Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2125: Interfere with each other, **** the things of Xuantian

The latest website: Wang Changsheng's magic formula was pinched, and the golden giant seal was bright, but soon, a red flame swept out, covering the entire golden giant seal.

With a muffled sound, the golden giant seal flew out instantly, and a gigantic alien beast phantom suddenly appeared high in the sky, exuding a terrifying pressure.


Wang Changsheng's face froze, and he felt a little bad in his heart.


The phantom of the alien beast released a great deal of spiritual light, and let out a beast roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, like a dull thunder, making Wang Changsheng and others buzzing in their ears, their blood boiling, and it seemed that they were about to rush out of their bodies at any time.

Wang Ruyan's cultivation base was relatively low, his face flushed red, he spewed out a large mouthful of blood essence, and his face turned pale.

Obviously, the alien beast displayed some kind of special magical power.

Wang Changsheng is now in the Great Consummation of God Transformation. Hearing this sound, he just feels that his blood is tumbling and his mana is running, so there is no serious problem.

Su Yuntao and the others were not much better. The sixth-order monster had already escaped its predicament, and it was not easy to steal Xuantian's things from under its nose.

The five-color aura was torn apart like a mirror, and disappeared into bits of aura.

The unicorns of the phantom beasts each shot a golden light and went straight to Su Yuntao, who was the closest to the Xuantian thing.

There was a ripple on Su Yuntao's head, and a big golden hand appeared out of nowhere and patted Su Yuntao.

He smashed his right fist towards the top of his head, the void oscillated and twisted, and the billowing flames swept out, turning into a red dragon claw and hitting the big golden hand.

Two golden flying knives, a blue flying sword, and a yellow sand spear shot out. Su Yuntao was a clone of a cultivator, and the threat was too great, and other cultivators set fire to it.

Su Yuntao was about to cast a spell to resist, when a Sanskrit sound rang out, he felt a little airy, and his eyes became dull in a trance.

When he regained consciousness, two golden lights hit him, with a muffled sound of "bang bang", and several pieces of heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures hit Su Yuntao one after another, as if hitting a copper wall and an iron wall.

Su Yuntao had a ferocious look on his face, a pair of red dragon horns grew on his head, a large number of red dragon scales grew on his body, and his hands turned into dragon claws.


Wang Changsheng raised his brows, Su Yuntao was worthy of being the clone of a fit cultivator, and he was able to catch the attacks of many heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures without incident.

A large number of golden thorns suddenly emerged from the ground. The golden thorns were extremely thick and covered with sharp thorns, entangling Su Yuntao's body.

Zheng Qiuyue flipped her hand and took out a small mirror with a gleaming blue light. Before she could sacrifice this treasure, a dragon roar resounded throughout the world, and her face turned pale, as if she had suffered some kind of pain.

Su Yuntao turned into a half-dragon body, with the upper body of a human being and the lower body of a dragon, with a murderous look on his face.

At this moment, blue water vapor lit up near the Xuantian Immortal Tree, whirled around, and suddenly turned into Zhao Hong's figure.

A silver light flickering talisman was attached to Zhao Hong's body, and a mass of silver light covered Zhao Hong.

As soon as he appeared, the original Zhao Hong suddenly disappeared into a little blue light.

Zhao Hong flipped his hand and took out a short sword with a bright blue light, and slashed at the Xuantian Immortal Tree.

With a muffled sound, a gleaming azure rectangular block of wood fell.

Su Yuntao was furious and was about to cast a spell to attack Zhao Hong.

A dazzling golden light lit up above his head, and a golden ball suddenly appeared on top of his head.

The golden ball spun around, bursting out with a dazzling golden light, covering Su Yuntao's body, and Su Yuntao couldn't move.

Zhao Hong grabbed the blue wooden block, turned it into a blue light, and walked away, several miles in a flash, and the speed was very fast.

A beast roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, causing the monks' ears to buzz and their blood to surge.

Zhao Hong suddenly stopped when he heard this.

A certain weed on the ground lit up with a dazzling golden light, and a golden tree with lush branches suddenly appeared, it was Yan Linlang's tree demon.

As soon as the big golden hand appeared, the trunk of the tree grew rapidly and quickly weaved into a big golden hand covered with sharp thorns. The big golden hand grabbed Zhao Hong, and Zhao Hong's body protection aura continued to flicker.

A white ice phoenix more than ten feet in size descended from the sky and landed on the big golden hand.

An astonishing scene appeared, the big golden hand froze instantly, a large amount of ice debris appeared in the nearby void, and the temperature plummeted.

"Ice Soul True Flame!"

Zhao Hong exclaimed, this is the fifth-order flame cultivated by Mu Yaoyao.

He hurriedly took out three flying knives that sparkled with blue light, and slashed them on the big golden hands, making a muffled sound of "kengkeng".

The blue light on his body was shining brightly, and he wanted to perform the escape technique, but the golden hand lit up with a dazzling golden light, interrupting his casting.

A red fire dragon that was more than a hundred feet long descended from the sky and hit the golden tree.

With a loud rumbling sound, the red fire dragon burst open, the golden tree was submerged by the billowing flames, the red flames collided with the white flames, and a large white mist erupted.

As soon as Mu Yaoyao's tactic was pinched, the white flame suddenly brightened and its aura rose sharply. The red flame quickly retreated, and finally turned into a ball of red light flashing incessantly.

The entire golden tree was frozen, and Zhao Hong was no exception, turning into an ice sculpture.

There was a ripple in the sky, and the blue light flashed, and a giant tower with blue light suddenly appeared above the ice sculpture, spewing out a blue glow, covering the ice sculpture.


A beast roar resounded like a dull thunder, and the faces of the cultivators turned pale. This time, Wang Changsheng took precautions and urged Jin Mingpei to release a golden light to protect him and Wang Ruyan. Wang Ruyan did not vomit blood again, but his face was not good-looking.

Several brilliant magic weapons came, slashing on top of the blue tower, which swayed from side to side.

A little red fire appeared in the void, and after a blur, it turned into a figure of Ma Qianqian.

Ma Qianqian flipped his hand and took out a dagger with red light. He slashed towards the blue sky, and a huge red sword energy swept out.

Ma Qianqian's eyes flashed fiercely, and he swung his sword towards Zhao Hong's arm. Zhao Hong was sealed by the Ice Soul True Flame. Unless Mu Yaoyao took the initiative to release it, his body was already broken.

She didn't kill Zhao Hong, but just cut off an arm. As long as she got Xuantian's things, this is not a problem.

At this moment, the white flame suddenly condensed, turned into a big white hand, and patted Ma Qianqian.

As soon as Ma Qianqian's tactic was pinched, the red ball suddenly burst into red light, and countless red flames emerged, which turned into a thick red wall of fire to protect her.

As soon as Zheng Qiuyue's tactic was pinched, the small cyan mirror suspended above his head suddenly brightened, spewing a cyan glow, covering Ma Ma Qianqian was immediately frozen, unable to move.

With a loud bang, the ice sculpture was torn apart, and countless pieces of ice were flying. Zhao Hong revealed his body. A mini Nascent Soul was holding a piece of azure light and flew high into the sky. Five blue gleaming flags were protecting the miniature soul. Yuan Ying.

A huge white ice phoenix pounced on the mini Nascent Soul, and bright ice debris appeared in the void wherever it passed.

A blue-colored sound wave swept over, passing over the body of the white ice phoenix, the white ice phoenix burst instantly and turned into a mass of white flames, some of the flames fell on the ground, and the ground suddenly froze.

"Brother Zhao."

Sun Yan descended from the sky and landed in front of the Mini Nascent Soul.

"Junior Sister Sun, you must take out the things of Xuantian."

The mini Yuanying threw the blue wooden block to Sun Yan, and the sleeves that were buried in Sun Yan disappeared.

Without the Dharma body, there is only Nascent Soul, and he can't protect Xuantian's things at all.

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