Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2099: The conspiracy of the integrated monks, 7 jays

There was an endless cyan peach forest, a large number of petals scattered on the ground, and the air was filled with a strong fragrance of flowers.

In an open space, two women with similar facial features stood together, and an oil-paper umbrella with a flashing blue light floated above their heads. Looking at the clothes on their bodies, they were disciples of Wanlingmen.

Opposite them, there is a big man in a golden shirt with a back and a strong waist. Eighteen flying knives that flicker with golden light are floating around the big man in the golden shirt, and the momentum is astonishing.

Judging from the clothes on the big man in the golden shirt, he is clearly a disciple of Shenbingmen.

Wanlingmen and Shenbingmen are both one of the four, but in Xuanling Cave, the two disciples are in a competitive relationship.

The ground was full of potholes, and a cyan leopard with a length of ten feet and a colorful butterfly lay on the ground, motionless.

"Since you don't know how to praise, then don't blame me for destroying flowers."

The big man in the golden shirt sneered and said with a pinch of the magic trick, the eighteen golden flying knives suddenly surged, condensed into one place, turned into a golden giant python more than a hundred feet long, and went straight to the two women.

At the same time, a huge golden seal hit the two girls.

A graceful young girl in a blue skirt pinched the magic trick, and a cyan giant ape more than ten feet tall let out a roar, raised her arms above her head, and supported the cyan seal.

A curvaceous girl in a red dress threw out a round shield with a sparkling red light, which instantly swelled up in front of her.

The golden python slammed into the red shield, and there was a muffled sound.

The big man in the golden shirt snorted lightly, and was about to sacrifice other treasures, when the void above his head fluctuated together, and a red gleaming dragon claw suddenly appeared and photographed it head-on.

The defense of the big man in the golden shirt was like a piece of paper, smashed by the red dragon claws. The golden light on the body of the big man in the golden shirt was shining brightly, and the red dragon claws came into contact with the golden light, and suddenly stopped.

An ear-piercing sound of breaking the air sounded, and the big man in the golden shirt seemed to sense something. His body flickered, but his reaction was still a beat slower. Five red rays of light pierced through his chest, and the blood flowed non-stop.

The next moment, his body ignited spontaneously, and the golden glow could not be stopped, and a burning smell spread.

With a loud bang, the golden-shirted man's body exploded, and a mini Nascent Soul flew out from the body. As soon as the mini Nascent Soul left the body, a red glow descended from the sky, covering the mini Nascent Soul and involving a giant beast. was missing from the mouth.

The giant beast is more than ten feet long, with an ape beast, a tiger body, bird wings, a snake tail, and a red mane.

A burly young man in red sat on the back of the giant beast. The young man in red had handsome features and an indifferent expression.

"Meet Master Su."

The two women bowed and saluted with respectful expressions.

The cultivation of the young man in red is the great perfection of God Transformation, and his true identity is the clone of Su Yuntao, the deputy sect master of Wanlingmen.

"I've finally found you. Five of my disciples have fallen. It seems that Xuanlingdongtian's things are not easy to take. Follow me to that place. As long as you get that thing, it will not be a waste of time. "

The young man in red ordered, his eyes showing a bit of fiery color.

"Yes, Master Su."

The two women naturally did not dare to refuse and agreed.

In a hurry to clean the battlefield, they jumped on the back of the behemoth.

The giant beast's huge wings were gently flapped, and a gust of wind blew up countless sand and stones, flying towards the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky.


An extremely wide lake, the end of the lake is a steep peak, and there is a huge cave at the foot of the mountain.

In the underground cave, the stone walls are uneven, and a large number of stalactites can be seen.

The terrain of the underground cave is complicated. At the end is a lake with a size of 100 acres. There is a cave with a size of 100 meters above the water surface. There are several cracks at the top, and some sunlight floats in through the cracks.

It can be clearly seen that a blue fruit tree more than ten feet high has more than ten light blue oval fruits hanging on the fruit tree, and the round blue leaves flash with a faint blue light.

There is a bird's nest made of branches and weeds not far away. Two huge peacocks are lying in the nest. The two peacocks are covered with plumes in seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, and there is a seven-colored flesh on their heads. crown.

Outside the underground karst cave, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood on a steep peak, looking at the underground karst cave from afar.

Wang Ruyan urged Wufeng Famu to observe the situation in the underground cave. Wang Changsheng was distracted and attached to the double-eyed mouse, and the eyes of the double-eyed mouse flickered with a dazzling yellow light.

"I've really advanced to the sixth rank, it's not easy to deal with."

Wang Changsheng frowned and said, two Qixia sparrows, one Qixia sparrow was promoted to the sixth rank, and the other was a fifth-rank top rank.

There must be a way to divert the sixth-order Qixia Que and take the opportunity to pick the virtual fruit.

At the end of the cave, there was a ripple on the water, and the tortoise suddenly appeared, and it made a sound that resounded through the sky.

With a roar, countless blue and golden arcs flew out and hit the stone wall.

The underground cave shook violently, and a large amount of gravel fell into the pool.

The sixth-order Qixia Sparrow suddenly made a sharp and piercing chirping sound, and the huge wings were gently flapped, and it suddenly disappeared in an hour. It can be clearly seen that there are seven huge spirit beast eggs in the bird's nest, and the surface is glowing. A burst of seven-color aura.

A breeze suddenly blew from the top of Lin**, and the calm lake surface tumbled violently, setting off huge waves.

The Qixia Que's wings spread out, releasing a burst of seven-colored rays of light, covering a radius of 10,000 zhang.

Qixia Que's pair of sharp claws grabbed towards the scale turtle. With a muffled sound, the scale tortoise turned into a little blue light and After discovering that he had been fooled, Qixia Que was furious and issued a sharp cockroach. With a chirping sound, he returned to the way he came from.

Countless blue water vapor suddenly appeared near the bird's nest, turning into the appearance of a tortoise.

As soon as the tortoise appeared, it immediately spewed out hundreds of thick golden and blue lightning spears, hitting another Qixia Sparrow.

To be honest, these attacks can't seriously damage the fifth-rank top-rank Qixia Que, but the spirit eggs can't stop it.

The Qixia Que hurriedly stood up, flapping its wings, and a burst of seven-colored rays swept out, covering a radius of hundreds of meters.

The dense thunder spears hit the seven-colored rays of light one after another, and suddenly burst open, and a dazzling thunder light drowned the seven-colored rays of light.

It didn't take long for the thunder light to dissipate, the Qixia Que's wings spread, and the spiritual bird's egg was protected behind it, and a large number of feathers fell off.

At this time, the sixth-order Qixia Que also rushed back.

The Qixia Que made an angry chirping sound, and seven slender beams of light of different colors bloomed on its body.

The seven-color beam of light hit the stone wall, and the stone wall was immediately pierced, and the tortoise was pierced by several beams of light, turning into a little blue light and disappearing.

The lake water rolled violently, and the tortoise suddenly appeared.

It has the blood of a water unicorn and is proficient in the water system, otherwise it would not dare to come and test it.

The tortoise let out a proud roar, which turned into a little blue light and disappeared.

The sixth-order Qixia Sparrow didn't pursue either, and flew back to the bird's nest, guarding its partner.

"It seems that they care about spirit eggs, but they can take advantage of this flaw."

Wang Changsheng said softly, he got a lot of useful information from the test of the lingui.

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