Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2117: Treasures are powerful to destroy enemies, elixir for ten thousand years

The fifth-order spiritual flame released by the female cultivator of Jiuyanmen instantly broke Long Yunfeng's defense.

With a flick of his sleeve, the nine dragon drums flew out and landed in front of him.

With a flash of blue light, the size of Jiujiaogu skyrocketed, Wang Changsheng moved his arms, and transformed into a heavy fist.


One after another deafening dragon roar sounded, and nine blue flood dragons wandered on the drum surface non-stop, making one after another deafening roar, and one after another blue sound waves swept out and spread in all directions.

The Jin Ming Pei on Wang Changsheng's chest lit up with a dazzling golden light and released a golden light curtain to protect them.

Where the blue sound waves passed, the golden flames retreated, as if encountering a nemesis.

The golden fire phoenix collided with the blue sound waves, smashing five sound waves in a row, and then burst open, turning into countless golden flames. The golden flames suddenly condensed and turned into a golden fire phoenix again.

"Don't hold back, they are not ordinary cultivators."

The young woman in the golden skirt shouted loudly, and the short red blade in her hand came out of her hand. Countless red runes appeared on the blade, and her body soared.

The giant blade of lifting the sky slashed head-on, as if to chop Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan into pieces.

The golden sea of ​​fire tumbled violently and turned into a golden giant hundreds of feet high. The golden giant was condensed from countless golden flames. It moved its arms and slammed into the blue water curtain.

The cyan giant bell lit up with a dazzling azure light, and the bell of "dang dang dang" rang out, resounding through the sky, and waves of blue-green sound waves swept out, and the void oscillated and distorted.

hoo hoo hoo!

The sound of the dragon's roar was incessant, and the blue sound waves swept out. The golden giant instantly burst and turned into countless golden flames.

The blue sound wave collided with the blue sound wave, and they both perished. Dozens of hills burst open, and the smoke billowed.

The blue-robed old man's eyes filled with cold light, and he turned his hand and took out a green talisman. There were countless cyan arcs on the surface of the talisman, exuding a violent aura. It was a sixth-order talisman.

With a flick of his wrist, the cyan talisman came out of his hand and flew high into the sky. With a pinch of the magic formula, the cyan talisman burst instantly, turning into a cloud of cyan thunderclouds that stretched for hundreds of miles. dance.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, thick blue lightning struck down one after another, covering a radius of hundreds of miles, like a sea of ​​thunder.

Wang Ruyan held out two umbrellas and released a black and white light curtain to cover them.

One after another cyan lightning struck on the two umbrellas, like mud like the sea, and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's body surfaces lit up with a burst of dazzling blue light, and Wang Changsheng's breath soared, quickly reaching the level of the initial stage of virtual refining.

Wang Changsheng shouted, and the blue water curtain twisted and deformed.

The young woman in the golden skirt and the old man in the blue shirt held their heads in their hands and let out a scream in unison.

After Wang Changsheng entered the Great Consummation of God Transformation, his consciousness increased, and he once again used the God-Suppressing Roar. Without a special treasure to defend himself, he really couldn't stop it.

hoo hoo hoo!

Nine roars of dragons resounded through the sky, and nine blue-colored sound waves swept out, suddenly merged into one, and swept away in all directions.

After the young woman in the golden skirt and the old man in the blue shirt returned to normal, the blue sound wave also arrived in front of them.

Their eyes bulged, their bodies softened, and they fell to the ground, their internal organs were all broken, and their meridians were cut off.

In a flash of inspiration, two mini Nascent Souls flew out of the body. Dozens of thick blue lightnings fell from the sky. There was a scream, and the Nascent Soul of the young woman in the golden skirt was hit by several blue lightning bolts. From then on, the world evaporated. Yuan Ying turned into ten, and one Yuan Ying escaped the catastrophe.

After a flash of blue light, Yuan Ying disappeared from the spot.

Wang Changsheng shouted again, a blue light lit up in the void a hundred miles away, and a mini Nascent Soul appeared.

The sound of breaking the air sounded, and a nine-color arrow shot out, instantly piercing the mini Nascent Soul.

The young woman in the golden skirt and the old man in the green shirt were not weak in their supernatural powers. Before they could play other cards, they were destroyed by Wang Changsheng, and they were promoted to the Great Perfection of God Transformation. Wang Changsheng's strength increased a lot.

As soon as the young woman in the golden skirt died, the golden fire phoenix flew into the distance at an extremely fast speed and full of spirituality.

With a flash of blue light, a blue cauldron suddenly appeared, emitting a blue glow, covering the golden fire phoenix and involving it.

Wang Changsheng put away the treasures that had fallen on the ground, found five storage rings from the two corpses, and poured out the contents.

Tongtian Lingbao has thirty-two pieces, fifty-seven spirit medicines of three thousand years old, two thousand-year-old spirit medicines, two top-quality spirit stones, a set of sixth-order formation, and fifth-order formation, ore, spirit wood, Lingzhu and other property, there is not a sixth-order talisman, and it is estimated that they have run out. The property of these two people is more than that of the two spiritual tribes.

In addition, there is the corpse of a sixth-order demon bird, with a gleaming azure light, it should be the corpse of a wind attribute demon bird, which can be used to refine a puppet beast.

Their strength is also far beyond the Spirit Race. If Wang Changsheng was not promoted to the Great Perfection of God Transformation, it would not be so easy to kill them.

Wang Changsheng can refine two groups of fifth-order spirit flames, but he can't use them to fight the enemy in the short term, and he has no plans to refine the two groups of spirit flames.

They fought, and tens of thousands of miles were turned into ruins, and there was not a single living thing.

"Husband, someone from the same door is here."

Wang Ruyan's expression was solemn, holding a flickering Dharma plate in his hand.

Wang Changsheng put away the things on the ground and looked towards the northeast.

A flash of light appeared in the sky and flew towards their location quickly.

"Hey, it's Senior Brother Ning."

Wang Changsheng let out a sigh.

It didn't take long for the escape light to fall in front of them, it was Ning Lan.

Ning Lan's face was full of smiles, as if something happy happened.

"It can be considered that I found you, Junior Brother Wang, Junior Sister Wang."

Ning Lan's tone was warm.

"What's the matter, Brother Ning."

Wang Changsheng asked I found a sixth-order Jiaolong's lair, and there are several thousand-year-old colorful chalcedony plants in it. If we join forces, picking a colorful chalcedony mushroom is not a problem. "

Ning Lan said excitedly, having seen the great strength of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, he believed that they could get a colorful chalcedony.

"Sixth-order Jiaolong? Colorful chalcedony? Forget it, we have an important mission, come with us!"

Wang Changsheng shook his head. He wanted to get the Nine Thunder Bamboo now. The sixth-order Flood Dragon was not an ordinary monster. He didn't want to provoke the sixth-order Flood Dragon. The ten thousand year elixir was precious, but he cherished his own life even more.

Ning Lan was a little disappointed, but he didn't say anything, and happily agreed.

"Hey, Junior Brother Wang, you made a breakthrough. There was just a fight here?"

Ning Lan reacted and said in surprise.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "It's nothing, let's go! Don't waste time."

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