Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2075: The old people are sitting in succession, the will of Qingling

The Shuanglong Sea is located in the northwest corner of the Heiluo Realm. There used to be two fifth-order evil dragons. They harmed the world and cultivators. Later, Zhenjun Heiluo killed these two evil dragons with his supernatural powers.

In order to commemorate the achievements of True Monarch Heluo, the local demons renamed this sea area Shuanglong Sea Area.

In the northwest corner of the Shuanglong sea area, two escaping lights appeared in the distant sky. Not long after, two escaping lights appeared over a deserted island. The escaping lights converged, revealing the figures of Ye Haitang and Fang Mu.

After leaving the Demon Falling Cave, they found a safe place and let Mu Dieyi refine the Heavenly Demon Pill. After getting the Heavenly Demon Pill, they parted ways with Mu Dieyi and came here, planning to hit the Spirit Transformation Stage here.

"It's pretty good here, let's hit the Divine Transformation Stage here!"

Ye Haitang suggested.

Fang Mu nodded and said, "I'll protect the law for you. You first hit the spirit transformation stage, and when you enter the spirit transformation stage, then protect the law for me."

Ye Haitang is an array mage. If she enters the spirit transformation stage, she can arrange a more powerful array.

With a flick of Ye Haitang's sleeves, hundreds of gleaming black array flags flew out, and when the magic trick was pinched, the hundreds of gleaming black array flags suddenly turned into hundreds of black lights and disappeared into the ground.

She flipped her right hand, and a black nine-pointed array disk appeared in her hand, and entered several magic tricks.

A dark mist suddenly formed on the ground, covering the entire island.

Ye Haitang and Fang Mu flew into the black fog, the black fog rolled violently, and slowly disappeared, and the entire island disappeared.


Dongli Realm, Taiyi Immortal Gate.

As the sun sets in the west, the afterglow of the sunset glows all over the Taiyi Immortal Gate, as if putting a golden cloak on the Taiyi Immortal Gate.

In a quiet courtyard, Wang Qingshan and Wang Qingqing were sitting in a blue stone pavilion. Wang Qingqing was full of white hair, and her life span was running out.

It has been more than 100 years since Wang Qingshan returned to Dongli Realm. The Taiyi Immortal Sect sent a large number of people, but they were unable to find the location of Qinglian Island. Wang Qingshan also temporarily lived in Taiyi Immortal Sect.

He gave Taiyi Immortal Sect three Nine-Yan Fruits to repay the kindness of Taiyi Immortal Sect. Han Tianxuan was retreating and impacting the spirit transformation period.

"Don't worry! Seventh brother and tenth sister are just hiding to avoid the limelight. They will be fine."

Wang Qingqing comforted.

"Hopefully! If only I had come back sooner."

Wang Qingshan sighed, his face full of regret.

Knowing this earlier, he should come back immediately after getting out of trouble and stay on Qinglian Island.

There was a loud roar of thunder, and the wind blew wildly.

"Senior Brother Han is impacting the Spirit Transformation Stage!"

Wang Qingshan looked in a certain direction and said softly.

Han Tianxuan's entry into the Nascent Soul Stage also caused a vision, but a series of disasters occurred later. Meng Tianzheng entered the Divine Transformation Stage earlier, and there was no spiritual thing, so Han Tianxuan was delayed.

Good fortune makes people, if not for a series of disasters, Taiyi Xianmen might have three cultivators.

"Counting the time, the tenth sister's lifespan is almost the same. If she can't enter the spirit transformation stage, she will probably have to sit in the transformation, as well as Qiu Ming."

Wang Qingqing said softly, his eyes were full of worry, and Guangdong Ren had already sat down.

The older generation of Nascent Soul cultivators sat down one after another, and Wang Qingqing's time was almost over.

"Eighth sister, don't worry, I will wait until the second god-turning cultivator appears in the family, and then I will consider ascension."

Wang Qingshan said solemnly, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan left too hastily, but fortunately they left behind.

As a lesson from the past, the family did not have a second god-turning cultivator, so Wang Qingshan didn't think about ascension.

"Seventh brother, do you really think there is reincarnation?"

Wang Qingqing said softly, looking at the setting sun with a look of longing on his face.

Her life is quite bumpy, if there is reincarnation, she hopes to stay with the person she loves and never be separated.

"Yes! Otherwise, it will not be recorded in the classics, maybe my brother-in-law will be waiting for you in another world."

Wang Qingshan comforted softly.

Wang Qingqing nodded and muttered to himself, "Father, mother, husband, Ziyu, I really hope to see you again."

The sunset slowly fell, the sky slowly darkened, and the thunderclouds in the sky were lit up with lightning and thunder, illuminating the world.

Wang Qingqing slowly closed his eyes, with a relieved expression on his face, and lost his breath.

Wang Qingshan let out a long sigh. If he didn't advance, he would retreat. If he couldn't advance to the God Transformation stage, he would probably be in a state of transformation.


On Qinglian Island, Wang Mengfen and Fairy Ziyue were standing on the top of a mountain. Fairy Ziyue was full of white hair, and her lifespan was almost exhausted.

She tried to attack the spirit transformation stage, but unfortunately ended in failure, the spirit transformation stage is not so easy to enter.

A huge thundercloud floated high in the sky, lightning flashed and thunderous, and one after another thick lightning fell.

Wang Qingling is in the process of impacting the spirit transformation period, so he doesn't know if it will be successful.

Wang Mengfen's eyes were full of worry. If Wang Qingling failed to attack the spirit transformation stage, he would most likely die.

After a cup of tea, the thunder cloud dissipated, and the entire Bailing Peak was razed to the ground.

Wang Qingling was lying in a pile of rubble, his face was pale, his breath was sluggish, and there was some blood on the corner of his mouth. Valley

She failed to reach the Divine Transformation Stage and blocked the Thunder Tribulation, but her physical body failed to transform into a Sandalwood, so she could not enter the Divine Transformation Stage.

She had very little life left, so she couldn't hit it a second time, and what was waiting for her was Sihua.

A shrill roar sounded, and the Ice Wind Jiao fell from the sky and landed in front of Wang Qingling.

Bingfeng Jiao is Wang Qingling's natal beast, and it can clearly feel Wang Qingling's condition.

Bingfeng Jiao lay in front of Wang Qingling, two tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

"Fool, what are you sad about? If you don't advance, you will retreat. This is expected. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you, Xiaobai."

Wang Qingling wiped away the tears of Bingfengjiao and said softly.

Wang Mengfen and Fairy Ziyue flew over, and they all sighed in unison.

"Go back! I'll stay with Xiaobai for a while, Meng Fen, send a few capable clansmen out to inquire about the situation, if the strong enemy is still there, then continue to hide, if the strong enemy has been destroyed, then Qinglian Island will be destroyed. Move back to the sea."

Wang Qingling said softly.

Wang Mengfen responded and left with Fairy Ziyue.

Wang Qingling jumped on the back of Bingfeng Jiao, and Bingfeng Jiao carried Wang Qingling to a huge snow-white mountain. This was the iceberg that Wang Changsheng brought back from the Meteorite Icefield.

"Xiao Bai, I can't accompany you anymore. My sister has breached the contract. Will you protect the family for me in the future?"

Wang Qingling said softly, she has always regarded Bingfeng Jiao as her younger brother.

Bingfengjiao seemed to understand Wang Qingling's words, shook his head, and burst into tears again, and the tears quickly froze.

"Fool, I have long thought of this day, how can it be so easy to transform into a god, except for the nine uncles and nine aunts, the seventh brother in our family is most likely to enter the spirit transformation stage. In terms of qualifications, I am far inferior to the seventh brother. Magical powers, I rely on you for all my fighting skills, I have a long journey, and with you as my company, I can get to where I am today, and it is time to say goodbye, there is no such thing as a banquet in the world."

Wang Qingling said softly, with a look of reminiscence on her face, she remembered the past.


Bingfengjiao shook his head, tears in his eyes.

Wang Qingling took out a beautiful cyan jade box and a white jade box, and said softly: "This is the Transforming Pill and the Heaven-Tangling Treasure Xuan Yuzhu. With these two things, you have a higher chance of advancing to the fifth rank, Xiaobai, Promise me, continue to walk in the fairy world, if there is really reincarnation, we may be able to be real brothers and sisters."

Wang Qingling sat down on the snow and leaned on the back of Bingfeng Jiao. She had a look of reminiscence on her face, and all the past memories came to her mind.


"Qingling, how many times has grandma told you that it's a demon and inhuman. If you sleep with it when you are young, it may eat you."

Zhang Yue'e reprimanded with a stern face, Wang Qingling was wrapped around a snow-white python.

"No, Xiaobai is very good. I raised it myself, how could it eat me! Xiaobai is the best."

Wang Qingling gently touched the head of the white python and said with a chuckle.


In a quiet courtyard, Wang Changyi is reprimanding Wang Qingling.

"Qingling, how many times have I told you that self-cultivation is the foundation. I bought you two bottles of Qi refining pills, and you sold one bottle for the spirit medicine to feed the Snow Cloud Python. It's just a spirit beast. How do you treat it like a younger brother."

Wang Changyi felt a great headache, and Wang Qingling often exchanged his own resources for cultivating immortals for elixir to feed the Snow Cloud Python.

"Got it, Dad, I won't do it next time."

Wang Qingling agreed Don't you say that every time? When did it really happen? "

Wang Changyi continued to reprimand.

Wang Qingling lowered his head and said nothing.


On a low hill, the sun sets.

Wang Qingling was sitting on the top of the mountain, a white python with a thick waist lay beside her.

"Xiao Bai, Ninth Uncle and Ninth Aunt are on the expedition this time. I don't know if they can come back safely. My parents are also busy, as long as you can accompany me."

Wang Qingling said to himself.

The white python spit out the snake letter, which seemed to be a response.

"Hey, it would be great if you were really my brother, I'm afraid you think I'm long-winded, forget it, you're better like this, people are too complicated, my father and mother often quarrel, why did you get married in the first place! Didn't they get married because they liked each other?"

Wang Qingling continued to talk to herself, looking at the setting sun, she said solemnly: "Xiao Bai, promise me, you will always be with me, okay?"

The white giant python spit out a snake letter, and its head lay in front of Wang Qingling, very docile.


Wang Qingling looked into the distance and muttered to himself: "Xiao Bai, the ninth uncle, nine aunts and seven brothers are not here, I can't protect the family, you are my younger brother, continue to protect the family for me, if there is an afterlife, I will take care of it. To repay you, promise me, keep going, if there is really reincarnation, we will be real brothers and sisters, okay?"

Bingfeng Jiao made a low roar, tears flowed out of desperation, tears quickly froze, and his eyes became red.

A gratified smile appeared on Wang Qingling's face, and he slowly closed his eyes, breathless.


The cry of grief from the ice wind flood dragon spread across most of the island, and several huge dragons and thunder phoenix flew from a distance, hovering uncertainly over the snow-capped mountains.

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