Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2059: Qinglian industry fire extinguishes the enemy, Long Xin negotiates peace

The sound of "keng" clashing between gold and iron sounded, and the giant sword was smashed by the dragon's claws, turned into nine blue glass swords and flew out. The nine blue glass swords didn't fly far before suddenly stopped , surrounded Long Xin and the blue-robed old man.

The nine azure glass swords swayed one after another, and there were bursts of clear and loud sword sounds.

"Sword formation!"

The blue-robed old man exclaimed, looking nervous.

In a muffled sound of "chi chi", the nine azure swords spewed slender cyan sword threads one after another, weaving them into a huge cyan sword net, and heading towards the blue-robed old man and Long Xin.

The blue-robed old man turned pale with fright, his sleeves flicked, and a blue ball the size of a pigeon egg flew out.

He entered a magic formula, and the blue ball suddenly released a blue light, releasing a soft blue light, covering the blue-robed old man.

Long Xin let out a deafening dragon roar, and the golden light on his body shone into a huge golden dragon, heading straight for the cyan sword net.

The golden dragon collided with the cyan sword net, and there was a muffled sound of "kengkeng".

The golden Flood Dragon opened its **** mouth and spewed out a dazzling golden light, hitting the cyan sword net.

The blue-colored sword net shrank rapidly, and the blue-robed old man’s body swayed with ripples, like sea water. The blue-colored net pocket directly passed through his body, and the blue-robed old man’s body surface rose sharply with blue light, and he was not damaged. It was obviously a mysterious secret. technique.

At this moment, a cyan peacock wrapped in cyan flame descended from the sky and landed on the blue-robed old man.

The blue-robed old man let out an extremely painful scream, the blue ball burst into a dazzling blue light, and countless sea water rushed out, trying to put out the blue flame.

The blue flame is the Qinglian Karmic Fire, how could it be extinguished so easily.

The blue-robed old man's body swelled rapidly, bursting suddenly, countless blue flames splashed, and a mini Nascent Soul flew out towards Long Xin.

"Junior Brother Long save me."

Mini Yuanying panicked and shouted loudly.

The Golden Flood Dragon wanted to rescue him, but the Qinglian sword lashed out and slashed on the Golden Flood Dragon, with a muffled sound.

Just as the mini Yuanying approached the golden dragon a thousand feet, a cyan sword light descended from the sky, slicing it in half.

Wang Qingshan frowned, and he could naturally see that Long Xin didn't want to rescue him, otherwise he wouldn't have killed this person so easily. It is estimated that Long Xin used Wang Qingshan's hand to get rid of this person.

"Senior Brother Lan! Damn it, this seat is fighting with you."

The golden Jiaolong was furious and went straight to Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan snorted softly, pinched the magic trick, the cyan peacock spread its wings, and went straight to the golden dragon.

The golden Flood Dragon spewed out a golden light, tore through the air, and let out a piercing hissing sound, and instantly arrived in front of Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan slashed towards the void with his right hand, hitting the golden light, and a powerful air wave erupted, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

"Let's all take action together and help the master kill this person."

Liu Yu shouted loudly, looking anxious.

"No, you all stay away, I can deal with him, you don't shoot, to prevent this person from killing."

The golden dragon spit out the words, the dog will jump over the wall in a hurry, it really makes Wang Qingshan anxious, maybe Wang Qingshan will sacrifice the moon pearl, Shangguan Tianhong repeatedly warned that the Wang family has a big killer, and the demons also block it. not live.

Wang Qingshan's magic tactic turned into a cyan long rainbow and walked away, followed by Qinglianjian and Qinglijian, and the golden dragon was not afraid and chased after him.

An hour later, Wang Qingshan appeared above an endless green mountain range and stopped.

Not long after, a golden light came and stopped, it was Long Xin.

"There's no one here, fellow Daoist Long, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

Wang Qingshan said solemnly, he didn't intend to kill Long Xin, that would have stabbed the hornet's nest, and would make the Tianlanzong cultivators unite to deal with the Wang family. He killed a god-turning cultivator and was able to quell the Tianlanzong.

It's not that he didn't want to kill all the cultivators of Tianlan Sect, but he couldn't do it, so he could only suppress Tianlan Sect.

"How does Wang Daoyou want to solve this matter? I have never ordered the killing of your Wang family's children."

Long Xin frowned and asked.

"Murder to pay for life, debt to pay, our Wang family has killed hundreds of people, it is impossible to just forget, these people are directly or indirectly involved in this matter."

Wang Qingshan flicked his sleeve, and a blue jade slip flew out towards Long Xin.

Long Xin caught the jade slip, his consciousness swept away, his brows were wrinkled, he pondered for a moment, and said, "You killed Senior Brother Lan, this is too much, if you do anything to our Tianlan Sect cultivator, this seat will never follow suit. You are polite, it's better to turn the fight into a jade, we can give you a compensation, and by the way, severely punish the murderer, Daoyou Wang, how about we work together to invade other interfaces?"

How did Wang Qingshan come to Tianlan Realm? Most of them are Tongtian Lingbao who have broken the interface. If Wang Qingshan is willing to cooperate with Tianlan Sect, it will be more convenient.

"I'm not interested in invading other interfaces, killing people to pay for their lives. All murderers must die. This is a matter of principle."

Wang Qingshan's tone was serious.

"No problem, I can give you a part of the royal family's territory to help you develop, but you have to help me open the interface channel to other interfaces, as long as you agree to this condition, everything is negotiable, otherwise you won't talk, you will enter the main forum , as the sect master of Tianlan Sect, I always have to give an explanation to the people below."

Long Xin said word by word, Shangguan Tianhong and others have already searched the resources for cultivation in the Thousand Gourd Realm. There is nothing good. If you want to cultivate to the middle stage of God Transformation, you can only plunder the resources of cultivation in other interfaces. This is the fastest way. way.

"Which interface are you going to? I'm only responsible for opening it, but I won't participate in the war, and neither will our family."

Wang Qingshan said with a frown.

"We're going to the Ice Sea Realm. You can help me open an interface channel. I'll do the rest. Your Wang family doesn't need to get involved."

Long Xin said with confidence that he has colorful glass beads, which can maintain the stability of the interface channel.

"Ice Sea Realm? With your strength, you can't even open an interface channel?"

Wang Qingshan wondered.

"That place was sealed by the Ice Sea Realm, and ordinary means can't open it, only the special Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure can be opened, and there is a Heaven-shattering Spirit Blade in the Thousand Gourd Realm that can break through the interface, and later fell into the Demon Race. , Qinglian Immortal Companion killed the Demon Race, this treasure should be in your hands!"

Long Xin said word by word his eyes fixed on Wang Qingshan.

"I can open an interface channel for you, but you have to swear by your inner demon, and you must not target our royal family, and other cultivators must also swear by inner demon."

Wang Qingshan made a request. Only in this way can we ensure the safety of the Wang family in the Thousand Gourd Realm.

After hundreds of years of development, the Wang family's cultivators in the Thousand Gourd Realm have reached 50,000. It is obviously unrealistic to bring so many cultivators back to the Dongli Realm. All eggs cannot be put in one basket. housed in an interface.

Once faced with a catastrophe, it is easy to be exterminated, and they can be placed separately, which can minimize the risk.

"I can leave an oath on the forbidden book of Tianlan, and other cultivators may not listen to me. It is impossible for me to order them to kill your royal family. Your royal family can't stand me. You want them to leave an oath. , you go to convince them yourself, if you kill, then I can't guarantee that they will do anything crazy."

Long Xin said slowly, his eyes solemn.

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