Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2095: Killer 4 volts

The boulder slammed on the yellow light curtain, and there was a muffled crackling sound, which was bounced off by the yellow light curtain one after another.

Protected by a yellow light curtain, the blood bodhi tree is safe and sound.


Countless boulders flew up, and the colorful spirit-devouring python emerged from the stone scorpion. Its body surface was dripping with blood, and the extra scales fell off.

A huge tsunami sounded, the grotto burst, and a long blue river rushed towards the colorful swallowing python.

The seven-colored spirit swallowing python spewed out a seven-color glow, and the long blue river hit the seven-color glow, as if it had hit a copper wall and an iron wall, it was blocked by it.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a blue cloud a few miles in size suddenly appeared high in the sky, and three blue-light sparkling beads could be vaguely seen in the blue cloud.

The blue clouds rolled violently like boiling water, and the pea-sized rainwater poured down. With a piercing sound of breaking the air, the drops of rainwater turned into giant blue fists, falling from the sky like a meteor shower. Spirit python.

The colorful swallowing python was smashed by the dense blue fist, a large number of scales fell off, and blood was dripping.

It made an ear-piercing roar, and spewed out a large piece of pungent seven-color poisonous fire. The seven-color poisonous fire contacted the blue fist shadow, and the blue fist shadow instantly turned into a white mist.

A loud roar sounded, and the tortoise spewed out more than ten thick golden and blue two-color thunder spears, one after another hitting the seven-colored spirit swallowing python.

The colorful swallowing python let out an extremely painful roar, and its huge body twisted non-stop.

The ground suddenly lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and more than a dozen big yellow hands broke out of the ground, holding down the body of the colorful spirit swallowing python.

After the blue cloud rolled violently, it turned into a giant blue fist more than a thousand feet in size, falling from the sky.

The blue giant fist flickered with aura, and before it fell, the void vibrated and twisted, and there was a harsh sound of breaking through the air.

The huge body of the Seven-Colored Spirit Swallowing Python kept twisting, one after another, the big yellow hands were broken one after another, and more than a dozen golden and blue lightning spears struck it again.

The colorful spirit swallowing python let out a shrill roar, a large number of scales fell off, there were multiple blood holes on its body, and the giant blue fist smashed it down, ending its life.


The ground shook violently, and thick and long cracks appeared, and countless earth and rocks were shaken by the powerful air waves.

Wang Changsheng's magic trick was pinched, and the three Ding Haizhu disappeared into his sleeve.

He communicated with a number of spiritual monks, and he had more ways to deal with the enemy.

Before that, he could deal with these two monsters, but it wouldn't be so easy.

Wang Changsheng flew to the corpses of two colorful spirit swallowing pythons. He cut open their abdomens and dug out two seven colored demon pills. One of the seven colored spirit swallowing pythons had more than a dozen seven-color giant eggs in its abdomen, and it still had life.

The magical power of the colorful swallowing python is not strong, and it is more suitable for sneak attacks.

If a family is established, the clansmen can raise colorful spirit swallowing pythons and cultivate them from an early age.

He put away the corpse of the colorful swallowing python and removed the yellow light curtain.

Wang Changsheng carefully picked the blood bodhi fruit, put it in the jade box and put it away. When he flipped his right hand, the blue light flashed, and a jade bottle with blue light appeared in his hand. It is made of soil as the main material and is mainly used to transplant elixir and fruit trees.

The rank of the wood demon is too low to transplant rare spirit fruit trees or elixir.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist lightly, and the Myriad Herbs bottle flew out. After a dazzling azure light, his body soared. The mouth of the Myriad Grasses bottle spurted out a azure glow, covering the Blood Bodhisattva tree.

With the blood bodhi fruit tree as the center, the ground with a radius of thousands of feet shook violently, and there were long and thick cracks. The whole blood bodhi fruit tree slowly drilled out of the ground, and the soil fell off automatically.

The blood bodhi tree shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared into the Myriad Herbs Bottle.

Wang Changsheng let out a sigh of relief, and the Myriad Herb Bottle quickly returned to its original size, disappearing into his sleeve.

Two colorful swallowing pythons and a blood bodhi fruit tree made a small profit, and Wang Changsheng was in a good mood.

He put away the puppet beast and the tortoise, released the double-eyed mouse, and let it find the fifth-order elixir.

The yellow light on the surface of the double-pupiled mouse shone brightly, its size skyrocketed, and it burrowed into the ground.

Wang Changsheng turned into a blue light and followed.

There are many treasures in Xuanling Cave, and there are also many powerful monsters, beasts, birds and monsters. Crisis and opportunity coexist. For the strong, it is an opportunity, and for the weak, it is a crisis.


A vast and boundless swamp, with a large number of puddles on the ground, and a blue miasma floating in the sky, a middle-aged man with a chubby figure manipulated two giant red wheels, releasing red flames, attacking a hill. Large black octopus, octopus has eighteen thick black tentacles.

The middle-aged man's face was pale, and he looked like he had consumed too much mana.

The two red giant wheels hit the black octopus one after another, and there was a muffled sound of "kengkang", which did not cause much damage to the monster.

The middle-aged man's eyes flashed fiercely, and he turned his hand and took out a golden talisman with amazing aura, obviously a sixth-order talisman.

With a flick of his wrist, the magic trick was pinched, and the golden talisman burst open, turning into tens of thousands of slender golden lights, heading straight for the black octopus.

A shrill neigh sounded, and the black octopus was sifted into a sieve by the dense golden light and turned into a pile of minced meat.

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, and at this moment, a harsh sound of breaking the air sounded, and a black light lasing came.

The middle-aged man's complexion changed greatly, and the magic trick was pinched, and two giant red wheels came straight to the black light, and added several defenses to his body.

With two muffled sounds of "bang bang", the two giant red wheels flew out backwards, and the black light pierced the middle-aged man's defense and pierced his heart, pulling it into the mouth of a black toad the size of a hill and disappeared.


A dense red bamboo A woman in a blue skirt wearing a Xuanqing style dress stood in an open field, her expression was tense, and millions of blue monster bees surrounded her.

The queen bee's wings spread more than 100 feet long, spewing a thick blue flame, and went straight to the woman in the blue skirt.

The other monster bees followed suit, spewing out cyan flames.

The loud rumbling sound turned into a sea of ​​blue flames for several miles, and the woman in the blue skirt directly turned into flying ashes.


A dark and damp jungle, looking around, there are huge trees more than 100 feet high.

A young woman in a purple skirt wearing Wanlingmen's costume looked flustered, she turned into a flash of light, and quickly flew high into the sky.

She just flew out of the height of more than 100 feet, a strong gravity emerged out of thin air, and her body fell uncontrollably toward the ground.

Her face panicked, and she quickly took out a pale silver ball and threw it towards the ground.


With a loud bang, a silver flame was drowned in a radius of ten miles, and the amazing heat wave distorted the void.

A large number of trees were reduced to ashes, and the fire quickly expanded.

An extremely strange roar sounded, a dazzling yellow light lit up in the silver fire sea, and the flame suddenly collapsed.

The ground was torn apart, and a yellow giant scorpion more than a hundred feet long emerged from the ground, with a hideous human face on its back.

"The sixth-order human-faced scorpion!"

The young woman in the purple skirt was so frightened that she had no time to react. The gravity suddenly intensified, and her body flew towards the ground quickly.

There was a burst of air, and the yellow giant scorpion's tail pierced the defense of the young woman in the purple skirt. The young woman in the purple skirt felt a chill in her chest, and a yellow tail hook passed through her chest.

The yellow giant scorpion spewed out a yellow glow, sucking her and the Nascent Soul into her mouth and swallowing it.

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