Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2172: Meeting old friend Long Yunxin

The latest website: When passing through a fork, Wang Xiangrong and Wang Changsheng separated. The clone has its own independent consciousness and can think and act independently.

It was also the first time for Wang Qiuya to go to Xueyanfang City. Looking at the dazzling array of products in the store, she was full of curiosity.

After a while, Wang Changsheng stopped at the entrance of a nine-storey cyan attic. There was a piece of cyan jade standing at the entrance, with the three characters "Wanyu Pavilion" inscribed.

From the name of the store, it can be seen that this Wanyu Pavilion mainly sells Lingyu.

Walking into the Wanyu Building, the floor is paved with a lot of blue spirit jade, and you can clearly see some spirit fish swimming in the spirit fish.

There are various kinds of jade on the tall shelves, which are colorful and different in shape.

Lingyu has a wide range of uses, such as array formation, utensil refining, decoration and so on.

Wang Changsheng didn't stay in the hall any longer and walked upstairs.

Along the way, he saw a lot of jade, some of which were carved into various patterns, such as people stepping on wolves, tigers and leopards, and painting with jade.

Coming to the seventh floor, the layout of the seventh floor is luxurious, the floor is paved with white jade, and the walls are also made of spiritual jade, engraved with a large number of exquisite murals.

A plump young woman in a blue skirt sat on a blue jade chair, holding a blue-glowing jade plate in her hand.

The young woman in the green dress has gorgeous facial features, and her skin is snowy. She is a spiritual cultivator.

"My concubine is Han Yuling. I welcome the seniors to visit our shop. I don't know if there is anything I can do for the seniors."

The young woman in the green skirt asked politely.

"I heard that your Wanyu Pavilion sells Xiyun jade?"

Wang Changsheng asked casually, Xiyun jade can be used to condense the law and enhance the toughness of the law.

After immortal cultivators enter the virtual refining stage, they need to collect materials to condense the dharma and enhance the power of the dharma.

The water of the Ming River is a good material, but Wang Changsheng cannot go to the realm. As for the divine water of good fortune, it is a bit extravagant to use it to condense the law, and the divine water of good fortune is more suitable for cultivating spiritual medicine.

"Of course, this item can be condensed. We won't sell it easily. We need to exchange it for something. We are collecting the wings of the sixth-order wind and thunder eagle. If the materials are of the same value, they can be exchanged directly, but on a first-come, first-served basis."

Han Yuling explained that the materials for condensing the dharma are naturally not easily sold, and bartering is the most common.

Wang Changsheng nodded, took out a blue jade slip, handed it to Han Yuling, and said, "This is the material I want."

Han Yuling took the jade slip, swept away her consciousness, nodded and said, "Senior wait a moment, I will send someone to fetch it."

She took out a light-blue jade plate, entered a magic formula, and gestured for a while.

Not long after, a slight footstep sounded, and a green-robed attendant came up, holding a cyan jade plate in his hand, and on the jade plate was a beautiful cyan teacup.

The servant in green shirt put down the tea cup and left, Han Yuling said politely: "Senior Wang, taste the spirit tea Jinyu robe newly cultivated by our Han family."

Wang Changsheng lifted the tea lid and saw that the tea was golden, with two golden tea leaves floating on it. The tea leaves were crystal clear, like beautiful jade.

He took a sip and felt his body warm slightly.

"This tea was brought back by our family from the Xuanguang Continent. It can only be picked once in two thousand years. It has the effect of washing the marrow and the Book of Changes and strengthening the blood."

Han Yuling explained with a smile.

"How do you know my surname is Wang?"

Wang Changsheng asked casually, judging from Han Yuling's words, the Han family also had business in Xuanguang Continent.

"If you don't even know about the Qinglian royal family, the juniors are not qualified to manage Wanyu Pavilion."

Han Yuling said politely, that the Han family is doing business in Xuanling Continent, and naturally they must be familiar with the local forces in Xuanling Continent.

The Wang family has been established in this sea area for less than three hundred years, but with the support of Zhenhai Palace behind it, no one dares to underestimate the Wang family.

A golden-shirted attendant came up, handed a cyan storage ring to Han Yuling, turned and left.

"Senior Wang, this is what you want. There are a total of 7 million, 374,000 spiritual stones. It's just a fraction. Seven million spiritual stones are enough."

Han Yuling handed the storage ring to Wang Changsheng and said sincerely.

Wang Changsheng took the storage ring, swept away his consciousness, nodded in satisfaction, and paid the spirit stone.

"Senior Wang, three days later, Seventh Uncle will hold a party in the Qingli Building, and many cultivators will attend. If you are interested, you can join the party."

Han Yuling said cautiously, the strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snakes, and when the Han family does business here, it is natural to have a good relationship with the major forces.

"I know, I'll go if I have time."

Wang Changsheng agreed and turned to leave.

After leaving Wanyu Pavilion, Wang Changsheng went to more than a dozen material stores, spent more than 20 million spirit stones, and purchased a large number of refining materials.

The number of god-turning cultivators in the family will continue to increase. He needs to refine a few more heavenly treasures and fifth-order puppet beasts. These are still refining materials, and the materials for forming arrays, making talismans, and alchemy have not yet been purchased!

Three hours later, the sky darkened, the streets were brightly lit, and the flow of people did not decrease in the slightest, but instead increased.

Wang Changsheng found an inn, rented three rooms, and stayed there.

"Grandfather, I want to go for a walk by myself."

Wang Qiuya said with anticipation that she saw a lot of interesting things and wanted to find out for herself.

"Let him follow you!"

Wang Changsheng asked Wang Sen to follow Wang Qiuya and was responsible for protecting Wang Qiuya.

Wang Qiuya agreed and left with Wang Sen.

Wang Changsheng strolled on the bustling streets and took a look.

Along the way, he saw a lot of interesting things, strange rocks, strange woods and beasts, etc., which broadened his horizons.

An hour later, Wang Changsheng appeared in a white stone square with a size of 10,000 mu. In the center of the square was a large silver tree with a height of 700 to 800 feet. The branches were luxuriant, the leaves were silver, and each leaf emitted a soft silver light. , illuminating the entire square.

Ten-thousand-year-old silver mulberry tree, this spiritual wood can emit soft light for illumination, and silver mulberry tree more than 500 years old can refine defensive magic weapons.

Under the silver mulberry tree, there are tens of thousands of stalls of different sizes.

Wang Changsheng walked and watched to see if he could pick up the leak.

He saw a lot of strange things, the cloud bamboo that can change its shape at will, the paramecia that can reproduce itself, the ice flint that can absorb the flame and release the cold...

"Fellow Daoist Wang, you have entered the Void Refinement Stage, congratulations!"

A hearty male voice suddenly entered Wang Changsheng's ears.

Wang Changsheng turned his head and looked at Long Yunxin walked towards him, his face was full of smiles.

After not seeing him for many years, Long Yunxin has also entered the Void Refinement Stage, but he has not seen Long Yunzhen.

"Friend Long Dao, long time no see."

Wang Changsheng greeted Long Yunxin with a smile.

"Friend Wang Dao, thank you for your help, otherwise my clan brother will not be able to come back alive."

Long Yunxin said gratefully, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan rescued Long Yunfeng during the trip to Xuanling Cave.

Long Yunfeng's physical body was destroyed, Yuan Ying joined the clan, left Xuanling Cave, took a physical body under the arrangement of the family, and cultivated in the family, but has not recovered.

"It's just a lot of work, why bother."

Wang Changsheng said nonchalantly, if it wasn't for Long Yunfeng, he wouldn't be able to get the lotus seeds of the nine-leaf blood lotus.

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