Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2212: Help repair the treasure, Ye Tianxue leads the team to celebrate

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As soon as they sat down, Sun Yuejiao walked in, holding a cyan tray on which five exquisite blue tea cups were placed.

She put down the teacup and stood aside.

"Senior Brother Chen, Senior Brother Lu, and Senior Sister Liu, have a taste of Yusang Robe. This is the tea tree I brought from Xuanling Cave, and the tea leaves that were newly roasted this year."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, took a sip from the teacup.

Chen Yihang and the three of them were not polite, and held up the teacup. The tea was light blue and steaming.

They took a sip of tea, and a cool feeling quickly rose from their abdomens, which slowly spread, refreshed and concentrated.

If you drink a cup before practicing, you can quickly enter into meditation.

"Good tea, the tea tree that Junior Brother Wang brought out from Xuanling Cave is different."

Chen Yihang praised, of course, this is a polite word, they have never had any good tea.

A group of clansmen walked in, each holding a cyan tray in their hands, on which were placed two light blue oval fruits, with some silver patterns on the surface of the fruits, exuding a peculiar aroma.

"This is a specialty silver glass fruit from the Qingli Sea Area. It tastes pretty good. Senior Brother Chen, please try it."

Wang Changsheng's tone was warm and warm, the silver glass fruit bloomed for two thousand years, and it bore fruit in two thousand years.

This is to show the Wang family's ability to collect immortal cultivation resources. Even if they belong to the Ascension faction, there is no benefit. Others will not be so kind to help the Wang family.

Chen Yihang and the three naturally understood what Wang Changsheng meant, picked up a silver glass fruit, and took a bite.

The flesh is sweet and juicy, and after a silver glass fruit is put into the stomach, a huge spiritual energy rises in the abdomen, and the abdomen is slightly hot.

They hurriedly performed the exercises to refine this spiritual energy.

After half an hour, they finally finished their work.

"That's right, Yin Liguo, I didn't expect us to have such a good taste."

Chen Yihang said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Chen, it's rare for you to come here. You might as well stay for a while longer, so that we can use up the friendship of the landlords. We also want to ask Senior Brother Chen for advice."

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Wang Ruyan said enthusiastically.

"Definitely, we came here this time under the order of Uncle Sun, Junior Brother Wang, I heard that the Liu family made trouble for you, do you need us to come forward?"

Chen Yihang changed the subject. They came to participate in the celebration this time, mainly to support the Wang family.

The Song family supported by the local faction has eight virtuous and powerful members. The Ascension faction has also supported several immortal clans. They are not as good as the Song family. The potential of the Wang family is relatively large. There won't be so many skilled people coming.

"We can handle it. The Liu family didn't have a head-on conflict with us. We can solve small problems."

Wang Changsheng said sincerely, there are no particularly important resources for cultivating immortals, and the Liu family will not fight to the death with the Wang family, so there is no need to do so.

"That's good, if you need our help, Junior Brother Wang can speak."

Chen Yihang promised, he changed his words and asked, "Junior Brother Wang, I heard that you are an artifact refiner. I have a magic weapon that is seriously damaged. Please see if it can be repaired."

He flipped the palm of his hand, blue light flashed, and a blue long ge with dim aura appeared in his hand, the runes flashed, and it was a mid-grade heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure.

"This treasure has been corroded by the filth of blood! It's a bit difficult to repair, but it can be repaired, but it will take a long time."

Wang Changsheng observed carefully and said so.

Others have no way to take the blood and filth, Wang Changsheng has a way.

"Then I will trouble Junior Brother Wang."

Chen Yihang looked happy. If it weren't for the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, he wouldn't want to repair it. He arranged a formation to take out the filthy blood, which was of no use. The formation released ordinary flames. Sixth-order Lingyan, only then did he ask for help.

"No trouble, you have come all the way to participate in our celebration. You have worked hard all the way, Yuejiao, you can arrange accommodation for Senior Brother Chen and the others. Don't neglect it."

Wang Changsheng ordered Sun Yuejiao, he was afraid that Chen Yihang would not trouble him.

Chen Yihang is a sixth-order formation mage, so he just asked him to help arrange a few more sixth-order formations to strengthen the defense of Qinglian Island.

Sun Yuejiao responded, and Chen Yihang and the three put away Yinliguo and left with Sun Yuejiao.

"It's just that Senior Brother Chen can give Yuqi some pointers, and by the way, set up a few more large formations."

Wang Ruyan said excitedly.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "We have to give them enough benefits. They have no obligation to help us do things for free."

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan returned to Qinglian Peak and performed their respective duties.

Wang Changsheng walked into a secret room, Qinglian's fortune-telling cauldron floated in the sky above a magic circle, he punched a magic trick, the cauldron cover flew up, and a silvery inner armor flew out, the surface of the inner armor flashed runes, and the aura was amazing , countless silver arcs can be seen.

Silver Linjia, a defensive treasure, a magic weapon refined by Wang Changsheng for Wang Mengbin.

He put away the silver scale armor, put the blue long ge in the Qinglian Good Fortune Ding, and covered it with the lid.

Wang Changsheng's majestic mana was injected into the Qinglian Fortune Ding, the blue lotus on the surface of the Qinglian Fortune Ding suddenly brightened, and the lid of the Ding shook violently.

After a quarter of an hour, Wang Changsheng's magic formula was closed, and the lotus pattern on the surface of the Qinglian Fortune Ding dimmed The cover of the Ding flew up, and a blue long ge of aura flew out and floated in the air. There are many small cracks on the surface of Chang Ge, and there are some gaps with thick fingers.

The first step was completed by separating the filth of blood. Wang Changsheng needed to add the sixth-order material to temper this treasure again.

He sacrificed the blood toad gourd and took away the blood filthy qi. The more blood filthy qi refined by the blood toad gourd, the greater the power.

He put away the blue long ge, came to the refining room, and sat down with his knees crossed.

Wang Changsheng threw the blue long ge in midair, and opened his mouth to spew out glazed ice flames, wrapping the blue long ge.


Taiyangzong, a magnificent golden palace, with eaves and bucket arches, carved beams and painted buildings.

The real Taiyang was sitting on the main seat with a lacquered gold invitation in his hand, and Ye Tianxue stood beside her with a respectful expression.

"Tianxue, you bring people to the celebration of the Wang family. You can ask Wang Changsheng if he has the divine water of good fortune. You can exchange things with them."

Taiyang Master told him that he already knew that Wang Qingshan had ascended to the Xuanyang Realm, but Wang Qingshan said that it was the Shenshui of Fortune and the Xuanqing faction.

The real person of Taiyang is dubious, the Wang family is an affiliate of Zhenhai Palace, and Wang Qingshan has rescued Taiyangmen, so he should not go too far.

"Yes, master, this disciple understands."

Ye Tianxue agreed, she had rescued Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli, and it was the most suitable for her to lead the team.

"By the way, Xueyanfang City has abundant resources for cultivating immortals. By the way, you can purchase a resource for cultivating immortals. This is the list."

Tai Yang's wrist flicked, and a red jade slip flew out and landed on Ye Tianxue's hand.

Ye Tianxue agreed repeatedly and put away the red jade slip.

After a few words of advice, Master Taiyang asked Ye Tianxue to leave.

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