Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2178: Dry and blue duo, learn from each other

The latest website: Leng Yan Xianlu has been famous for many years. They entered the virtual refining stage as early as more than 3,000 years ago. Both of them are currently in the middle stage of virtual refining and have a good reputation.

"I don't dare to be famous. In terms of fame, Wang Daoyou is not younger than us. By the way, your wife is not here?"

Leng Qingfeng asked curiously, they were not hunted down by more than a dozen gods when they were in the spirit transformation stage.

"No, what were you talking about just now!"

Wang Changsheng shook his head and changed the subject.

"We are talking about Xuanling Tianzun. Friends Wang Dao has entered Xuanling Cave, and he should bring out a lot of good things!"

Han Changfeng said meaningfully.

"I can't talk about good things, most of them are handed over to the sect, but I want to keep them all."

Wang Changsheng said vaguely that he got a lot of refining materials from Xuanling Cave.

"Fellow Daoist Han, hasn't Fellow Daoist Lin from Jiuyanmen come yet?"

Yang Xuemei asked.

A slight footstep sounded, and two young men with identical facial features came up, one was wearing a blue Confucian shirt, the other was wearing a golden robe, and their clothes had a nine-color flame pattern, which is the nine flames door. disciple.

"Friend Lin, we are talking about you, sit down."

Han Changfeng smiled and greeted them to sit down.

The two looked at Wang Changsheng with stern eyes.

The young man in the golden shirt said solemnly, "Your Excellency is Wang Changsheng? Senior nephew Mu died in your hands!"

"Exactly, she wants to kill me, should I just wait to die?"

Wang Changsheng's tone was indifferent. With so many people chasing him and Wang Ruyan, they couldn't wait to die.

He recognized the identities of these two people, Qianlan and Lanxiong. The two were twin brothers named Lin Ziqi and Lin Zilin. They both mastered a special group of spiritual flames and were elite disciples trained by the Nine Flames Sect.

The Qianlan and Lanxiongs had entered the Void Refinement Stage more than a thousand years ago, and their fame was not comparable to the Lengyan Immortal Companion.

"Xiu Xian is to fight against the sky. She died in your hands. She is not as good as others, but she is our junior. As elders, we need to breathe a sigh of relief for her. Let's discuss it, how about it?"

Lin Zilin's tone was heavy, Mu Yaoyao was the descendant of one of his friends, and he wanted to take a sigh of relief for his friend.

He didn't kill Wang Changsheng, he wasn't that stupid. Since the establishment of Xuanling Cave, all the sects have been stained with the blood of disciples of other sects, but the major sects have made an agreement that no one is allowed to settle accounts after the fall of Xuanling Cave. .

He wouldn't kill Wang Changsheng, and there would be no problem in hurting Wang Changsheng.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, we will meet friends with tea today, let's find a place to learn from each other another day!"

Han Changfeng made a round. He didn't expect Lin Zilin to discuss with Wang Changsheng, which is not a good thing.

Lin Zilin didn't answer and looked at Wang Changsheng.

"Let's learn from each other? Fellow Daoist Lin has been promoted to the virtual refining stage more than a thousand years ago, and I have been in the virtual refining stage for less than three hundred years. Do you think it is fair?"

Wang Changsheng sneered and said, he is not arrogant enough to learn from Lin Zilin, there is no benefit in winning, and he will be injured if he loses.

"It is limited to three moves. I don't use the law. If you can take my three moves, this sixth-order demon pill is yours."

Lin Zilin took out a blue jade box, which contained a light blue demon pill with some golden patterns on the surface.

"If it's five thousand years of Heavenly Soul Grass, a sixth-order thunder-attribute demon pill, or a rare weapon refining material, I can consider it. If I lose, this Biyue Peach belongs to Fellow Daoist Lin."

Wang Changsheng frowned and said, even if Lin Zilin has great powers, it is impossible to defeat him with three moves!

"Bi Yue Pan Tao?"

Lin Zilin was a little moved, he pondered for a moment, he took out a red jade box, opened the box cover, a dazzling red light swept out, the temperature in the room suddenly rose, and everyone felt like falling into a volcano.

"How about the sixth-order refining material is away from the fire crystal?"

Lin Zilin narrowed his eyes and looked at Wang Changsheng.

"Okay, I want to see how strong Daoyou Lin's magical power is."

Wang Changsheng agreed that if Lin Zilin defeated him with three moves, he would have nothing to say, and was willing to admit defeat.

"This is not the place to fight, let's change the place, you choose the place."

Lin Zilin's voice was heavy, and his face was full of anger.

Wang Changsheng took out a cyan message disk and gestured for a while, as if to report a message to others.

"Don't worry, Daoyou Wang, it's just a discussion. I believe that Daoyou Lin won't mess around."

Long Yunxin's voice was heavy. Wang Changsheng had rescued his clan brother. If Lin Zilin killed him in pain, he naturally couldn't stand idly by.

"There is a deserted island near Xueyanfang City, let's learn from there!"

Wang Changsheng suggested.

"No problem, you lead the way, I'll go with you."

Lin Zilin agreed.

Wang Changsheng, Lin Zilin, Han Changfeng, Yang Xuemei, Long Yunxin and others left the Qingli Building. They walked on the street and attracted the attention of many monks.

After leaving Xueyanfang City, Wang Changsheng flew to the northwest, followed by Lin Zilin and others.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng landed on an island with a radius of thousands of miles. The island was densely vegetation and the terrain was high in the east and low in the west. The east was a green mountain range with hundreds of peaks of different sizes.

Wang Changsheng landed on a steep peak with a calm expression.

Lin Zilin stood on a low hillside a thousand feet away, with his hands behind his back, his face full of anger.

"Friend Lin, please enlighten me."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly.

"I won't keep my hands, the kingly way is friendly and self-sufficient."

Lin Zilin's face turned cold, the void oscillated and twisted, countless red flames emerged, and the temperature suddenly increased. Even though there was a distance of more than a thousand meters, Wang Changsheng still felt dry.

There were more and more flames, and the fire spirit energy in a radius of hundreds of miles gathered towards the place where Lin Zilin was, and a huge cloud of red fire suddenly appeared in the void, emitting an amazingly high temperature.

A large number of vegetation spontaneously ignited, a towering tree ignited spontaneously, and the rocks were baked into red red by the high temperature.

Han Changfeng and the others' eyes were solemn fixed on Wang Changsheng and Lin Zilin, for fear of missing something.

"go with."

With Lin Zilin's soft drink, the red fire cloud suddenly turned into a red fire palm with a size of ten thousand feet, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Where the scarlet fire palm passed, the void vibrated and distorted, dozens of hills ignited spontaneously, the flames shot into the sky, and the momentum was astonishing.

Wang Changsheng raised his right hand high, and the sea surface tumbled violently, setting off a gigantic wave that was tens of thousands of meters high, lying on the sea like a blue water mountain.

Wang Changsheng's finger lightly pointed towards the opposite side, and the sky-high waves suddenly turned into a thick tornado of water waves, like a blue spear, with the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, hitting the red fire palm.

With a loud noise, the red fire palm was smashed by the water wave tornado, and a powerful air wave swept away, and hundreds of hills were instantly crushed into powder by the powerful air wave, the dust was flying, and the white mist was billowing.


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