Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2038: Knife fist 1 blow, learn from each other

"Top of Qinglian (!

He also wanted to show his strength and let the representatives of other forces see the power of Taiyang Sect cultivator.

"The fists and feet have no eyes, and the three strokes are limited, and the click will stop."

Yang Hao said solemnly.

"Three moves are three moves, but this is not the place to fight, let's change it!"

Lu Shisan urged, his eyes frantic.

"Let's fight on the lake! Daoyou Lu has any magical powers, just use them."

Yang Hao jumped into the sky, flicked his sleeves, and a blue-colored array flag flew out, turning into a blue light, and disappeared into the bottom of the lake.

The lake surface suddenly swayed with ripples, a blue light passed by, and a blister-like blue water curtain appeared on the lake surface.

Lu Shisan jumped into the sky and said solemnly, "Young Daoist friend Yang, be careful, I won't let you go."

After saying this, he heard a loud chirping of a knife, Lu Shisan shrugged his shoulders, and a long aqua blue knife flew out from the scabbard, and the blade was covered with dragon scale-like spiritual patterns.

The low-grade Tongtian Lingbao Tianjiao Saber, a treasure that Lu Shisan spent a lot of money asking someone to build.

The Tianjiao knife fell on Lu Shisan's hand, and a deafening dragon roar was heard.

Lu Shisan's face sank, and he held the Tianjiao knife in both hands and slashed towards the void.

There was a harsh sound of breaking through the void, and a dazzling knife light swept out, illuminating a large area. Where the blue knife light passed, the lake surface quickly froze, and the ice layer quickly spread.

Yang Hao's vision turned blue, and he felt an aura of death, as if a **** mouth would swallow him up.

He didn't dare to be indifference, and quickly opened his mouth to spurt three red lights, which were impressively three red flags that flickered non-stop.

Soon, a sea of ​​red flames as large as a hundred miles drowned Yang Hao.

The blue sword light came to the red sea of ​​​​fire, the red fire flashed wildly, and suddenly gave up a passage, the blue sword light went straight to Yang Hao, approaching Yang Hao a hundred feet, the blue sword light stopped, and there was a sound Muffled sound, disappeared without a trace.

Lu Shisan frowned, the Tianjiao knife in his hand burst out with a dazzling blue light, he slashed towards the void again, the void oscillated and twisted, and a dazzling blue blade light swept out, and the blue blade light flew more than ten miles away. Later, it turned into a huge blue giant tiger.

The blue giant tiger opened its **** mouth and rushed towards Yang Hao, with a posture of wanting to swallow him.

"Knife gasification shape!"

Wang Changsheng had a thoughtful expression on his face. Compared with Jian Xiu, Dao Xiu didn't have many attacking moves. Dao Xiu talked about breaking all methods with one sword, and he didn't do anything like sword formations.

Yang Hao's tactic changed, and a dazzling fire broke out in the sea of ​​​​fire, and the fire rose sharply. After a blur, it turned into a red dragon with a length of more than 100 feet, and rushed towards the blue giant tiger.

The blue giant tiger collided with the red flood dragon, and a powerful air wave suddenly erupted.

The Scarlet Flood Dragon was obviously not the opponent of the Blue Giant Tiger, and it was defeated after a few rounds. The Blue Giant Tiger also shrunk a lot, and the Blue Giant Tiger went straight to Yang Hao.

A dazzling red light burst out from Yang Hao's body, covering a radius of several hundred meters. The blue giant tiger was covered by the red light, and he couldn't move. The sea of ​​red fire rolled violently, and suddenly drowned the red giant tiger.

"Taiyang Forbidden Light! This is the unique supernatural power of Taiyang Art of the three major towns of Taiyang Sect. It is said that it is cultivated to the extreme, and it can be fixed even if it is connected to Tianlingbao."

Deng Yibo said with a smile.

Lu Shisan took a deep breath, and the majestic mana was injected into the Tianjiao Saber.

He waved the Tianjiao knife and slashed towards the void.

The void lit up with a dazzling blue light, and thousands of blue sword qi swept out, turning into a blue tornado, sweeping towards Yang Hao.

The blue tornado rushed into the sea of ​​red fire, and the sea of ​​red fire gave way, and the fire was greatly reduced.

The blue tornado arrived in front of Yang Hao, and hit Taiyang's forbidden light one after another.

With a loud rumbling sound, Taiyang Forbidden Light was like a broken mirror, breaking inch by inch, and Yang Hao was swept into the blue tornado by a powerful airflow.

A dazzling red flame suddenly lit up, and the blue tornado disappeared.

Yang Hao's face was disgraced, and there were several holes in his robe, which made him look a little embarrassed.

Obviously, he did not cultivate Taiyang's forbidden light to the extreme, and was broken by Lu Shisan.

"Young Daoist friend, it is accepted, which other Daoist friend is willing to enlighten me."

Lu Shisan's eyes fell on Long Yunxin. The master of Tiandaomen was a late-stage cultivator, and there was no integrated cultivator.

He is very eager to learn from the children of famous sects and improve himself in the fight.

If Long Yunxin doesn't see it, he naturally won't discuss with others casually. Lu Shisan may be a little famous in Tiandaomen, but he is still far from the elite disciples of famous schools. Long Yunxin disdains to discuss with Lu Shisan. .

Losing face is humiliating, and winning is something that others take for granted. The Dragon family is not something that Tiandaomen can compare.

"Friend Wang Daoist, I have heard for a long time that your disciples of Zhenhai Palace are very powerful. Are you interested in learning with Daoyou Lu?"

Long Yunxin looked at Wang Changsheng and asked with a smile.

"If you are interested in Daoist Long, you can compete with Daoist Lu."

Wang Changsheng's tone was flat, winning was no good, he was not interested.

It is his own way for Lu Shisan to learn from others. Learning from others is a way of cultivation, which may not be the case with other monks.

Wang Changsheng lost to Lu Shisan, which is because Lu Shisan has great powers. If he wins, others will say that Zhenhai Palace is full of talents. He is no longer young, and it is not worth it for a false name.

"This is 1,000 catties of mysterious jade real water, fifth-order spiritual water, and alchemy equipment is all right. Adding some mysterious jade real water when refining ice-type medicine pills or magic weapons can improve the medicinal effect of the medicine pill or the power of the magic weapon. "

Lu Shisan took out a white jade bottle and said loudly.

The world is bustling, for the benefit of exchanges, and if he wants the master to learn from him, he must come up with some good things.

"Wang asked fellow Daoist Lu for one or two lessons, please advise."

Wang Changsheng's voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Changsheng turned into a little blue light and disappeared.

A certain piece of void lit up with blue light, and after a blur, it turned into the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng needed fifth-order spiritual water to assist in his cultivation. He got some Xuanyin real water in Xuanfeng Cave. In contrast, Xuanyu real water was more effective.

"Friend Wang Dao, please enlighten me."

Lu Shisan put away the jade bottle with a solemn expression.

Zhenhai Palace is one of the leading sects of the human race in the Xuanling Continent, and it must be extraordinary that the spiritual monks who can be sent to participate in the Taiyang Reality Celebration.

Wang Changsheng nodded, the body surface lit up with a dazzling blue light, and there was a "crackling" bone sound, and the body more than doubled in height.

Wang Changsheng is in the middle stage of God Transformation, but his mana is relatively abundant, and Lu Shisan is also in the middle stage of God Transformation.

His right fist was wearing a blue trap, with blue scales all over the surface, and the aura was astonishing.

A little blue light appeared all over Wang Changsheng's body, his right fist smashed towards the void, the void oscillated and distorted, and there was a piercing sound of breaking through the air.

Countless blue waters emerged out of thin air and gathered on Wang Changsheng's arm. After a blur, it turned into a giant blue fist several hundred feet in size, heading straight for the opposite side.

Where the blue giant fist passed, the void was twisted and deformed, and it seemed to be torn apart.

Lu Shisan felt the amazing momentum of the blue giant fist, his face condensed, and he secretly said in his heart: "As expected of a disciple of Zhenhai Palace."

The giant blue fist soon came to him, and Lu Shisan waved the Tianjiao knife and slashed at the giant blue fist.

A sky-high sword energy swept out and slashed towards the blue giant fist.

With a loud bang, Qingtian Daoqi slashed the blue giant fist in half, and the water splashed around.

A certain drop of sea water suddenly brightened and turned into the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng suddenly appeared behind Lu Shisan, his right fist lit up with a dazzling blue light and smashed at Lu Shisan.

Lu Shisan was shocked, and instinctively swung the Tianjiao knife, slashing at Wang Changsheng's fist.

"not good."

Lu Shisan slashed out, and he regretted it. Even if Wang Changsheng was a body cultivator, he couldn't forcefully connect the Heavenly Spirit Treasure! If the palms of the disciples of Zhenhai Palace were cut off during the competition, it would be troublesome.

At this time, the Tianjiao knife had already collided with Wang Changsheng's fist.

There was a muffled sound of "keng", sparks scattered, and a long knife mark appeared on the surface of the blue glove.

Lu Shisan felt a towering mountain hit him, and his body flew out like a kite with a broken string, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Yang Hao and other cultivators were shocked. They felt that Wang Changsheng's strength should not be weak. They didn't expect Wang Changsheng to be a spiritual practitioner.

Body cultivators are inherently powerful, and being approached by the same level of physique cultivation is a very dangerous thing.

Long Yunxin's eyes flashed with surprise. Others didn't know the situation of Zhenhai Palace, but he was very clear.

The Long family has a special intelligence department, which is responsible for collecting intelligence on major forces, including Zhenhai Palace.

There are no more than ten cultivators in Zhenhai Palace, and there is no one disciple named Wang Changsheng. Could it be the newly promoted cultivator of Zhenhai Palace? I guess so.

"Haha, I'm happy, I didn't expect that Daoyou Wang is still a body cultivator. This bottle of Xuanyu True Water belongs to you. I wonder if Daoyou Wang can take me a knife?"

Lu Shisan laughed, threw the jade bottle to Wang Changsheng, and said with fiery eyes.

Losing to a god-turning-stage body cultivator would not be ashamed for him to lose.

Wang Changsheng caught the jade bottle and opened the cork. A piercing chill surged out. A large amount of white ice debris appeared in the void, and the temperature in the vicinity suddenly dropped.

"Okay, fellow Daoist Lu, feel free to take action."

Wang Changsheng agreed and put away the jade bottle.

Lu Shisan opened his mouth and spewed out a red light, which was a long red sword about five feet long. A miniature dragon was engraved on the body of the sword, in the shape of a cloud.

Yan Jiao Dao, Lu Shisan's natal magic weapon, a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

He had never used this treasure against an enemy, this was the first time.

"Yanjiao knife? Isn't this the treasure of the three major sects of Tiandaomen? Why is it in the hands of fellow Daoist Lu?"

Deng Yibo was surprised.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Lu is the next Sect Master of Tiandao Sect. No wonder he will come with the Sect Master of Tiandao Sect in person."

Yang Hao's face froze, and he said slowly.

There are three treasures in Tiandaomen, one of which is the Yanjiao knife. The Yanjiao knife has not yet recognized the owner. At this time, it appeared in the hands of Lu Shisan, and Lu Shisan followed the Tiandaomen door to participate in the celebration. It is obviously the candidate for the next door owner of Tiandaomen.

Yang Hao finally understood why Lu Shisan wanted to compete with others. It was estimated that he wanted to show his strength and take this opportunity to publicize his identity as the next Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

The Taiyang Sect held a celebration for the real person of Taiyang, and the guests gathered. If Lu Shisan defeated the heroes, it would be beneficial for him to succeed the sect master in the future.

A deafening dragon roar sounded, and the red dragon on Yan Jiao Dao Dao seemed to have come to life.

From a distance, it looks like a red dragon swimming in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Lu Shisan took a deep breath and poured the majestic mana into the Yan Jiao knife, his face quickly paled.

Wang Changsheng's physical body can resist the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, but can he resist the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao?

Lu Shisan shouted loudly, and the flame of the Yan Jiao Dao rose sharply, and he let go, like a dragon entering the sea, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Countless red flames emerged from the Scarlet Jiaodao, which turned into a sea of ​​red fire with a radius of hundreds of miles.

In the eyes of others, a red volcano went straight to Wang Changsheng, and where the sea of ​​red fire passed, the void vibrated and twisted, and there was a tearing attack.

Wang Changsheng's face condensed, and the magic trick was pinched, and a little blue light emerged from the void, turning into a blue lake more than ten miles in size, protecting him inside.

The sea of ​​red fire came oncoming, a large amount of seawater evaporated, and the white mist billowed.

The Yan Jiao Dao came straight towards Wang Changsheng, as if it was about to cut Wang Changsheng in half.

Wang Changsheng snorted softly, took out the Jiujiao Drum, released blue light with both hands, and smashed it towards the drum surface.

One after another dragon roars sounded, and nine blue flood dragons kept walking on the drum surface, making a series of deafening roars, and a series of blue sound waves swept out and greeted them. Lu Shisan took a deep breath and poured the majestic mana into the Yan Jiao knife, his face quickly paled.

Wang Changsheng's physical body can resist the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, but can he resist the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao?

Lu Shisan shouted loudly, and the flame of the Yan Jiao Dao rose sharply, and he let go, like a dragon entering the sea, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Countless red flames emerged from the Scarlet Jiaodao, which turned into a sea of ​​red fire with a radius of hundreds of miles.

In the eyes of others, a red volcano went straight to Wang Changsheng where the sea of ​​red flames passed, the void vibrated and twisted, and there was a tearing attack.

Wang Changsheng's face condensed, and the magic trick was pinched, and a little blue light emerged from the void, turning into a blue lake more than ten miles in size, protecting him inside.

The sea of ​​red fire came oncoming, a large amount of seawater evaporated, and the white mist billowed.

The Yan Jiao Dao came straight towards Wang Changsheng, as if it was about to cut Wang Changsheng in half.

Wang Changsheng snorted softly, took out the Jiujiao Drum, released blue light with both hands, and smashed it towards the drum surface.

One after another dragon roars sounded, and nine blue flood dragons kept walking on the drum surface, making a series of deafening roars, and a series of blue sound waves swept out and greeted them.

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