Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2210: 0 The elixir garden left by Muzong

Latest website: Wang Changsheng seemed to sense something, opened the restriction, and a cyan light descended from the sky and landed in front of him, it was Wang Xiangrong.

"This is a practice method "Wanmu Baodian" that can be cultivated to the integration stage. It is one of the five major towns of Wanlingmen."

Wang Xiangrong took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

"Wan Lingmen? Wanmu Collection?"

Wang Changsheng took the jade slip, and his consciousness swept away.

Wang Xiangrong talked about what happened. He couldn't get a panacea to heal the torn meridians, and it was not bad to get a practice that could be practiced to the fusion stage.

"You hand over the exercises to Yuejiao! Ask Qiu Pu and the others to revise the exercises. This set of exercises has more magical powers and is more suitable for cultivating spirit medicine and fruit trees."

Wang Changsheng ordered, and Wang Xiangrong complied.

"By the way, according to time estimates, there will be a large beast tide in five hundred years, and there will be sixth-order monsters. You have to prepare more."

Wang Xiangrong remembered something and reminded.

Naturally, Wang Changsheng also knew about this. Within five hundred years, there would be no third cultivator in the clan. After all, it would take a lot of time to revise the cultivation technique. force.

He warned Wang Xiangrong to withdraw.

Walking into the basement, Wang Changsheng took out a piece of light blue ore, which was filled with water vapor and had some tiny pores on the surface, as if it had been pierced by a needle.

Hassanite is a unique ore in this sea area. It is produced under the seabed and can withstand high pressure. It is especially suitable for refining shark puppets.

Back then, when he was traveling in an alien territory, Wang Changsheng used the shark puppet to escape the pursuit of the Golden Scale Clan.

He spewed out glazed ice flames, covering the Hassan stone.

As time passed, the pores on the surface of the Hassanite slowly healed.


Thousand Bamboo Island, Liu family.

A magnificent palace, with eaves and bucket arches, carved beams and painted buildings.

Liu Tianxiao was sitting on the main seat, holding a blue porcelain bottle in his hand, and an old man in green robe with a hunchback was reporting the situation to him.

"The Book of Ten Thousand Woods, it seems that someone has obtained the inheritance of Wanlingmen, and I don't know if that person knows the whereabouts of the several spiritual medicine gardens in Wanlingmen."

Liu Tianxiao frowned and said that Wanlingmen was destroyed by seventh-order monsters more than 30,000 years ago. However, according to the information collected by the Liu family, Wanlingmen has several spiritual medicine gardens built on other islands. More than 30,000 years have passed. Yes, there must be an elixir of eternity.

"It's a pity that that set of exercises fell into the hands of the cultivator of the Wang family. I exchanged a heaven-spanning spiritual treasure with the owner, but he didn't agree, and he didn't know what the cultivator of the Wang family took out to exchange that set of exercises."

The old man in green robe was puzzled.

"Chuande, instructed to go down and send someone to look for the ancient books, exercises, and magic weapons related to Wanlingmen. Since someone has obtained the magic method of Wanlingmen, they may have found those spirit medicine gardens."

Liu Tianxiao said at the end, his eyes were fiery.

Wanlingmen is proficient in the art of planting. In addition to spiritual medicine, it has also cultivated a lot of spiritual wood. The spiritual wood that has been used for tens of thousands of years is used to arrange a sixth-order formation, which is more powerful.

If they were able to occupy those few elixir gardens and obtain the elixir inside, if there were more than a dozen thousand-year-old elixir, the Liu family would be sure to cultivate at least two cultivators in the next thousand years.

"Yes, great-grandfather."

Liu Chuande agreed, he hesitated for a while, and asked curiously, "Was the Wanlingmen really destroyed because of the Wanling Bottle?"

"There are too many sayings. Some say that Wanlingmen got a page of Tianxu Jade Book, some say that they get the treasures that assist the integrated monks to overcome the calamity, and some say that they get the treasures left by Xuanling Tianzun. The truth is estimated that only the Jinpeng family knows. Send some people, as long as you find the spiritual medicine garden left by Wanlingmen, you will be rewarded."

Liu Tianxiao's voice was heavy. He didn't care why Wanlingmen was destroyed. He only cared about the few spiritual medicine gardens left by Wanlingmen. Even if he found one, it was a big chance.

"Yes, great-grandfather."

Liu Chuande responded, bowed and stepped back.

"Wang family, hum, wait for a large-scale beast tide to break out, you guys will look good."

Liu Tianxiao sneered, his face full of chills.


Time flies, forty years have passed quickly.

In the northwest corner of Xuanling Continent, on a desert island with a radius of thousands of miles, there was a deafening explosion from the northwest corner of the island.

A tragic bird chirping sounded, and a **** Hippogryph flew out of a cave, its left wing was broken, and the speed was very slow.

Before it flew far, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a blue long rainbow flew out. It was a blue giant sword more than ten feet long, and instantly swept over the body of the hedgehog hippocampus and chopped it into pieces. two halves.

A dozen cultivators flew out of the cave, headed by a blue-shirted youth with a dignified appearance. The blue-shirted youth was carrying a beautiful blue sword box with a blue lotus pattern engraved on it.

The blue-shirted youth has a blue lotus pattern on his clothes. It is Wang Lihe, a son of the Wang family on Qinglian Island. He has been practicing kendo since he was a child, and Wang Qingshan has given him a lot of advice.

Except for Wang Lihe, other monks have a small blue snake pattern on their clothes, obviously they are not monks of the Wang family.

"Wang Daoyou has a profound way of doing things, and he solved this monster so easily. The old man admires it very much."

A red-robed old man with a blushing face complimented. The red-robed old man had a round face and big eyes, and he was a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

"Thank you for your praise. If you didn't use Lingbao to hurt this monster, I wouldn't have killed this monster so easily. The monsters on the island have been eliminated. You can send people to this island."

Wang Lihe instructed that in order not to have a head-on conflict with the Liu family, the Wang family could only develop those deserted islands.

With the monks of the Wang family as the backbone and monks with different surnames as the auxiliary, the Wang family eliminated the monsters on the deserted island, recruited immortal cultivators who had lost their homes, and provided them with protection.

So far, the Wang family has occupied more than 600 islands. If the number of high-level monks is not too small, the Wang family can occupy more islands. There are no less than 100,000 deserted islands in this sea area. The Wang family will expand faster, as will the Liu family.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Wang, we will definitely..."

Before the red-robed old man could finish his words, the sea surface rolled violently, and there was a deafening dragon roar.

"No, Jiaolong!"

The red-robed old man exclaimed, looking nervous.

With a loud rumbling sound, the sea surface burst open, and a whole blue dragon flew out from the bottom of the sea.

Upon closer inspection, the surface of the blue Flood Dragon's body was blurred with blood, a large number of scales fell off, its breath was sluggish, and there were several terrifying bloodstains on its abdomen.

"No, this is a fifth-order low-grade Wang Lihe's face changed drastically.

The blue flood dragon turned a blind eye, ignored Wang Lihe and others, and flew towards the sky.

The blue Flood Dragon just flew out a thousand feet, and the sea burst, and thousands of dazzling golden lights flew out from the bottom of the sea, some of which hit the Blue Flood Dragon, and the Blue Flood Dragon let out a painful roar.

A piercing sword sound and a piercing knife sound rang out, and two auras, one white and one red, flew from a distance and went straight to the blue dragon.

The blue Flood Dragon hurriedly spewed out countless slender blue light, and went straight to the two auras, which was useless.

The two auras are like rainbows, and wherever they pass, they rush unhindered.

A miserable dragon roar sounded, and two auras pierced through the body of the blue flood dragon, cutting it in half.

When the light disappeared, Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli appeared. Their faces were pale, and they looked like they had consumed too much mana.

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