Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2149: Zhao family

The latest website: The blood-clothed man's body surface was full of blood, and blood gushed out, drowning his whole body.

More than a dozen golden thunder spear holes wore the man in blood, and the man in blood disappeared.

A ray of blood appeared in the void thousands of miles away, and the man in blood appeared.

He used the secret technique several times in succession to escape thousands of miles away, but his mana was running out.

He flew down to a deserted island, and with a pinch of the magic trick, countless blood-colored spiritual patterns lit up on his body, and his body became blurred and slowly disappeared.

Blood Shadow Escape Spirit Technique, the innate supernatural powers of the Blood Shadow Clan, even the Spirit Transformation cultivator may not be so easy to find out.

Almost at the moment when he cast the spell to hide, a deafening thunder sound came from the sky, and the golden-horned Lei Lin Beast suddenly appeared.


The Golden Horned Lei Lin Beast let out a low roar, and countless golden arcs appeared on its body, and dense golden thunder **** poured out like a tide, smashing into the hiding place of the man in blood.

A loud bang sounded, the air was rolling, the thunder light flickered, and the man in blood suddenly appeared. There were many bloodstains on the surface of the body. You could clearly see many terrifying bloodstains, and the bones were faintly visible.

"Thunder escape technique!"

The man in blood was shocked. His blood escape was far inferior to the thunder escape technique of the golden-horned Lei Lin beast. If it was an ordinary fifth-order monster, it would not be able to catch up with him at all.

The man in the blood-clothed flick flicked his fingers, and a blood-colored orb with sparkling light flew out, heading straight for the Golden Horned Lei Lin Beast.

The thunder light on the body of the golden-horned thunder-lin beast rose sharply, and dozens of golden lightnings flew out, smashing into the blood-colored beads.

With a loud bang, the blood-colored ball burst into a sea of ​​blood-colored fire, drowning for several miles.

Taking this opportunity, countless blood-colored runes lit up on his body, and a layer of blood-colored flames emerged out of thin air, wrapping his entire body.

At this moment, a piercing sword sound rang out, and a cyan rainbow descended from the sky, with an aura of destruction, slashing at the man in blood.

The man in the blood-clothed clothes was so frightened that he quickly opened his mouth and spurted out a blood-colored ball the size of a pigeon egg.

The blood light was like thin paper, shattered by the cyan Changhong chop.

With a miserable cry, the man in blood was cut in half by the cyan Changhong.

A mini Nascent Soul flew out of the body and flew towards the sky.

A cyan net pocket with a flash of aura appeared out of nowhere, covering the mini Nascent Soul.

Wang Qingshan flew from a distance, and with one hand, the blue net pocket flew towards him.

A dazzling azure light emerged from his palm, wrapping the mini Nascent Soul.

The Mini Nascent Soul made a shrill scream, and his body trembled.

"Blood Shadow Clan, Blood Sacrifice! Blood Light Continent."

Wang Qingshan frowned. Through soul searching, he learned that this person was from the Blood Shadow Clan. Most of the Blood Shadow Clan lived in the Blood Cloud Realm. The Blood Cloud Realm, like the Tianhai Realm, was a lower interface.

The Blood Cloud Realm, like the Tianhai Realm, can contact the Xuanyang Realm, and the Xuanyang Realm is the interface directly under the Tianhai Realm.

The Blood Shadow Clan invaded the Sky Sea Realm to plunder the resources of other interfaces for cultivation of immortals, and sacrifice the high-level monks of other immortal cultivation realms to refine treasures. Unlike the Ice Sea Realm, the Blood Cloud Realm can soar to the middle stage of spiritual transformation, and can also To contact the ancestors of the Xuanyang Realm, the ancestors of the Blood Shadow Clan were located in the Xuanguang Continent of the Xuanyang Realm.

At this time, a low roar sounded, countless golden arcs lit up in the blood-colored fire sea, and the blood flames collapsed, as if they had never appeared before.

The Golden Horned Leilin Beast was unscathed, and it used the Thunder Escape Technique to follow the Blood Shadow Clan.

After a while, Liu Hongfu flew over in a red flying boat.

"Senior Wang, please help. Our main altar was attacked by the Blood Shadow Clan, and the senior brothers and the others couldn't last long. Our ancestors have already tried to send people to the lower realms."

Liu Hongfu's eyes were full of anticipation, and his tone was anxious.

For a while, Taiyang Zhenren couldn't send people to the lower realm, and far water couldn't save the near fire.

Wang Qingshan nodded and ordered: "Come on to my spirit beast! Hurry up."

He put away the Qinglian sword and the storage ring on the Blood Shadow Clan, and flew to the back of the Golden Horned Leilin Beast.

Since the ancestor of Taiyang Sect is in Xuanyang Realm, Wang Qingshan doesn't mind helping Taiyang Sect and forming a good relationship.

Liu Hongfu thanked him for thousands of years, and flew to the back of the Golden Horned Leilin Beast with his disciples.


The wings of the golden-horned Leilin beast slammed into the air and disappeared into the sky.


Beihai Xiuxianjie, Qianyang Island.

Qianyang Island is the old nest of the Zhao family. The Zhao family is one of the top cultivators in the world of immortality in the North Sea. The masters are like clouds, and their ancestors flew to the Xuanyang world.

The Zhao family has been inherited for ten thousand years. There are 50,000 immortal cultivators in the clan, and there are as many as 12 Yuanying cultivators.

Zhao Yangxiang is the head of the Zhao family and has the cultivation of the late Nascent Soul.

A pale golden light curtain covered the entire Qianyang Island, and under the sunlight, a dazzling golden light was reflected.

A huge cloud of blood floated high in the sky. Thousands of cultivators stood on the cloud of blood. There were as many as twenty of the cultivators of Nascent Soul, led by a young woman in a blood skirt with a hot figure. His eyes are blood red, there are many blood-colored spiritual patterns on his face and arms, a tall nose and long ears, and an unusually tall stature.

"Do you really think that with a fifth-order formation, you can stop us?"

The blood-skirted young woman's face turned cold, her finger pointed at Ganyang Island lightly, and a blood-colored rainbow flew out, hitting the golden light curtain instantly.

With a loud bang, Qianyang Island shook violently, and the aura of the golden light curtain dimmed.

Zhao Yangxiang's face tightened, and the Spirit Transformation cultivator made his own move, and the great formation of protecting the clan could not stop him a few times.

There was a bit of surprise in the beautiful eyes of the young woman in the blood skirt. She turned her eyes and said, "Give your Zhao family a chance and surrender to us. We will never treat you badly, otherwise today will be the day of your genocide."

"Our ancestors have already sent people to the lower realm, and it is better for seniors to leave the Tianhai realm."

Zhao Yangxiang said daringly, looking nervous.

"Hmph, far water can't save near fire, when they arrive, your Zhao family is gone."

The blood-skirted young woman's face turned cold, she raised her right hand, and a small blood-colored seal flew instantly grew to a height of ten thousand feet, and smashed towards Qianyang Island.

Zhao Yangxiang's face turned pale, and he hurriedly injected mana into the formation plate, but all this was destined to be in vain.

With a loud noise, the golden light curtain shattered, and the blood-colored seal smashed towards Zhao Yangxiang.

Zhao Yangxiang wanted to avoid it, but smelled an unbearable **** smell that made people nauseous.

His head was dizzy and he couldn't stand still.

Seeing that the blood-colored giant seal was about to hit him, a red light flashed, and a red-light shield appeared out of nowhere, and instantly swelled up, blocking the blood-colored seal.

"Destroyed the Zhao family? Did your Excellency ask us?"

A cold and ruthless male voice came from the sky.

As soon as the words fell, a phoenix roar resounded through the sky, and a huge cyan phoenix appeared in the sky, with wings more than a hundred feet in size, it was a fifth-order spiritual bird.

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