Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2180: Young Master Li Qinghuan, exchanging treasures

The latest website: Back at the Qingli Building, Lin Zilin and Lin Ziqi are no longer there, but there are more than a dozen cultivators gathered together, and Qihu Sanren also came.

Wang Changsheng's eyes fell on a burly young man. The young man was wearing a blue python robe, with a gold and jade belt around his waist, gold silk auspicious clouds embroidered on his wide sleeves, a pair of white jade boots on his feet, and a white one hanging from his waist. The exquisite jade pendant is extremely rich.

The blue-robed youth has slender eyebrows, phoenix eyes, eyes like stars, broad shoulders and round waist, with a hint of arrogance between his brows. Seeing the fluctuation of his mana, he has a cultivation base in the middle stage of virtual refining.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I heard that there were two fellow Daoists who went to compete. Who won?"

The blue-robed youth asked, his voice was loud and his eyes looked at Wang Changsheng and others.

"It's just a discussion. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. Let me introduce to you. This is Fellow Daoist Li from Jinwu Island."

Han Changfeng changed the subject, Lin Zilin was considered to have lost the competition, so there was no need to talk about it everywhere.

"Under Li Qinghuan, I have met all fellow Daoists."

The blue-robed youth clasped his fists and said politely.

"The Li family on Jinwu Island? But the Li family where the real person of Jinwu is located?"

Leng Qingfeng asked with some doubts.

"The real Golden Crow mentioned by fellow Taoist is my Seventh Uncle."

Li Qinghuan said proudly.

Leng Qingfeng nodded and said, "In this way, your Excellency should be Young Master Xiaoyao."

The Li family on Jinwu Island is an aristocratic family of cultivators in the Qingli sea area. There are many experts in the clan, and their overall strength is not comparable to that of the Han family. The Li family has a seventh-order golden-eyed golden crow.

Li Qinghuan smiled proudly, nodded and said, "It's right here, I didn't expect fellow Daoist to know it was here."

"Speaking of the Li family on Jinwu Island, who doesn't know about Li Daoyou?"

Leng Qingfeng said with a smile.

"Let's sit down and talk! Let's introduce each other!"

Han Changfeng greeted them to sit down, and asked the monks to report their names one after another to get to know each other again.

They exchanged Taoism together and talked about anecdotes in the world of immortal cultivation.

"Daoyou Li, I heard that your family's guardian spirit bird is a seventh-order golden-eyed golden crow?"

Leng Qingfeng asked curiously.

"Exactly, that was brought out by our ancestors from a Mahayana monk's seated cave."

Li Qinghuan’s face was full of pride. The ancestor of the Li family was a cultivator. Tens of thousands of years ago, a dojo suspected of Xuanling Tianzun appeared in the world. Many Mahayana cultivators fought each other.

Whenever there is a major event, it is easy to reshuffle the forces. The Li family caught up with the good times and developed for tens of thousands of years, and this is how it is today.

"Speaking of which, the inheritance of Xuanling Tianzun has not been obtained yet, so many years have passed."

Li Qinghuan wondered.

"Maybe Xuanling Tianzun's dojo has long been occupied, but he is so famous that some unknown dojos or small worlds are said to be Xuanling Tianzun's dojo. ? There are very few who can advance to the Mahayana period. For the monks above the emptiness level, the great calamity is the biggest enemy."

Qihu Sanren took a sip of spirit wine and said disapprovingly.

"Friend Jiang, you have been in the Void Refinement Stage for many years, and you should have survived the great catastrophe! Why don't you tell us about it?"

Long Yunxin asked curiously, the ancestors of the Long family left behind the experience of transcending the great catastrophe, but there is no harm in listening to others' experience of transcending the catastrophe, in case you can learn from it!

"The old man is no better than you. He was born in a big power. After a big catastrophe, it takes hundreds of thousands of years to take care of him, and his strength is almost wiped out."

The Seven Gourd Sanren sighed lightly and briefly talked about his situation of crossing the Great Heavenly Tribulation. It was nothing more than the use of formations, talismans, and treasures. Ordinary things could not stop them at all, and could weaken the treasures, formations and treasures of the Thunder Tribulation. Talismans are very rare, and the power of the great catastrophe is greater every time.

Some monks from prominent backgrounds have high-level formations, treasures and talismans to assist in transcending the calamity. The probability of surviving the catastrophe is relatively high, but it depends on the realm.

From this point of view, it is fair. No matter what your background is, the great catastrophe will not be accustomed to you, and the waves will wash away the sand. Therefore, monks above the emptiness level often go out to look for opportunities.

Wang Changsheng strongly agreed that the Liu Jiu Thunder Tribulation broke the Liangyi umbrella, and I heard that the power of the Great Heaven Tribulation is stronger than that of the Liu Jiu Thunder Tribulation.

"Can't the sixth-order defensive formation stop it?"

Wang Changsheng frowned and said that the sixth-order defensive formations of the Seven Gourd Sanrens could not stop a few rounds of thunder tribulations, which shows the great power of the Great Calamity. From this, it seems that the next Great Calamity of the Seven Gourd Sanren will be even more difficult.

"If it's so easy to get through, the number of cultivators from the major sects or the immortal cultivators can be doubled."

Seven Gourd Sanren chuckled lightly.

"Everyone comes from different places, let's take out things and exchange them! Let's communicate with each other."

Han Changfeng suggested that most of the immortal cultivation resources needed by monks above the virtual world must be exchanged for things, unless they participate in the large-scale auction held by the Great Business Alliance, and there may be a chance to buy good things.

The other monks had no opinion. They all participated in this gathering hoping to exchange what they needed.

Han Changfeng took out dozens of materials, including demon pills, animal bones, animal skins, elixir, ores, formations, etc., all of which were sixth-order materials.

Among them, there are three pieces of jade with misty water, which are crystal clear.

"In exchange for Sky Thunder Crystals, treasures or materials that can weaken the Thunder system, or things of the same value."

Han Changfeng's voice was heavy.

Seeing Xiyunyu, the eyes of the monks were fiery. Xiyunyu is suitable for cultivators who practice water-based exercises to condense the dharma image, and they can exchange this item with others.

Wang Changsheng used a piece of 10,000-year-old Qingluan Sacred Wood, a piece of snow glass crystal, and a blue moon peach, and only then got a piece of Xiyun jade, which shows how precious the materials for condensing the dharma are.

Of course, Wang Changsheng had a lot of refining materials in his hands, but with Han Changfeng's identity and status, ordinary materials couldn't get into his eyes.

Leng Qingfeng and Long Yunxin each exchanged a piece of Xiyun jade. As for what they exchanged, it is unknown to outsiders.

After Han Changfeng finished the exchange, Leng Qingfeng stepped forward and took out dozens of materials for exchange. Most of them were ice-type materials, elixir, spirit wood, spirit water, etc. This is not surprising. On the glacier of the year, there are many materials with ice properties.

The monks took turns to exchange, and they brought out a lot of good things. Wang Changsheng was a little moved, but he didn't have much sixth-order materials in his can only exchange for things that are urgently needed.

After a cup of tea, the seven gourd scattered people came forward to exchange, and he took out dozens of ingredients, a wide variety.

A piece of dark animal skin caught Wang Changsheng's attention. There were some silver patterns on the surface of the animal skin, and it was quite extraordinary.

"Friend Jiang, what kind of monster skin is this?"

Wang Changsheng pointed to the animal skin and asked.

"That is the animal skin of the sixth-order low-grade silver-horned sea-swallowing whale. It absorbs lightning from the heavens and the earth to cultivate. If it is refined into a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, it is not bad to resist the thunder. If it is used to resist the great catastrophe, it will be the first time to cross the great catastrophe. If so, there is no problem with resisting a few rounds of thunder tribulation, and after the thunder tribulation is over, it will be scrapped."

Seven Gourd Sanren explained.

Wang Changsheng's heart burst with joy. This animal skin is made into a treasure, and its defense capability is definitely much stronger than that of the Liangyi Umbrella. However, this animal skin is not small, and ordinary sixth-order materials may not be able to be exchanged.


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