Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2110: Mu Yuyan and 0 insects

A deep and narrow canyon, the cliffs on both sides of the valley are next to each other. The deeper you go into the valley, the smaller the cracks and the darker the light.

There are obvious traces of fire on both sides of the canyon, and the steep stone walls are covered with cyan vines.

At the end of the canyon is a cave with a size of more than 100 feet. Five huge stone statues lie on the ground, leopards, flying eagles, centipedes, giant scorpions, giant tigers and so on.

There are dozens of thick cyan thorns on the wall, entangling three mummified corpses.

The cyan thorns shook suddenly, and the three mummified corpses fell to the ground.

A blue light lit up on the wall, and a short and stout young man in blue shirt appeared, with blue spiritual patterns all over his body.

"Shi Lei, come out! After dividing the treasure, let's hide it."

The blue-shirted youth ordered.

As soon as the voice fell, a dirt bag bulged in the ground, and a yellow-shirted youth who was as thin as a bamboo pole got out.

The young man in yellow shirt has yellow spiritual patterns all over his body, and his eyes are khaki.

"Qingji, you're doing a good job, just wait for the rabbits, don't run around, wait for them to come."

The young man in yellow shirt said with a smile, they were all from the Spiritual Race.

Compared with the Human Race, the Spirit Race is a small race, and they have to hug the Jinghuo Race's thighs tightly.

The spirit clan paid a great price to send the five clansmen into the Xuanling cave to hunt for treasure.

"Hmph, if I wasn't worried about encountering the clone of the old monster, I wouldn't use this method. I would quickly dispose of the corpses and destroy their contact treasures. There will definitely be disciples from Wanlingmen who will come. Qian Zongguo is right. It is an irresistible temptation for those spirit masters."

Qingji urged that they killed a disciple of Wanlingmen, and learned that there was a thousand insect fruit tree here, they rushed to this place, killed the monster guarding the thousand insect fruit tree, and stayed here, waiting for the rabbit.

The two quickly swept the battlefield, divided the belongings, and destroyed the communication tool.

Shi Lei drilled into the ground and disappeared. The green thorns turned into hundreds of thick green thorns and climbed on the wall.

Outside the canyon, countless cyan flowers suddenly grew on the ground, covering up the traces of the original fighting technique.


A huge lake covering an area of ​​10,000 mu, the lake water is black, and the bottom of the lake cannot be seen clearly.

A dozen black and white lotus flowers float on the lake, half of which are white and half are black.

A blue water polo with a diameter of 10,000 zhang floated high in the sky. Inside the water polo were two men in Xuanqing sect costumes.

With a loud bang, the blue water balloon burst, and the bodies of the two men burst open, turning into a large rain of blood, which fell on the ground, and two storage rings of different colors fell to the ground.

The lake surface tumbled violently, a big blue hand protruded from the bottom of the lake, took away two blue storage rings, and heavy rain fell from the sky, washing away the blood on the ground.

After a while, calm was restored this time.


From an underground mine, there was a huge explosion from time to time, and the ground shook.

In a long and narrow mine road, two Zhenhai Palace disciples fell to the ground. There were two huge blood holes in their chests, and their eyes were wide open, as if they had seen something incredible before their death.

Several pieces of magical magic weapons fell to the ground. A golden monster with a height of 10 feet was fighting with a tall girl in a red dress. The girl in the red dress had a melon face, bright eyes, big eyes, a cherry nose and a nose. Wearing a red hosta.

The body of the golden monster seems to be made up of countless pieces of ores, the surface of the body is glowing with colorful aura, and the small eyes are shining with golden light.

As soon as the girl in the red skirt reminded me of the magic trick, a golden jade bottle above her head suddenly burst into light, spewing a thick golden flame, and went straight to the golden monster with a monstrous heat wave.

A dazzling golden light burst out from the golden monster's surface, and with a loud noise, a golden flame engulfed the golden monster, and the golden monster's body showed signs of melting.

When the girl in the red dress raised her hand, a red light flew out and disappeared.

The next moment, a red light lit up on the top of the golden monster's head, and a small red cauldron appeared out of thin air. The body of the red cauldron was engraved with a lifelike red dragon, with amazing aura.

After the little red cauldron spun around, his body soared, spewing out a red glow, drawing him into the red cauldron.

The girl in the red dress entered several magic tricks, chanting words in her mouth, and the red dragon on the surface of the red giant cauldron seemed to come to life, emitting a deafening dragon roar, and billowing flames emerged from the cauldron.

The red giant cauldron kept shaking, and after a while, the red giant cauldron stopped shaking, and the flames disappeared.

The girl in the red dress changed the magic formula, and the top cover flew up, and there was a golden ore inside, and the surface was covered with mysterious spiritual patterns.

"Sure enough, it's the Spirit Clan. I don't know how many people the Spirit Clan sent in. It's a pity that Senior Brother Li and Senior Brother Sun have to join up with Senior Brother Zhao and the others."

The girl in red said to herself, her name is Mu Yuyan, and her real identity is Song Yuchan's clone.

She came here with a few colleagues to look for some kind of ore. She didn't expect to be attacked by the Spirit Race. Fortunately, she brought many treasures in. The Spirit Race was not her opponent at all.

Mu Yuyan put away the corpses and treasures of her fellow sect and left the place.

Attacks and counter-kills were staged in various places in Xuanling Cave, and the number of monks and aliens entering Xuanling Cave decreased rapidly.


Half a month passed quickly.

In an underground cave, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by a blue glow, his eyes were tightly closed.

After a while, Wang Changsheng opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

The healing effect of Jinlin Yuyang Pill is very good, and with his powerful physical body, he is no longer in serious trouble.

Wang Changsheng stood up, lifted the restraint, and walked out.

Wang Ruyan opened her eyes She looked up and down at Wang Changsheng, let out a long sigh of relief, and said with concern, "How is it, husband, is it better?"

"It's okay, where are we now?"

Wang Changsheng asked, and took out a light blue ginseng plant, which exuded a strong aroma.

The lin turtle seemed to sense something, stretched out its limbs and head, swayed, and instantly appeared in front of Wang Changsheng, opening its big mouth.

Wang Changsheng threw the blue ginseng into its mouth, the tortoise chewed a few times, swallowed it, and let out a cheerful roar.

"I checked, and it's far from where the Nine Thunder Bamboo is, but it's not far from where the Thousand Bugs Fruit Tree is."

Wang Ruyan said truthfully, Wang Changsheng had killed Wanlingmen cultivator before, and he had learned some information from Soul Search, and the Thousand Bugs Fruit Tree was one of them.

The thousand-worm fruit tree is a kind of strange fruit. It blooms for three thousand years, bears fruit for three thousand years, and will mature after another three thousand years. Spirit insects below the sixth rank can take the thousand-worm fruit to increase the chance of advancement.

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