catastrophe. You need to rest, and don't disturb my cultivation."

The sixth-order healing pills are not Chinese cabbage. The sixth-order pills in his hand have been used up, and he can only buy them or exchange them with good deeds. But he is here mainly to overcome the great catastrophe. Can buy.

"Yes, Master."

Putting away the cyan compass, Chen Haotian sighed and said solemnly, "When the old man recovers, he must investigate this matter himself. The old man wants to see who dares to kill the old man's disciple."

As soon as Chen Haotian's tactic was pinched, countless cyan runes lit up on his body, and a layer of cyan glow emerged from his body, protecting his body.


Three months passed quickly.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the futon, his eyes were closed, and a blue glow shrouded his body.

After a while, he seemed to notice something, the glow on his body dissipated, and he opened his eyes.

Wang Changchang sighed, got up and walked out.

Wang Sen stood at the door, holding a storage ring in his hand.

"The Taiyang real person of Taiyang Sect has entered the integration period! Banquets from all over the world."

Wang Sen brought back a major news, Taiyang Sect is a newly rising sect, founded by Taiyang real people and developed for more than 4,000 years.

"Taiyang Sect! Taiyang real person!"

Wang Changsheng's face showed a thoughtful expression, he had naturally heard of Taiyang Zhenren.

Taiyang Zhenren is a cultivator who ascended from the lower realm. He did not join any forces. He established the Taiyang sect by himself and developed it for more than 4,000 years.

For more than 4,000 years, Taiyang Daoist entered the fusion stage from the God Transformation stage. This cultivation speed is fast. Chen Haotian has been in the virtual refining stage for more than 3,000 years, but he is only in the middle stage of virtual refining.

"Go back to practice! I hope to enter the Divine Transformation Stage as soon as possible."

Wang Changsheng waved his hand, and Wang Sen withdrew.

Wang Changsheng walked into the refining room and started refining.

He threw the Fire Rock Divine Crystal in mid-air, and opened his mouth to spew out mysterious jade ice flames, wrapping the Fire Rock Divine Crystal, and a burst of blue smoke appeared, making a "Zizz" sound.

At this moment, a sound transmission flew in, Wang Changsheng frowned, his sleeves rolled up, and the mysterious jade ice flame turned into a white light and flew back to his sleeves and disappeared.

He crushed the sound transmission, and Wang Ruyan's voice suddenly sounded: "Husband, Uncle Chen asked us to come over and summon us for something."

They have come to this stronghold for more than 80 years. Chen Haotian was in retreat and practiced before, and now he has summoned them.

Wang Changsheng put away the refining materials and walked out.

Wang Ruyan stood at the door with a solemn expression.

"Ma'am, why did Uncle Chen suddenly summon us?"

Wang Changsheng wondered.

Wang Ruyan shook her head and said, "I don't know. Senior Sister Liu told me that it seems to be in a hurry. Let's rush over immediately."

"Let's go! Don't make Chen Shishu wait."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan left their residence and went to Qingyun Peak.

After a cup of tea, they came to Qingyun Peak and met Chen Haotian successfully.

A young woman with picturesque features stood aside. The young woman was wearing a moon-white fish scale skirt, goose-yellow satin shoes, a towering jade peak, a slender waist and a raised hip.

Liu Yuning, the young disciple of Chen Haotian in the early days of God Transformation.

"Disciple Wang Changsheng (Wang Ruyan) pays respects to Master Chen."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan bowed and saluted, and said in unison.

Wang Changsheng took out a sparkling blue shell, handed it to Chen Haotian, and said respectfully, "Uncle Chen, this is what Uncle Fang asked me to bring to you."

Chen Haotian took the blue shell and injected mana, the blue shell suddenly brightened, and Fang Ming's voice suddenly sounded: "Junior Brother Chen, they are disciples who have ascended from the lower realm, take good care of them."

"Which interface did you ascend from?"

Chen Haotian asked curiously.

"East fence world."

Wang Changsheng answered truthfully.

Chen Haotian nodded, he took out a lacquered gold invitation, handed it to Wang Changsheng, and instructed: "The suzerain of Taiyang Sect has entered the integration period and held a celebration. I have some friendship with Taiyang Zhenren, and he sent someone to deliver it to me. An invitation, I have no time to be cloned, you run for me, if I can get back the sixth-order healing medicine, I will be rewarded."

He took out an exquisite golden jade box and a golden storage ring, handed it to Wang Changsheng, and said, "This is a piece of Yanyang wood that is 30,000 years old. Resources, let's see if you can change to the sixth-order healing pill."

Wang Changsheng took the jade box and the storage ring and agreed.

"Uncle Chen, is it just the two of us? Can we bring other people? For example, my two sons."

Wang Changsheng hesitated for a moment and asked cautiously.

To participate in the celebration of the real person in Taiyang, this is an opportunity to increase his knowledge, and he intends to bring his two sons to participate.

"Okay, be careful on the road. My two disciples were killed when they went out to work. I don't know if someone is targeting our Zhenhai Palace. You should be more careful."

Chen Haotian warned, his face dignified.

"Yes, Uncle Chen."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan agreed and bowed down.

"Master, is someone really targeting our Zhenhai Palace?"

Liu Yuning asked curiously.

"Who knows! This is just an old man's If your cultivation level is not too low, I will send you as a teacher. After so many years, Taiyang Zhenren has entered the integration period. The teacher is still in the middle stage of virtual practice."

At the end, Chen Haotian let out a long sigh.

"Master's cultivation speed has been very fast. It is estimated that there is a chance that Taiyang real person can enter the integration period! It is only a matter of time before the master enters the integration period."

Liu Yuning said in a pleasing tone.

"Don't be flattering, you still have self-knowledge for your teacher. Okay, you need to exercise for your teacher to heal your wounds. You should step down!"

Chen Haotian waved his hand, and Liu Yuning bowed and stepped back.

"How many cultivators have been stuck in a small realm for thousands of years, why don't I want to enter the integration period, this girl is right, there should be a great chance for Taiyang real person to enter the integration period, after the injury heals, the old man will resign and go out. It is enough to travel, continue to stay in Xuanling Continent, and the chance of advancing to the fusion stage is slim.”

Chen Haotian said to himself, his face dignified.

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