Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2185: The Golden Boy, the 5-line Lei Xiao Talisman

"The middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao Golden Shark Sword! It can release phantom sounds to confuse the enemy. The specific power depends on the user's cultivation base and mana. The deeper the mana, the greater the power of the phantom sound."

Lin Xin took out a golden flying sword. The flying sword was three feet and three feet long. There was a row of sharp teeth on the surface of the sword.

He gently waved the golden shark sword, and there was a loud shark-like roar, and the void shook and twisted slightly.

The middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao was rare in the first place, and Wang Changsheng was temporarily unable to refine the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

"Golden Shark Sword, the base price is 10 million, and the price increase shall not be less than 2 million each time."

As soon as Lin Xin finished speaking, someone immediately bid.

"Ten million!"

"One thousand two!"

"One thousand fourteen!"


This golden shark sword aroused competition among many cultivators, and the price went up dozens of times, and it was finally sold at a sky-high price of 68 million.

"There is a senior who doesn't have enough spirit stones and intends to auction some things. We only provide the venue and do not charge any fees. If we look wrong, we will not be responsible."

After Lin Xin finished speaking, she stepped aside.

A three-foot-tall boy in a golden shirt descended from the sky. His face was old and wrinkled, like a prematurely aging baby.

"Golden Boy!"

Some people recognized the identity of the golden-robed old man. Grandma Tianxue cultivated a special way of rejuvenating the old man, but the ageless golden boy was different. He was born like this.

The Young Golden Boy is a loose cultivator in the period of refinement. He lives in the world and has nothing to worry about.

The young golden boy didn't talk nonsense. He took out a dozen demon pills, most of them were fifth-order demon pills, there were three sixth-order demon pills, and one of them was a sixth-order demon pill with the thunder attribute.

Wang Changsheng spent four million spirit stones to buy the sixth-order demon pill with the thunder attribute.

Lin turtle has performed well these years, and he intends to reward it well. Lin turtle will not be able to advance to the fourth level by taking the sixth-order demon pill of the thunder attribute, but it will be beneficial to it.

The immortal golden boy paid off the spirit stone and left with the golden shark sword.

For loose cultivators, being able to take out more than 60 million spirit stones to auction a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao is very good, how can there be extra spirit stones to continue bidding.

"Mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao Yunhai Banner."

Lin Xin took out a small blue flag that shone lightly, and with a flick of it, countless blue water vapor rushed out, turning into a thick blue water curtain, protecting Lin Xin.

"This treasure can be exchanged for a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao with earth properties, or something of the same value."

Wang Changsheng was not interested, he had eighteen Dinghaizhu, not much worse than Yunhaifan.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Xin sighed, put away the cloud sea flag, and shot this treasure.

Lin Xin took out a beautiful golden jade box, and took out a five-color talisman from it. There were countless five-color arcs on the surface.

"This is the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman!"

Some people recognized the origin of the talisman, and many cultivators' breathing became rapid.

The Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman is a sixth-order talisman, and the cultivator has a Five Element Thunder Talisman, which has a high chance of passing the big catastrophe. Of course, it is limited to the cultivator who has crossed the tribulation less frequently. Second, the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman can't play much role.

Wang Changsheng's eyes became fiery. If there was this Five Elements Thunder Talisman, when Wang Ruyan hit the Void Refinement Stage, it would definitely not be a problem to survive the six or nine thunder tribulations.

Something as precious as the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman would definitely not be auctioned off with spirit stones.

"One piece of the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman, and change it to a panacea to assist the immortal cultivator to impact the fusion."

Lin Xin's voice spread throughout the venue.

Under normal circumstances, a virtual cultivator has a panacea to assist the impact of the fusion period, and he will not use it in exchange for the Five Elements Thunder Talisman.

The venue was silent, and needles could be heard.

"In exchange for treasures of the same value, middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, seventh-order medicinal herbs, or treasures for robbery are also fine."

Wang Changsheng narrowed his eyes, took out the communication disk on the table, and contacted Lin Xin.

"How about I use a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao Three-Flame Spirit Extinguishing Spear for this Five Elements Thunderbolt Talisman?"

He obtained several middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao in Xuanling Cave, one of which was the Three-Flame Spirit Extinguishing Spear.

In terms of value, the price of a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao is far higher than that of the Five Elements Thunderbolt Talisman. After all, the Five Elements Thunderbolt Talisman will be scrapped when its power is exhausted.

Wang Changsheng felt that it was worth it. If he could get a Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman, Wang Ruyan's chances of surviving the six or nine thunder tribulations would be greatly improved.

Wang Ruyan has survived the six or nine thunder tribulations, and the power of the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman should not be exhausted. It can be reserved for Wang Qingshan to use it when he is in the period of virtual refinement. This transaction is very cost-effective.

It is very good that most of the cultivators can have a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and there are very few cultivators who have several middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and they are willing to exchange them for a five-element thunder talisman. not much.

Lin Xin communicated with the owner and finally exchanged with Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng successfully changed to the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman, and handed the Three-Flame Soul Killing Spear to the auctioneer. The others had no idea who had exchanged the Five Element Lei Xiao Talisman. The room they were in was airtight and they could only see the hall. condition.

Wang Changsheng put away the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman, and urged Wang Qiuya: "Qiuya, this matter cannot be leaked, do you know?"

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If the news is leaked, it will be a disaster. Of course, if you want to deal with the Wang family, you must first consider Zhenhai Palace.

"I don't know anything, I don't see anything."

Wang Qiuya said obediently.

At this time, Lin Xin took out a pair of feather wings with red light flowing incessantly.

"Flying mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao Fenghuo Wing is made from the wings of sixth-order Fenghuo beasts as the main The Void Refinement cultivator is fully driven, and it is difficult for ordinary fit cultivators to catch up. "

Lin Xin's tone carried a hint of envy. Flying heavenly treasures were rare. If this Wind and Fire Wing were auctioned off with spirit stones, the price would definitely exceed 100 million yuan.

"This treasure is exchanged for the Nine Thunder Spirit Talisman."

"What? Change the Nine Thunder Spirit Transformation Talisman? Fit monks also want this kind of amulet! Only a fool would exchange the Nine Thunder Spirit Transformation Talisman for a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao."

"Let's change the condition! This condition is too harsh."

"That is, with the Nine Thunders Turning Talisman in hand, the chances of a fit cultivator surviving the great catastrophe are greatly increased."


The cultivators talked a lot about it. The Nine Thunder Spiritual Talisman was a seventh-order talisman, and the effect of transcending calamity was better than that of the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman.

There was no response for a long time, Lin Xin sighed and put away the wings.

"The last item to be auctioned is a Boundary Stone. With this stone in hand, cultivators above the Void Refinement level can use the Soul Separation Lower Realm to exchange this item for materials of the same value."

Lin Xin said loudly, holding a shiny white stone in her hand.

"Boundary Stone!"

Wang Changsheng's breathing became rapid, even if it was a cultivator who fit together, he might not be able to get a Boundary Stone. This kind of thing is naturally long and very rare.

He hurriedly contacted Lin Xin and exchanged it with the Primordial Magnetic Divine Crystal.

It's a pity that the owner of the goods didn't take a fancy to the Magnetic Primordial Divine Crystal that Wang Changsheng took out. After all, it was too small.

After the Boundary Stone is exchanged, the auction will end here. As for whose hands the Boundary Stone falls, it is unknown.

Wang Changsheng and others walked out one after another and left the venue. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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