Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2206: Pig Dragon Mountain

The pig dragon mountain range stretches for hundreds of millions of miles, and the miasma pervades all the year round. There are many poisonous insects and beasts. Once there was a seventh-order pig dragon, which led many monsters to rush out of the mountains and killed a large number of immortal cultivators.

Wanlingmen sent a number of integrated cultivators to kill the monster, and established a square market on the periphery of the mountain to guard this place.

Because of the abundant resources of monsters and the presence of several rare elixir in the outside world, many cultivators have been attracted to hunt and kill monsters here.

The streets were crowded with people, and many monks rode on spirit beasts. You could see some monks crawling with spirit insects, and passersby looked like they were not surprised.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli strolled on the bustling streets. They went to many big markets, but couldn't find a panacea to cure Wang Ruyan's injury. In desperation, they planned to try their luck at Zhulong Mountain.

They went to more than a dozen stores and bought some books that introduced Zhulong Mountain, including types of monsters, elixir, maps, and more.

There are many undeveloped areas in Zhulong Mountain, which are inaccessible. The maps on the market are all areas that have been explored by the human race. They are relatively safe, but if you want to find rare elixir, you need to go deep into Zhulong Mountain.

They have been in Fangshi for more than half a month. They have attended tea parties, gatherings, exchanges, and even paying high prices. They have not been able to inquire about the news of the Huyuan fruit tree. The Jiang family already got it.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

"Friend Wang Dao, what a coincidence!"

A hearty male voice suddenly sounded.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli were slightly stunned. The Wang family was established less than a thousand years ago, and they have not participated in any major events. They are not very famous. They did not expect to be recognized here.

A young girl in a long white dress walked up, three thousand blue silk draped over her shoulders, and a white jade belt tied her waist. She was a spiritual cultivator.

"Hey, Fairy Chen, long time no see.

Wang Qingfeng recognized the identity of the girl in the white skirt. Back then, he followed Wang Changsheng to the celebration and met many monks of Taiyang Sect.

The girl in the white dress was named Chen Mingyin. She was a disciple of Taiyang Sect.

"Are you here to work?"

Chen Yin asked casually.

"I'm here to look for Hu Yuanguo, does Fairy Chen know, where is Hu Yuanguo?"

Wang Qingfeng asked in a sincere tone.

"Huyuanguo? I heard that some people have seen Huyuan fruit trees in the northwest of Zhulong Mountain, but I'm not sure, there are many sixth-order monsters in Zhulongshan. You should not go to Zhulongshan to take risks. Ten years ago, a refining Cultivator Xu entered the Pig Dragon Mountain to search for elixir, and returned with serious injuries."

Chen Yin kindly advised.

"Thank you Fairy Chen for the point, I have my senses."

Wang Qingfeng thanked him, left Fangshi with Dong Xueli, and went to the depths of Zhulong Mountain.


Seven days later, there was a vast black dense forest with fallen leaves several feet thick on the ground. Looking around, a large number of Moyang trees grew, with lush branches and leaves, blocking a lot of sunlight, and the air was filled with the smell of decay.

From the depths of the jungle, there were bursts of huge explosions, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the air waves were like waves.

In an open field, a large amount of Moyang wood was broken at the waist, and there were also a large amount of small sawdust, and the ground was full of potholes.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli were standing on the ground, a hundred feet apart.

Wang Qingfeng held a long red sword in his hand, Dong Xueli held a white flying sword in his hand, and on the ground not far away was a brown giant scorpion with two golden tail thorns and four wings on its back. , there are many terrifying bloodstains on the body.

From the white flying sword in Dong Xueli's hand, there was a loud screeching sound, and it shook towards the void. The wind was blowing, and a white cold air surged out, turning into a white tornado, heading straight for the brown giant scorpion. .

The speed of the white tornado was very fast, and it instantly arrived in front of the brown giant scorpion.

The brown giant scorpion opened its **** mouth and spewed out a thick black light. It disappeared into the white tornado. The white tornado came in front of it.

With a loud bang, the white tornado suddenly burst, turning into a vast white cold air, covering a thousand feet.

The brown giant scorpion's body suddenly froze, but soon, a black miasma appeared on its surface, and the ice layer slowly melted. on the scorpion.

After the loud rumbling sound, the brown giant scorpion was smashed by the dense red saber aura and turned into a large rain of blood.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli glanced at each other, and both breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they usually hunted and killed monsters a lot, and they had rich fighting skills.

They put away the magic weapon and moved on.


Half a month later, in a long and narrow valley, Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli were back to back, and hundreds of thousands of green monster ants were besieging them.

A large number of monster ant corpses were scattered on the ground, and the ground was full of potholes, as if it had been corroded.

Wang Qingfeng waved the burning sword, and hundreds of red sword qi swept out, turning into a red torrent, slashing at the monster ants, Dong Xueli's sword art changed, and the white flying sword released a large white sword light, submerging into the ant colony.

There was a rumbling sound, and a large number of green monster ants were strangled by the red torrent, or smashed by the white sword light.

The green monster ants spewed out a green poisonous fire and hit them.

Wang Qingfeng sacrificed a ball with a flashing red light and released a red glow to protect them, and the green poisonous fire was blocked by the red glow.

As the son of Wang Changsheng, Wang Qingfeng had many treasures in his hands.

As time passed, the number of demon ants became smaller and smaller. The ant king noticed that something was wrong, and before he had time to escape, thousands of white sword qi and hundreds of red sword qi swept in.

After the loud bang, the scarred ant king turned into a rain of blood. Once the ant king died, the other monster ants fled everywhere.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli did not kill them walked out of the valley and disappeared into a dense forest.


More than a month later, a steep peak, looking from a distance, the peak is like a sharp sword, standing proudly in the world.

There was a red miasma in the sky above the peak, which lingered for a long time.

Both Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli were covered with a blue glow, and their faces were full of vigilance.

Since entering the Pig Dragon Mountain, they have encountered many fifth-order monsters. The two of them joined forces, plus a number of heavenly treasures, to kill all of them, with no surprises.

They found some poisonous weeds and poisons, but did not find the Huyuan fruit tree. They searched the northwest according to what Chen Yin said, hoping to find the Huyuan fruit tree.

The ground suddenly swayed slightly, Wang Qingfeng seemed to notice something, and he slashed towards the ground with both hands.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the ground burst open and dust flew.

Not long after, the ground shook violently, and a huge beast emerged from the ground.

The giant beast has a rhinoceros head and a tiger body, with a bloated body. Its bulging belly is almost close to the ground. There is a small golden tail at the tail, which is swung back and forth, and there are some golden spiritual patterns on its body.

"Not good, sixth-order rhinoceros! Madam, go back."

Wang Qingfeng was taken aback, they were only in the initial stage of divine transformation, and they were not opponents of the sixth-order monsters at all.

At this moment, the rhinoceros beast suddenly let out a deafening roar, resounding through the sky.

Hearing this sound, they felt blood surging, and their hands and feet became weak.

The eyes of the rhinoceros each shot a yellow light, hitting them, and they flew out at the same time. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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