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Chapter 2217: A chance encounter with a shark pearl

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The higher the cultivation level, the deeper the mana, the longer the dharma can last, and the greater the power.

The two soul-eating golden cicadas grabbed Li Huo Falcon's body and flew back.

The corpse of a sixth-order Li Huo Falcon, which is an excellent material for refining fire-type treasures.

The double-eyed rat came out of the ground, and the wood demon also came out of the ground.

The double-eyed rat's body was scorched, and it let out a miserable cry. The wood demon was also injured, but the injury was not serious.

Wang Changsheng took out a few cyan spiritual fruits and fed them to the double-eyed rat.

The double-eyed rat ate the fruit and climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulder.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew into the cave, and as soon as they entered the cave, a heat wave hit them.

It didn't take long for them to appear in a huge cave with a size of 100 acres. There was a faint red light on the stone wall, and a heat wave rolled in.

At the top of the cave, there is a gap as large as a hundred zhang, and some sunlight floats in.

In the northwest corner of the cave, there is a red fruit tree more than ten feet high. The red leaves are diamond-shaped. There are more than 20 red apricots hanging on the tree. From a distance, the Jinyan apricot tree is like a mass of flames.

Wang Changsheng smashed his right fist towards the void, the void oscillated and twisted, and countless blue water vapors gushed out, turning into a huge blue fist several hundred feet in size, smashing against the stone wall with a piercing sound of breaking through the air.

The stone wall was torn apart immediately, and some red ores could be seen.

Wang Changsheng moved his fists, and dense blue fist shadows flew out, smashing on the stone wall one after another.

The rumbling sound of rumbling sounded, and the stone wall was torn apart, reflecting bursts of red light.

"Fire rock! How can there be a fire rock vein here? The Jinpeng family has never discovered it?"

Wang Changsheng was puzzled, and couldn't figure it out.

The Jinpeng clan did not discover such an obvious lode of fire rock, and no one had discovered it before? It's really weird, unless there's an array.

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They searched carefully and found two broken array disks in the corner.

"It seems that someone set up an array specifically to cultivate Jin Yan apricot fruit trees. The time was too long, and the spiritual stones that maintained the operation of the array were exhausted. Only then was Li Huo Falcon discovered."

Wang Ruyan guessed.

Wang Changsheng nodded, took out the bottle of ten thousand herbs, and punched a magic formula.

Wang Ruyan's sleeves flicked, and hundreds of blue-glowing array flags flew out, and disappeared into the ground near the Jinyan apricot tree. Wang Ruyan took out a blue-colored five-pointed array and entered several magic tricks.

The Myriad Herbs bottle is not a panacea, transplant the spirit fruit tree elixir, and the Myriad Herbs bottle with the formation method, so as to ensure foolproof.

The ground lit up with a dazzling blue light, and it suddenly split into pieces. The Jin Yan apricot tree broke away from the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the thick roots drilled out of the ground one after another.

A quarter of an hour later, the Jin Yan apricot tree shrank rapidly, and was caught in the Myriad Herbs Vase by the cyan glow.

Fire rock is a fifth-order refining material, and it is very valuable.

Wang Changsheng took out the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword and slashed towards the stone wall. After a piercing sound of the blade sounded, hundreds of blue and misty sword qi swept out and slashed on the stone wall.

With a loud rumbling sound, the stone wall was torn apart, and large pieces of fire rock fell to the ground.

Wang Changsheng still wanted to continue when a powerful divine consciousness swept through his body.

The next moment, the cave they were in shook violently, the top collapsed suddenly, and a golden bird's claw fell from the sky and shot at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Changsheng waved the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword, smashing the golden bird's claw to pieces.

They flew out of the cave and looked into the distance.

Three men and one woman stood in the void thousands of feet away, headed by a young man in a golden shirt with a tiger-backed waist, a tall nose and long ears, some golden spiritual patterns on his face, and golden eyes.

"We, the Jinpeng clan, hunt and kill monsters on the site. Are you tired of living!"

A fat-headed, big-eared, blue-shirted old man said with a cold face, with a pair of cyan wings on his back.

Beside the young man in the golden shirt, there is a girl in a blue skirt with a hot figure. The girl in the blue skirt has some blue scales on her face and arms.

The girl in the blue dress was shocked when she saw Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"Fairy Shark, it's you."

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise, and his eyes fell on the girl in the blue dress.

The girl in the blue dress is none other than a shark pearl.

The shark pearl is currently in the late stage of the transformation of the gods. Wang Changsheng did not expect to see the shark pearl here.

Sharma Pearl never expected to meet Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Speaking of which, she led the Hai Clan to hunt down Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, but she failed.

Shaming Pearl had mixed feelings in her heart. She smuggled into the Xuanyang Realm, but was taken away by the Jinpeng clan and acted as the concubine of the young patriarch of the Jinpeng clan, while Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had already entered the stage of refining.

"Mingzhu, do you know them?"

The young man in the golden shirt narrowed his eyes and asked.

"I come from the same interface with them, and have had a few encounters."

Sharma Mingzhu was reluctant to say more. When she was in the Dongli world, she was a saint of the sea clan, and her status was revered. Now in the Xuanyang world, she was just a concubine.

"How many times have you met? Since you have met old friends, then invite them to the mansion as a guest."

The young man in the golden shirt looked cold and ordered.

The old man in green robe responded, and the green wings behind him slammed violently and disappeared from the spot.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan emitted blue light from their Countless blue water vapor rushed out, turning into a huge blue water curtain, covering their whole bodies.

"Jin Shuo, don't be careless!"

Sharma Mingzhu remembered something and quickly reminded.

Jin Shuo didn't care, his subordinate was in the middle stage of Void Refinement, even if it was a Heavenly Soul Treasure, it would be difficult to hurt him.

A gust of wind blew, and the old man in green robe suddenly appeared in the void a hundred meters behind Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

As soon as he appeared, the surface of his body was full of azure light, and the wind was blowing. A huge cyan seagull phantom appeared above his head, and bursts of azure wind suddenly blew on the sea, setting off one after another huge waves.

The cyan seagull's claws grabbed towards the void below, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's heads swayed with ripples, and a huge cyan bird's claw emerged out of nowhere and grabbed them.

Before the cyan bird's claws got close, the nearby airflow suddenly tightened, making it difficult for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan to breathe.

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, and a dazzling blue light emerged from his right fist, smashing towards the cyan bird claw.

Countless blue water vapors emerged, turned into a giant blue fist, and greeted them.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the two perished together. A powerful air wave swept across. Wherever they passed, dozens of mountain peaks burst, each big tree turned into countless sawdust, and a large number of low-level monsters turned into one. Blood fog.

"Physical training! It's interesting."

The corners of Jin Shuo's mouth were slightly raised, and there was an expression of interest on his face.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, the void above their heads shook and distorted, and a vaporous human-shaped phantom suddenly appeared above their heads.

Wang Ruyan took out the red dust flute and put it to his mouth, and a cheerful flute sounded.

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