Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2147: The news of the creation of Shenshui

The latest website: The water gang **** thunder that falls from the sky is naturally not comparable to the water gang **** thunder spewed by the tortoise.

Wang Changsheng's pupils shrank, and his breathing became heavier.

Fortunately, he had been prepared for a long time, and he turned his hand and took out a silver talisman with a mysterious tortoise pattern on the surface, exuding a terrifying aura fluctuation.

The sixth-order defensive talisman, the mysterious tortoise guarding spirit talisman, has been refined into the soul of the sixth-order mysterious turtle, and its defense is very strong.

He slapped the mysterious tortoise guarding talisman on his body, the silver light flashed, a thick silver light curtain emerged out of thin air, and a mysterious tortoise appeared on the surface of the silver light curtain, swimming like a living thing.

With the sound of "Rumble", the eighth thunder robbery fell, and a thick blue lightning pierced the sky, like a blue thunder spear, falling with a violent aura.

The blue thunder spear smashed on the silver light curtain, and the mysterious turtle suddenly let out a shrill roar, and the body shook violently.

Wang Ruyan and Wang Qingcheng's expressions were tense, and they didn't dare to breathe, their eyes fixed on the blue thunder light.

After a while, the blue thunder light dissipated, and Wang Changsheng was safe and sound.

A dim silver light curtain protected Wang Changsheng, and the defense ability of the sixth-order defense talisman was strong.

The rumbling thunder sounded again, and the thundercloud rolled violently, turning into a blue thunder dragon that was more than ten feet long, and rushed straight to Wang Changsheng.

Where the blue thunder flooded, the void was torn apart, and the wind was blowing everywhere. When the blue thunder flood flew by, the cracks suddenly closed, as if it had never appeared before, and the momentum was huge.

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath, the blue light on the surface of his body released, and he moved his arms to meet the blue Lei Jiao.

With a loud bang, the blue thunder dragon was smashed by Wang Changsheng's double punches.

With a flash of blue light, a huge blue scorching sun appeared high in the sky, submerging a radius of a hundred miles, and the Qinglian Peak shook violently.

After a while, the blue thunder light dissipated, the top of Qinglian Peak was flattened, and the original manor disappeared.

Wang Changsheng stood in a huge pit, his body was charred black, his breath was sluggish, his clothes were not covering his body, and his bones were faintly visible.



Wang Ruyan and Wang Qingcheng rushed over immediately, looking nervous.

"Dad, are you alright!"

Wang Qingcheng's expression was tense.

Wang Ruyan took out a blue porcelain bottle, handed it to Wang Changsheng, and said, "Husband, quickly take Xuanshen Yulu Dan to heal your wounds."

After coming out of Xuanling Cave, Chen Yueying gave them a bottle of Scrophulariaceae Yulu Dan, a total of ten pills, they used two, and eight more.

Wang Changsheng suddenly stood up and laughed wildly.

"Finally entered the Void Refinement Stage."

Wang Changsheng laughed out loud, indescribably happy. After cultivating Taoism for more than two thousand years, he has finally entered the Void Refinement Stage.

He recalled his own experience, from a small family cultivator, all the way to today, tasted the ups and downs over and over again, and more than a sense of pride.

When it comes to the Void Refinement Stage, there is no limit to Shou Yuan, and either die in the hands of a strong enemy, or die under the great catastrophe. Relatively speaking, the great catastrophe is his great enemy.

"Ma'am, I have entered the Void Refinement Stage."

Wang Changsheng said excitedly that entering the Void Refinement Stage not only meant that he had no life-span restrictions, but also meant that he could cast spells and help one or two clansmen come up with the help of the Soul Separation Lower Realm.

He most hoped to help Wang Qingshan come up. With Wang Qingshan's talent and the assistance of spiritual things, it should not be a problem to enter the refining stage.

Wang Ruyan nodded with a smile, and said, "I see, you should take Xuanshen Yulu Dan to heal your injuries first! Other things will be discussed later."

Wang Changsheng nodded, his eyes fell on Wang Qingcheng, with a happy expression on his face: "Hey, Qingcheng, you have entered the stage of spiritual transformation, good, good, great, double happiness."

"Father, you should take medicine pills to heal your wounds!"

Wang Qingcheng opened his mouth to persuade, and his eyes were full of worry.

Wang Changsheng poured out a pale golden pill from the porcelain bottle and threw it into his mouth.

The medicinal pill melted in the mouth, and a warm feeling spread throughout the body.

Wang Changsheng turned into a flash of light and left, and he had to retreat for a period of time.

"Father has entered the Void Refinement Stage, that's great."

Wang Qingcheng said excitedly with a look of joy on his face.

"Send someone to rebuild the cave. In addition, block the news and don't spread it."

Wang Ruyan instructed that Wang Changsheng had just entered the Void Refinement Stage, so he should practice hard and improve his strength.

The Wang family has no disputes over interests with other forces. Wang Changsheng is in the God Transformation or Void Refinement stage, which is of little significance and can't get any benefits, so there is no need to spread the news.

"Yes, mother."

Wang Qingcheng took the order and left.


The Xuanqing School, the ravines are secluded, the Yaocao Qihua, all are striking.

The halls are majestic and resplendent, with flying pavilions and towers, hidden between Yunfeng Jiamu and Baishi Qingquan.

The door of a secret room suddenly opened, and Sun Yu walked out with a solemn expression.

After the Xuanqing Sect got the things of Xuantian, they immediately looked for the classics in this area, hoping to cultivate into a treasure of Xuantian. Unfortunately, there are not many records in the classics. in the treasury.

He took out a dazzling magic plate, entered a magic formula, and asked, "Senior sister, how is it, is there any way?"

"Not yet, Senior Brother Zhao's clansmen in the Sky Sea Realm sent a message, the Blood Shadow Clan invaded the Sky Sea Realm and asked us for help."

A gentle female voice suddenly sounded.

"Tianhaijie? Things in the lower realm, why bother with so much, the lower realm is not easy once."

Sun Yu frowned and said, cultivators above the emptiness level can use the lower realm of soul division, but the success rate is not high, every time they fail, the division of soul will cease to exist, and it will take hundreds of years or even longer to recuperate.

Generally speaking, there are no particularly important resources for cultivating immortals, and monks in the Xuanyang realm will not easily go to the realm.

"It is said that there is divine water of good fortune in the lower realm. This material can not only condense the law, but also be used to cultivate spiritual medicine and fruit trees. According to the records of the classics, this material is one of the materials for refining and making divine elixir, but this material is natural The ones that grow in the ground cannot be cultivated the day after tomorrow."

The woman explained Sun Yu's face changed, and he frowned and said, "How many? Could it be that the Blood Shadow Clan is also for the creation of Shenshui?"

"Then it's not clear. I used the Broken Boundary Disk to let Junior Nephew Sun, Junior Nephew Zhao, and Junior Nephew Li go to the next realm. In addition to collecting the divine water of good fortune, I also sent a sum of resources to the descendants of Senior Brother Zhao for cultivating immortals."

Even if the Boundary Disk is used, only the cultivators can be sent to the lower realm. The advantage of the lower realm of the body is that it can carry things down, but the lower realm of the soul can not carry treasures to the lower realm.

"Why do you only send three people? Not many people? The divine water of good fortune might also be helpful to the things of Xuantian."

Sun Yu wondered.

"The power of the interface is too strong, it is very good to be able to send three people to the lower realm. They all have the cultivation base of the middle stage of God Transformation, and their strength is not inferior to the latter stage of God Transformation, especially the nephew Li, who is proficient in the art of repelling insects and beasts, raising With two fifth-order spirit beasts, there should be no problem."

Hearing this, Sun Yu nodded and said, "That's good, I hope they will bring the divine water of creation successfully."

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