Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2061: Ice Sea Realm, True Monarch Blood Knife

In Tianlan Realm, Tianlei Valley is located in the northwest of Tianlan Realm, where there are many thunder and lightning forces, so it is named Tianlei Valley.

With Tianlei Valley as the center, a radius of 100,000 miles was blocked by the Tianlan Sect cultivator.

Tianleigu, Long Xin and other seven god-turning cultivators gathered here, and they were discussing something.

"Sect Master Junior Brother, does this really lead to the Ice Sea Realm?"

A potbellied golden-robed old man frowned and said with suspicion in his eyes.

If they can open an interface channel, they can lead the team to enter the Ice Sea Realm and plunder the resources of the Ice Sea Realm for cultivation.

"I checked a lot of ancient books, this is the place, but the cultivator of the ice sea has reinforced the seal, ordinary treasures can't be broken, only the Tongtian Lingbao who can break the interface can do it. Take the lead."

Long Xin said nonchalantly, even if the interface channel was opened, he would not go there immediately, but sent a group of disciples to go there first, and he would go there in person after confirming that there was no problem.

"Jianzun Qinglian's magical power is not weak. If this person is willing to cooperate with us, it will be smoother to win the Ice Sea Realm."

The golden-robed old man sighed.

A beautiful young woman in a green skirt shook her head and said, "There was a chance, but unfortunately, the disciples below did not hesitate to kill the cultivators of the Wang family in order to compete for the resources of cultivating immortals. It is normal that Qinglian Jianzun refuses to cooperate with us."

"Hmph, our disciples are wrong, but the Wang family is right? They occupy such a large territory, and it's fine to form sects, but they won't surrender to us. Qinglian Xianlu has not shown up for hundreds of years. I thought they were not in the lower realm. Who would have thought that another Qinglian Sword Master would appear."

"That's right, if you want me to say, if it wasn't for Senior Brother Shangguan and the others taking away a lot of Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures, we wouldn't be able to beat Qinglian Sword Master. If you give me four or five Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures, it's hard to say who wins and who loses."

Long Xin frowned, what they said was the truth, but the strong in the immortal world were respected, and the big fist was the truth. They had few heaven-penetrating treasures in their hands. make concessions.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Wang is here, don't say anything that affects unity."

Long Xin looked towards the sky in the distance, and the other cultivators looked towards the sky one after another.

A blue-colored Changhong appeared in the distant sky. Not long after, the blue-colored Changhong fell over the Sky Thunder Valley, and the light disappeared, revealing the figure of Wang Qingshan.

"Friend Wang Dao, you are finally here, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Long Xin said enthusiastically, and flew over.

Wang Qingshan's consciousness was wide open, and he was relieved after confirming that there was no ambush.

"Friend Long, where is the space node? I'll see if I can split it."

Wang Qingshan went straight to the point. He did not intend to waste time. Once the Tianlan Sect invaded the Ice Sea Realm, he would return to the Thousand Gourd Realm and return to the Dongli Realm with some of his clansmen.

The golden-robed old man turned his hand and took out a small and exquisite golden bronze mirror, pointed it at the void, and after the mirror lit up with countless golden runes, a golden glow swept out and went straight to the sky.

The golden rays of light hit the void somewhere, and there were ripples like water ripples in the void.

Wang Qingshan's face sank, his right hand turned, a flash of light flashed, the Heaven-shattering Spirit Blade appeared in his hand, and he slashed towards the void.

A dazzling silver long rainbow swept out, and wherever it passed, there was a harsh roar from the void, as if thunder was rolling, and a powerful air wave swept out.

The silver Changhong hit the place where the golden glow was, and the void made a "humming" roar, shaking violently, and suddenly tore apart, a crack more than ten feet long appeared, and a fierce astral wind swept out. .

The eyes of Long Xin and others all showed joy and excitement.

At this moment, the crack suddenly healed quickly, as if it had never appeared.

Wang Qingshan frowned, it seemed that there was indeed a strong seal, no wonder Long Xin and others couldn't open it.

He took a deep breath, and the mana poured into the Heaven-shattering Spirit Blade like a flood, and the Heaven-shattering Spirit Blade suddenly burst into a dazzling aura, which was very conspicuous.

With a sound of "whoosh", the Heaven-shattering Spirit Slashing Blade turned into a dazzling aura and headed straight for the void. Wherever it passed, the air was torn apart, making a piercing sound of eardrums, leaving a bright white trace.

The Heaven-shattering Spirit Blade slashed in the void where the golden glow was, and the void immediately made a "humming" roar, and it tore apart again, with a crack of more than one hundred feet long.

"Open it for me!"

Wang Qingshan shouted loudly, the magic formula changed, the aura of the Heaven-shattering Spirit Blade rose again, and the crack suddenly expanded.

"Fellow Daoist Long, it is now."

Wang Qingshan urged, and when he flipped his right hand, the Qinglian sword appeared in his hand. He was always on guard against Long Xin and others. Even if he signed an oath on the Tianlan forbidden book, he would not believe them casually.

Long Xin flipped his right hand, a burst of colorful rays of light passed by, and the colorful glass beads appeared on his hand. With a flick of his wrist, the colorful glass beads turned into a seven-color aura and flew towards the crack.

After the colorful glass beads reached the crack, a burst of dazzling seven-color aura suddenly burst out. The void vibrated and distorted violently, making a roar of "boom", and the crack continued to expand, forming a circular crack with a diameter of one hundred meters.

"Liu Yu, send someone over immediately, be careful."

Long Xinan resisted the excitement in his heart and commanded.

Liu Yu responded with a big hand, and several Nascent Soul cultivators and more than a dozen cultivators of Pill Formation gave him defenses and flew towards the circular crack.

Long Xin and others looked at the circular crack with different expressions.

Wang Qingshan knew that the space node from the Thousand Gourd Realm to the Tianlan Realm was free. Long Xin was not sure that this space node would definitely lead to the Ice Sea Realm. interface channel.

It didn't take long for the team of Tianlanzong cultivators to disappear into the circular crack.

They waited quietly. Long Xin kept the soul lamps of the disciples who were in the lead. Long Xin knew immediately if anyone in the vanguard suffered casualties.

"Friend Wang Dao, just leave these small matters to the people below. Let's find a place to have tea and chat!"

Long Xin suggested.

Wang Qingshan did not refuse and agreed.

The cultivators who were present flew towards a steep hill not far away. They took out the tea table and tea set and made tea to chat.

"Wang Daoyou didn't return to Dongli Realm? How about Qinglian Immortal Companion?"

Long Xin asked seemingly casually, and he was even more afraid of Qinglian Immortal Companion.

"Nine uncles and nine aunts are very good, don't bother Daoist Laolong."

Wang Qingshan's expression was calm, and he didn't seem to be lying.

If nothing else, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan should have ascended to the spiritual world. Of course, he couldn't tell Long Xin and others.

As long as Long Xin and others could not confirm the whereabouts of Qinglian Immortal Companion, they would not dare to target the Wang family too much.

"By the way, how about fellow Daoist Shangguan? I heard that he hasn't shown up for many years."

Wang Qingshan asked with a half-smile but not a smile.

"Senior brother Shangguan went out to travel, I don't know when he will be back."

Long Xin said vaguely that Shangguan Tianhong and Qinglian Xianlu followed the tool spirit to the spiritual world, but no one could guarantee that there would be an accident in the middle.

The hearts of Long Xin and Wang Qingshan were like mirrors, they looked at each other and smiled, not saying anything.

Three days passed quickly, and the disciples of Tian Lanzong entered the circular crack in batches. Some of the disciples' life-soul lamps were extinguished, and most of them were not yet extinguished.

This day Wang Qingshan and other eight cultivators were chatting.

Liu Yu flew from a distance and landed in front of Long Xin, looking anxious.

"Friend Wang Daoyou is not an outsider, if you have something to say, just say it!"

Long Xin ordered.

"Master, the monks in the ice sea world are almost dead. It is said that they were sacrificed in blood by several monks."

Liu Yu's tone was serious. The leading troops came to other interfaces, and while establishing a stable interface channel, they sent people to investigate the situation in this world.

After investigation, they got a terrifying news. More than a thousand years ago, the blood knife faction in the ice sea world revived. Under the leadership of the blood knife true monarch, the blood knife faction united many forces to destroy the most powerful force in the ice sea world, the Ximen family. , After many years of war, the ice sea world was unified.

Under the banner of invading other interfaces, the True Monarch Blood Knife invited the masters of the major forces to gather together to discuss the war, and when the masters gathered in one place, the True Monarch Blood Knife activated the ancient Great Array of Ten Directions Blood Slaughter Array, and sacrificed many gods in blood. and hundreds of Yuanying monks.

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