Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2208: Yuejiao returns to Qinglian Island, her father-in-law descends from heaven

Qinglian Island, the royal family.

In a certain refining room, Wang Changsheng stood in the corner without saying a word.

Wang Qiuju sat on a red futon, with some refining materials placed beside him, not far away there was a red cauldron as tall as a person, with three legs and two ears, and the stone wall was engraved with a large number of red patterns.

Wang Qiuju has already conceived a baby. He is a fourth-order craftsman. In his spare time, Wang Changsheng will teach Wang Qiuju craftsmanship.

For the family to grow and develop, skilled talents are indispensable.

Wang Qiuju is the son of Wang Qingfeng. They are all craftsmen, but Wang Qiuju is not as paranoid as Wang Qingfeng, and he is much better in life than Wang Qingfeng.

After half an hour, Wang Qiuju's tactic changed, the flames at the bottom of the red cauldron suddenly dissipated, the cauldron flew up, and three flags with red light oscillating erratically flew out. The flags and flagpoles were covered with mysterious runes. It is Lingbao.

"Grandfather, it worked."

Wang Qiuju stood up and said excitedly.

The difficulty of refining a complete set of Spirit Treasures is relatively difficult. Before that, he was refining a single Spirit Treasure.

Wang Changsheng made a move with one hand, and three red flags flew towards him and landed on his hand.

Wang Changsheng carefully looked at the three red command flags, with a look of approval on his face, and praised: "Yes, much better than me, I can't refine a complete set of spiritual treasures at your grade and cultivation level."

"It's both grandfather and dad who taught me well, grandson still has a lot of shortcomings and needs to learn more from grandfather and dad."

Wang Qiuju said modestly and looked respectful.

Wang Changsheng was very satisfied with Wang Qiuju's attitude, and was about to say something when a blue light lit up in his arms, flickering non-stop.

He took out a blue-glowing shell from his arms, the surface of the shell flashed runes, and entered a magic formula, Sun Yuejiao's happy voice suddenly sounded: "Dad, I'm back, I got the Jiuqu Yuxu Pill."

Wang Changsheng's eyes lit up, he didn't expect Sun Yuejiao to come back so soon.

He opened the door of the refining room, and Sun Yuejiao stood at the door with a smile on her face.

"Father, this is Jiuqu Yuxu Dan, which can heal mother's injuries."

Sun Yuejiao took out a blue porcelain vase and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng nodded happily and instructed: "Go, chat while walking, and tell me how you got the Jiuqu Yuxu Pill."

Wang Ruyan's injury is very serious. There are medicinal pills on the market that can be cured, but they are often seen at large auctions. The Wang family has been paying attention and has not collected them.

Zhenhai Palace has a long heritage, and there must be a panacea to cure Wang Ruyan, depending on how much it costs.

Wang Changsheng had prepared for the worst, but it was really impossible. He used half a page of Tianxu Jade Book to replace it. Unexpectedly, Sun Yuejiao successfully completed the task.

While they were rushing to Wang Ruyan's residence, Sun Yuejiao reported in detail her experience of getting the Jiuqu Yuxu Pill.

After listening to Sun Yuejiao's statement, Wang Changsheng nodded with satisfaction and praised: "You did a good job, Yuejiao, it is a blessing for our royal family that you can marry into our royal family."

"This is what I should do. I make an assertion, and I want to hold a celebration in the name of my father and mother, and ask my father to punish me."

Sun Yuejiao pleaded guilty.

"Punish? It's too late for Dad to reward you! How can you punish you, you did a good job, just do as you said! A celebration will be held in fifty years."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, Sun Yuejiao's ability is outstanding, beyond his expectations, and in the future, Sun Yuejiao will handle all human relations with other forces.

"Father, sixth brother and sixth sister haven't come back yet?"

Sun Yuejiao asked about Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli.

"They went inland and didn't come back so soon."

Wang Changsheng explained.

Not long after, they landed at the door of a blue palace more than 20 feet high. Wang Ruyan strode in and came to a secret room. Wang Ruyan sat on the green bed, her hands were imprinted, her face slightly pale. Appearing pale.

After a period of recuperation, Wang Ruyan was still very weak.

"Madam, this is the Jiuqu Yuxu Dan that Yuejiao got back from Zhenhai Palace. It will help your injury."

Wang Changsheng poured out a pale silver pill from the cyan porcelain bottle. There were nine mysterious lines on the surface of the pill, emitting a peculiar fragrance.

Wang Ruyan took the Jiuqu Yuxu Dan, and used the exercises to refine the medicinal power.

Wang Changsheng put down the blue porcelain vase and withdrew with Sun Yuejiao, letting Wang Ruyan calm down and heal.


Pig Longfang City.

In a secluded courtyard, Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli sat in a blue stone pavilion.

Wang Qingfeng had a sad face on his face. He participated in several auctions and exchanges, and he didn't even see the shadow of Hu Yuanguo. He offered a high price for a reward, but he did not see Hu Yuanguo.

"I don't know if my sister-in-law has a panacea. I'm really useless."

Wang Qingfeng sighed, his face full of guilt.

Wang Ruyan was seriously injured, and he couldn't help at all as a son.

"Husband, it's not your fault, we have done our best, and Dad will understand us."

Dong Xueli comforted.

"Forget it, let's go to other places, maybe we can get Hu Yuan Guo or other panacea."

Wang Qingfeng planned to leave here and go to other places, but he couldn't find a panacea, so he was really embarrassed to go back.

"Wait a little longer! Maybe you can get Hu Yuanguo or Yunzhi stuffed..."

Before Dong Xueli's words were finished, a clear and pleasant fairy sound rang out.

She took out a blue-light compass from her bosom and punched in a magic formula. A happy man's voice suddenly sounded: "Xue Li, I got Hu Yuan Guo, how can I give it to you?"

"You are waiting for me at Xianlaiju, I will go now."

After Dong Xueli said this, she put away the cyan compass.

"Husband, Hu Yuanguo is in hand, I'll be back when I go."

Dong Xueli said with a smile.

Wang Qingfeng nodded and agreed.

"Husband, aren't you curious about his identity?"

Dong Xueli wondered.

"I'm curious, but if you don't want to say it, I won't ask. If you want to say it, I naturally know."

Wang Qingfeng trusted Dong Xueli very much, but he didn't think much about it.

Dong Xueli clenched Wang Qingfeng's palm tightly, her face full of tenderness, and said, "He is my father, that is the past, I have nothing to do with him now."

"your dad!"

Wang Qingfeng was surprised and said that Dong Xueli had been married to him for many years and never mentioned the past, and Wang Qingfeng did not ask much. He did not expect that Dong Xueli's father was a cultivator.

"My father was obsessed with swordsmanship, he looked around for people to learn from, and provoked a lot of enemies. He patted his **** and left, and the enemy couldn't find him, so he wanted to avenge us. My mother and eldest brother died at the hands of the enemy, so I changed my name. I changed my surname and stayed away from my homeland, so I survived, I wouldn't recognize him, if it wasn't for him, my mother and eldest brother would not have died, I was hunted down for hundreds of years, and almost died several times."

Dong Xueli explained, her tone indifferent.

"Where are those enemies! Are they still there?"

Wang Qingfeng had a murderous look on his face.

Dong Xueli shook her head and said, "It's gone! He killed them all. If it wasn't for my mother in urgent need of Yunzhi Brew for healing, I wouldn't have looked for him."

"Xue Li, take me to meet my father-in-law!"

Wang Qingfeng said sincerely, since he is Dong Xueli's father, he should meet him.

"No, I don't recognize him as a father. He likes to discuss with others. I don't even know how many enemies he has. I don't want to be implicated by him anymore."

Dong Xueli frowned and said.

"You can deny him, but I can't deny it. After all, he is your father, my father-in-law. It is reasonable and reasonable that I should meet him. This is a minimum courtesy."

Wang Qingfeng said seriously.

Dong Xueli hesitated for a while, then nodded in agreement.

After a quarter of an hour, they came to a private room on the second floor of Xianlai Residence.

Duan Tongtian has been waiting for a long time. Seeing Wang Qingfeng, he was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and looked excited.

"My youngest son-in-law, Wang Qingfeng, has seen my father-in-law."

Wang Qingfeng bowed with a respectful expression.

"Good, good, good."

Duan Tongtian was in tears, his eyes were red, his daughter did not recognize him, or his son-in-law recognized him, this was a good start.

"Where's Hu Yuanguo! I'm in a hurry."

Dong Xueli asked with a frown.

Duan Tongtian took out a cyan cloth bag, handed it to Dong Xueli, and said with a smile, "This is thirteen amber fruit, is it enough? I'll look elsewhere."

"Father-in-law, the monster guarding the Huyuan fruit tree is a sixth-order! Are you alright!"

Wang Qingfeng asked with concern.

"It's just a sixth-order green amber beast, nothing to do."

Duan Tongtian said nonchalantly, a warm feeling flowed in his heart, and it had been a long time since his relatives cared about him.

Dong Xueli opened the cloth and checked it carefully. After confirming that it was Hu Yuanguo, she took out a cyan storage ring, threw it to Duan Tongtian, and said, "I bought it from you."

"We don't have to live like this..."

Before Duan Tongtian's words were finished, seeing that Dong Xueli's expression had cooled down, he quickly took it down.

He took out a blue storage ring, handed it to Wang Qingfeng, and said, "This is what I learned from practicing swordsmanship. You are also a swordsman, you should be able to use it. Please treat Xue Li well, please."

Wang Qingfeng looked at Dong Xueli, Dong Xueli didn't say anything, turned around and left.

"Thank you, my father-in-law. We are living on Qinglian Island now. My parents are both cultivators of the virtual world. Xue Li and I are full of grandchildren. If you are free, you can go to Qinglian Island and let us show our filial piety."

Wang Qingfeng took the storage ring and hurriedly chased it out.

Duan Tongtian nodded gratified and said to himself, "Qinglian Island! The Wang Family."

He knew that he had many enemies and would not disturb Dong Xueli's life, as long as she lived happily.

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