Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2114: Jin Yanpeng, future plans

"Forget it, just wait! I hope they will join us soon."

Zhao Hong frowned and said that with just a few of them, they couldn't pick the Xuantian Spirit Fruit under the noses of the three sixth-order monsters.

Sun Yan nodded and said, "It would be great if Junior Brother Wang and Junior Sister Wang could join us. Master Chen said that they have great magical powers. With their help, we can be more confident."


A glacier that stretches for thousands of miles, white snowflakes the size of beans are constantly falling from the sky, the cold wind is blowing, and the temperature is terrifyingly low.

Two blue lights appeared high in the sky, and they flew towards here quickly, for several miles in an instant.

There was a huge explosion from high in the sky, a golden fire cloud that stretched for hundreds of miles suddenly appeared in the sky, the sky suddenly darkened, and the temperature within a hundred miles suddenly rose.

The golden fire cloud tumbled violently like boiling water, and the golden rainwater the size of a bean poured down.

The golden flames poured down, and the two blue lights suddenly stopped. It was Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Their faces were pale and their eyes were full of fear, as if they had encountered something terrible.

Wang Changsheng had several terrifying scratches on his back, and white bones were faintly visible. There was a terrifying blood hole on Wang Ruyan's left shoulder, and the blood flowed non-stop.

On the way, they encountered a sixth-order Jin Yanpeng. Jin Yanpeng flew extremely fast, and was proficient in both air and fire. He injured Wang Changsheng in a single encounter.

Wang Changsheng used a Moon Pearl, but Jin Yanpeng couldn't help it.

The demon fire spewed by Jin Yanpeng restrained the water of the Styx River, and the water of the Styx River, which has always been unfavorable, was restrained by Jin Yanpeng's demon fire.

If not, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would not be so embarrassed.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and nine Dinghaizhu flew out, circling around them, and countless blue sea waters emerged, turning into thick blue water curtains, protecting them from the wind.

The dense golden flames fell on the blue water curtain, and a burst of white smoke suddenly appeared. The golden flames engulfed their figures, and a large amount of white mist evaporated.

The void fluctuated together, and a golden bird claw hundreds of feet in size suddenly appeared above their heads and photographed them head-on.

With a muffled sound, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew out and smashed heavily onto the snow-capped mountain.

The golden fire clouds in the sky rolled violently, and there was a deafening explosion, and golden fireballs flew out one by one, smashing down.

The booming sound rang out, and a sea of ​​golden flames drowned out the figures of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

An astonishing hot wind blew, and a thousand-foot-tall golden Roc bird appeared high in the sky without warning. The feathers on the golden Roc bird were golden and red, the golden claws were extremely sharp, and the cold golden eyes stared straight at it. With Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Changsheng shouted loudly, and the void shook and twisted, resounding for tens of thousands of miles.

Jin Yanpeng's body trembled slightly, the ground shook violently, and suddenly burst open. Countless white snowflakes flew up and turned into white ice cones, hitting Jin Yanpeng.

At the same time, there was a ripple on Jin Yanpeng's head, and a big blue hand appeared out of nowhere and patted Jin Yanpeng's head.

Jin Yanpeng let out a sharp, piercing hissing sound, his wings flapped lightly, and disappeared from the spot. The dense white ice picks collided with the big blue hand, causing a huge explosion.

There were ripples in the void above Wang Changsheng's head, and Jin Yanpeng appeared, his sharp claws grabbed at Wang Changsheng's head.

With a muffled sound, Jin Yanpeng's sharp claws pierced through Wang Changsheng's body, and Wang Changsheng disappeared into a little blue light.

The ground shook violently, and one hundred and eight yellow lights flew from the ground, turning into a thick yellow light curtain, covering Jin Yanpeng.

There are nine patterns of yellow pythons on the surface of the yellow light curtain, and they walk on the surface of the light curtain non-stop, like living creatures.

Jin Yanpeng made a sharp, ear-piercing hissing sound, his wings kept flapping, countless golden fireballs flew out, and the void oscillated and twisted.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the yellow light curtain did not move at all. Obviously, the defensive ability of the yellow light curtain was extraordinary.


Hundreds of thousands of miles away, a hidden underground cave.

A snow-white giant python fell to the ground, its head was smashed into flesh, and it remained motionless.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood on the ground, their faces pale.

"Husband, if it doesn't matter, we have found a lot of treasures. If we continue to take risks, if we die, we will have a lot of belongings."

Wang Ruyan suggested.

"We have a lot of property on us, but how tempting are these things to the cultivators? Let's heal the wounds first, and go to the Nine Thunder Bamboo or Xuanguang Zhenshui when the injury is healed. This is the best time for us to build a family. If we lose it, we must grasp it.”

Wang Changsheng said sternly, why didn't he want to find a safe place to stay? Nine Thunder Bamboo, Primordial Magnetic Divine Crystal, and Xuanguang Real Water did not get any of them. After leaving Xuanling Cave, Chen Yueying would not be able to establish a family for them.

Of course, Wang Changsheng didn't have to find the Nine Thunder Bamboo. He planned to try it, but if it really didn't work, forget it and do his best to obey the destiny.

Wang Ruyan nodded, she released the blue-eyed cold silkworm and let it open up two simple ice caves, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked in.

Wang Changsheng took out a Jinlin Yuyang Pill and threw it into his mouth.

He hurriedly used the power to guide this force and roam around in the body.

A dazzling blue light appeared on Wang Changsheng's body, and he closed his eyes.


There was a vast and boundless green grassland, the ground was bumpy, and four corpses were lying on the ground. Looking at their clothes, they were disciples of Zhenhai Palace.

Su Yuntao held a mini Nascent Soul in his hand, and a red light covered the mini Nascent Soul.

Sun Lan and Fang Fei were standing aside, and Su Yuntao took the shot personally, and even the cultivators who met them could not escape death.

A shrill scream rang The mini Nascent Soul suddenly turned into a little blue light and disappeared.

"Master Su, what did you find?"

Sun Lan asked cautiously.

"He doesn't know much. Go to the places where they may gather and follow the clues. I don't believe it. No one of them knows the location of tens of thousands of years of elixir or rare fruit."

Su Yuntao said with a cold face, she couldn't look down on the elixir under 10,000 years.

They dealt with the corpse, jumped on the back of the alien beast, the alien beast spread its wings, flew towards the sky, and disappeared into the sky.

A small dirt bag bulged up on the ground tens of thousands of miles away, and a pair of emerald green eyes drilled out of the ground, looking at the sky, it was Xuanyin.

"The clone of the fit old monster is very powerful, but unfortunately, the mantis catching the cicada oriole is behind, let you slowly collect the resources for cultivation, and it will be mine in the end."

Xuanyin muttered to herself, got into the ground and disappeared.

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