Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2215: The news of Jin Yan Xingshu and the 6th-order Li Huo Falcon

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"Sun Sihai?"

Wang Changsheng remembered this person. When he went to Xueyanfang City to participate in the auction, he encountered the Liu family chasing and killing this person, so he kindly saved this person.

Sun Sihai's grandson and daughter-in-law were captured by the Liu family to mine the land of the spirits. Sun Sihai single-handedly entered the Liu family, but was chased by the Liu family, but fortunately Wang Changsheng helped him out.

"Sun Sihai? Is that the loose cultivator that my husband rescued halfway?"

Wang Ruyan wondered.

Wang Changsheng nodded, took out the communication disk and contacted Sun Yuejiao: "Yuejiao, you bring him in, don't let others see it, bring him to Qinglian Peak."

"Got it, Dad."

Sun Yuejiao agreed.

"Does he want to ask us to help save his grandchildren-in-law? I'm afraid it's not easy!"

Wang Ruyan frowned and said, the Wang family is too weak at present, there is no need to fight against the Liu family for an unrelated outsider.

"I don't know, since he dares to come, he must have something to rely on."

Wang Changsheng couldn't guess Sun Sihai's intentions, he knew it when he saw the real person.

Not long after, a slight footstep sounded, and Sun Sihai followed Sun Yuejiao in.

"Junior Sun Sihai, meet the two seniors."

Sun Sihai bowed his body and looked respectful.

"Just tell me if you have anything!"

Wang Changsheng ordered.

Sun Sihai nodded and said respectfully: "I heard that the two seniors have advanced to the Void Refinement Stage, and the juniors don't have any serious gifts to give, but the juniors know that there is a golden almond tree on a deserted island, and this is the golden almond tree. s position."

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"Jin Yan apricot tree?"

Wang Changsheng was a little moved. Jin Yanxing is a kind of fire spirit fruit. It blooms in three thousand years, bears fruit in three thousand years, and matures in another three thousand years. Even if it is taken by an imaginary cultivator, it can increase the mana, and it is the main medicine for refining the Golden Flame Pill.

They got a lot of spiritual fruit and elixir in Xuanling Cave, but most of them were handed in. If they got this golden apricot tree, they could keep all the golden apricot trees. In addition, they could also use the golden apricot tree cloth. Formation to strengthen the power of Lihuo Burning Heaven Formation.

Chen Yihang said that there is no ten thousand-year-old bamboo from the fire, and there are other fire-type spiritual woods.

"Jin Yan apricot tree? Where is it?"

Wang Ruyan asked curiously, the Wang family had already searched the deserted island with a radius of 100 million miles, but did not find any rare resources for cultivating immortals.

"This is the location of the Jin Yan apricot tree. In the Jinpeng clan's territory, there is a sixth-order Lihuo Falcon guarding it. The location is a bit remote, and the Jinpeng clan should not have discovered it."

Sun Sihai took out a shiny red animal skin and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

"The site of the Jinpeng family?"

Wang Changsheng frowned. Tens of thousands of years ago, a seventh-order golden-winged Feipeng led a dozen sixth-order monsters to destroy the Qianmu Sect. I heard that something happened within the Jinpeng clan, and it was not as good as before. Even so, Going to the Jinpeng family's site to pick Jinyan apricots is a bit of an adventure.

"No merit, no reward, what do you want us to do?"

Wang Changsheng asked, he didn't believe that Sun Sihai told him the news for no reason.

"Junior dared to ask the two seniors to come forward and rescue the grandson and granddaughter-in-law of the junior from the Liu family. The junior is grateful."

Sun Sihai bowed and said sincerely.

Relying on his own ability, he was unable to rescue his grandson and grandson-in-law. By chance, he found a golden almond tree. He thought of Wang Changsheng and took the initiative to come to the door, hoping to use this news to save his grandson and grandson-in-law.

"It's been so long, how can you be sure that your grandson and grandson-in-law are still alive? What if they were killed by the Liu family!"

Wang Ruyan wondered.

"The juniors searched for the souls of the Liu family's Yuanying cultivators, and learned that the Liu family kept them alone, in the Liu family's old nest. The juniors really couldn't rescue them. If they could be rescued, the juniors would die."

Sun Sihai said gratefully, with a sincere tone.

"You go back first! We'll think about it carefully, and then contact you, Yuejiao, you can arrange a place for him."

Wang Changsheng instructed, and Sun Yuejiao responded and took Sun Sihai down.

"Jin Yan apricot tree, Li Huo Falcon!"

Wang Changsheng said to himself, a little tempted.

"Opportunities are hard to come by, let's take a trip!"

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, it is not a problem for them to join forces to deal with a sixth-order demon bird, Chen Yihang and others are all on Qinglian Island, so that they will not have to worry about it.

Wang Ruyan nodded and suggested: "Be careful, bring the magneto-optical demon-killing formation!"

Wang Changsheng brought the double-eyed mouse and the wood demon, and told Sun Yuejiao a few words, and they left Qinglian Island.

After Jin entered the virtual refining period, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan escaped very fast.

They traveled with all their might, and after more than two months, they arrived at their destination—a desert island with a radius of 10,000 miles, with a lot of vegetation growing on the island.

There is a rolling green mountain in the northwest of the island, and Wang Changsheng's huge consciousness quickly swept across the entire island.

"found it."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan landed at the foot of a steep mountain. There was a huge hole not far in front of them, and only a little sunlight drifted into the cave.

Wang Ruyan took out the array flag array and arranged the array.

Wang Changsheng released the double-eyed mouse and ordered: "Go and lead that Lihuo Falcon Even if the sixth-order demon bird can't be transformed into a human form, its intelligence will not be too low, and ordinary methods will not work at all.

There are many monsters on the island. The double-eyed rat enters the cave and has a relatively high probability of drawing out the Lihuo Falcon.

The double-eyed mouse made a screeching scream, as if a little scared.

Knowing its temperament, Wang Changsheng took out a light blue fruit and fed it to the double-eyed rat.

The double-eyed mouse swallowed the blue fruit, made a cheerful sound, and the yellow light on its body shone brightly, and it disappeared into the ground.

Wang Changsheng thought for a while, released the wood demon, and let it assist the double-eyed mouse.

Half an hour later, there was a huge explosion in the cave, and the whole cave shook.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan cast spells to hide one after another, waiting for Lihuo Falcon.

Not long after, thousands of red fireballs flew out and hit the ground.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the billowing flames drowned in a radius of several kilometers, and the ground was smashed into a number of giant pits.

A dirt bag bulged on the ground, and the double-eyed rat drilled out from the ground. Most of the mane on the surface of the body was burned off, and there was a burnt smell on the body.

A flash of fire suddenly lit up above its head, and a kestrel with wings more than a hundred feet in size suddenly appeared, it was the Lihuo Falcon.

Li Huo Falcon's claws are golden, and a pair of dark red eyes are staring at the double-eyed mouse.

The yellow light on the double-eyed mouse's body surfaced, and it drilled into the ground again.

Li Fire Falcon's wings lightly flapped, and thousands of red fireballs flew out and smashed to the ground.

After a loud explosion sounded, the fire rose sharply.

Thousands of silver escaping lights suddenly rose into the sky and flew towards the sky, and at the same time a powerful gravity emerged out of thin air.

Li Huo Falcon seemed to sense something, and the fire on his body rose sharply, turning into a light and disappearing.

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