Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2097: The supernatural powers show their power, and the tortoises help to destroy the groun

The black flame collided with the huge thunderball, and the huge thunderball exploded instantly, turning into a dazzling blue light, covering a radius for several miles.

It didn't take long for the lightning to dissipate, and a black flame protected the young woman in the red dress and the young man in the yellow shirt.

With a loud bang, the underground grotto burst open, and a large amount of blue sea water rushed out, heading straight for them with the momentum of galloping horses.

Wang Changsheng stood on the sea water with an indifferent expression.

At the same time, there was a blue cloud mass more than ten miles in the sky. The blue cloud mass rolled violently, and the pea-sized rainwater poured down. After a blur, it turned into blue fist shadows, like hail rain. Hit it head on.

The golden-winged soul-devouring scorpion's breath is weak, its body surface is charred black, and the golden thin wings have many holes, and it looks like its vitality is severely damaged.

It was about to avoid it when countless cyan thorns suddenly emerged from the ground, entangling the body of the Golden Winged Soul Eater.

It quickly spewed out a purple poisonous fire, which easily burned through the dense cyan thorns.

At this time, the dense blue fist shadows also smashed down, and smashed on the body of the Golden Winged Soul Eater one after another.

With a loud bang, the Golden Winged Soul Eater fell to the ground, a pair of thin golden wings were directly smashed, and thick and long cracks appeared on the body, and the blood flowed non-stop.

A blue lightning ball with a diameter of 100 meters fell from the sky and hit the Golden Winged Soul Eater.

After an earth-shattering loud noise, the surrounding area was shrouded in lightning.

The thunder light dissipated, and there was a huge pothole on the ground. The Golden Winged Soul Eater disappeared, and the ashes disappeared, leaving no slag.

Where the blue water passed, the ground shook violently.

Wu Feng quickly spewed out a black flame, turned into a black fire cloud, and greeted him.

The young man in yellow shirt raised his right hand, and a small yellow seal with aura suddenly flew out. After a blur, his body soared and smashed towards the opposite side.

The young woman in the red dress brought out a feather fan that was flickering with red light, and with a light blow, a red flame swept out, turning into a red fire python that was more than a hundred meters long, and went straight to Wang Changsheng.

The black fire cloud collided with the blue sea, like thin paper, it was defeated by the blue.

The blue sea collided with the blue light, and the blue light flashed wildly and suddenly shattered.

The young woman in the red dress hurriedly sacrificed a red orb the size of a pigeon egg and released a red glow, covering the sea water.

The sea seemed to be frozen, unable to move.

As soon as the red fire python approached Wang Changsheng a hundred feet, Wang Changsheng smashed his right hand towards the void, and countless blue cold energy rushed out, turning into a blue chilly dragon that was more than a hundred feet long, and greeted him.

The blue cold dragon collided with the red fire python, and after a few rounds, the red fire python was swallowed by the blue cold dragon.

The top of Wang Changsheng's head suddenly lit up with a yellow light, and a huge yellow seal suddenly appeared on the top of his head.

Wang Changsheng didn't panic, he sacrificed the blood toad gourd, and when the magic trick was pinched, the body of the blood toad gourd soared, and a foul-smelling, pungent blood-colored liquid swept out, turning into a huge cloud of blood, holding up the yellow seal.

The aura of the yellow seal kept flickering, and it was obvious that the spirituality was filthy.

The blood toad gourd is made from a variety of poisonous materials, and after refining it with the filth of blood, the magical power of the filthy treasure is greatly increased.

The blood cloud suddenly rolled, wrapping most of the yellow seal, and the aura of the yellow seal dimmed.

The brows of the young man in yellow shirt wrinkled, and the magic trick was reminded, the yellow seal lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and the speed of his whereabouts suddenly accelerated.

Wang Changsheng smiled lightly, raised his right hand, and the sea water surged up, turning into a giant blue fist, smashing the yellow seal.

With a loud rumbling sound, the yellow seal flew out backwards, and the aura was dim. It swayed from side to side at a high altitude, as if it would fall down at any time, looking like a great loss of spirituality.

A sharp phoenix roar sounded, and a black flame emerged from Wufeng's body, his wings slammed fiercely, and thousands of black fireballs flew out, smashing at Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng disapproved, he waved his right hand towards the void, the sea tumbled violently, setting off a huge wave hundreds of meters high, blocking all the black fireballs.

The blue Han Jiao came straight to Wu Feng, and wherever it passed, a large amount of ice debris appeared in the void.

Wu Feng spewed out a thick black flame, hitting the body of the blue Han Jiao, and the blue Han Jiao instantly turned into a blue chill, floating in the air.

Seven blue lights suddenly flew out of the blue cold air, heading straight for Wu Feng.

"No, it's a flying needle treasure."

The face of the young woman in the red dress changed, and she hurriedly told Wu Feng to avoid it. At this moment, a deafening man shouted loudly.

The young woman in the red dress had her head buzzing, and she couldn't stand still.

Wu Feng's body trembled, and his reaction was stagnant.

There was a huge sound of breaking the air above the head, and the dense blue fist shadow smashed down.

With a loud bang, Wufeng fell to the ground, dripping with blood, and the blood flowed continuously. A large number of feathers fell off, and seven blue lights flew out, piercing its body, and one of the blue lights pierced its head. UU reading

Wu Feng fell to the ground, and the seven blue lights went straight to the young woman in the red dress and the young man in the yellow shirt.

At the same time, the blue sea in front of them suddenly lit up with a dazzling blue light, and nine blue-light sparkling beads could be seen.

The red ray of light was broken inch by inch, the blue sea was blurred, and it turned into a huge blue giant. The blue giant's hands were inlaid with two blue-light sparkling beads, and there were blue beads on each of his feet, chest and head. , it is Dinghaizhu.

The blue giant moved his arms and smashed into the yellow glow.

With a loud noise, the yellow glow instantly shattered, and the head of the young woman in the red dress was hit by the right fist of the blue giant, which exploded instantly, blood flowed everywhere, and a mini Nascent Soul flew out.

As soon as the Mini Nascent Soul was separated from the body, a huge blue Frost Dragon descended from the sky and swallowed it in one bite.

The buds of the giant cyan flower bloomed, revealing a ferocious **** mouth, and a row of sharp fangs could be clearly seen, and the fangs were covered with mucus, which looked very disgusting.

With a muffled sound, the bud of the cyan giant flower was hit by the left fist of the blue giant, and it exploded instantly, turning into a little blue light and disappearing, obviously it was an escape technique.

The youth in the yellow shirt pinched the tactic, and the yellow light on the body surfaced, and a thick yellow armor emerged close to the body, protecting the whole body.

The blue giant's fist smashed on the body of the yellow shirt youth, and the yellow shirt youth exploded instantly, turning into countless yellow sand. Obviously, this is a clever escape technique.

"Want to run!"

Wang Changsheng sneered. He turned his hand and took out a longbow whose blue light was erratic. When he grabbed it with his right hand, a nine-color arc lit up in the void, and the magic-swinging arrow suddenly appeared in his hand.

The arm of the bow is engraved with a miniature Jiaolong, and three small characters of "Fu Jiao Bow" can be seen.

With a sound of "whoosh", the Demon Dangling Arrow flew out, turning into a nine-color thunder spear and disappearing.

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