Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2223: Wu Ya vs Wang Qingshan

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Chi turtle island, Wu family.

In a certain secret room, a large number of red runes are engraved on the stone wall, the temperature is terrifying, and the void is distorted.

Wu Ya sat cross-legged on a red futon, his hands were imprinted, his eyes were closed, and there was a scarlet human-shaped phantom on top of his head, his facial features blurred.

A sound transmission suddenly flew in and floated in front of him.

Wu Ya seemed to be aware of it, and the human-shaped phantom above his head slowly disintegrated. He opened his eyes, and a burst of red light was faintly emitted from them.

He grabbed the sound transmission and crushed it, and a panicked man's voice suddenly sounded: "Old Ancestor, the big thing is bad, Fellow Daoist Song and the others found a spirit medicine garden, which is suspected to be the one left by Qianmu Sect, but the Wang family also found After visiting this Spirit Medicine Garden, Daoyou Song and the others were blocked by Sword Master Qinglian."

"Spiritual Medicine Garden!"

Wu Ya's eyes lit up and immediately walked out.

A tall and thin old man in green shirt stood at the door with a respectful expression.

The old man in green shirt briefly explained what happened. If he could get the medicine garden, the Wu family would send it.

There is only one cultivator in the Wu family, and with a spirit medicine garden, the development will definitely be better.

"Ancestor, do you want to inform the Liu family?"

The old man in the blue shirt asked cautiously.

"No need for now, I'll take a look first and wait for my order."

Wu Ya instructed that if it can be swallowed alone, there is no need to inform the Liu family.

Wu Ya's wrist flicked slightly, and a red light flew out from the spirit beast bracelet. It was a red falcon, with more than 100 feet of wings spread out, and red eyes.

The fifth-order high-grade Lihuo Falcon, this Lihuo Falcon was handed down by Wu Ya's grandfather, and it flies very fast.

Wu Ya jumped on Li Huo Falcon's back, flapped Li Huo Falcon's wings lightly, a gust of hot wind blew up, flew into the sky, and disappeared into the sky.


On a deserted island, Wang Qingshan and Sun Sihai stood on the backs of the golden-horned Leilin beast.

The island shook violently, as if torn apart.

In the great formation of protecting the island, Song Yunhui's face was pale, and in his hand was holding a yellow-glowing formation plate, and there were several small cracks on the surface of the formation plate.

Song Yunhui's eyes were full of fear. With the fifth-order formation, he could barely block Wang Qingshan's attack. If it was a life-and-death battle, he would definitely not be Wang Qingshan's opponent.

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"Hold on for a while, and the Wu family's virtual cultivator is almost here."

Song Yunhui encouraged, taking a blue pill, his pale complexion quickly returned to rosy, his huge mana was injected into the array, and several magic tricks were injected.

Countless yellow mists appeared on the island, covering the entire island.

Wang Qingshan frowned, pinched his sword, raised his hands high, and the sea suddenly rolled violently, setting off dozens of giant waves. The giant sword of color slashed towards the island from all directions.

All things can be swords.

After an earth-shattering loud noise, the formation plate in Song Yunhui's hand was torn apart, and the yellow mist on the island dissipated.

Song Yunhui's face became ugly, and his eyes were full of fear. He never imagined that Wang Qingshan would actually break the formation with his own strength. He believed that he had no such ability.

Wang Qingshan narrowed his eyes, and his eyes fell on the Lingshan.

"Qiancaofeng? Spirit Medicine Garden?"

An interested expression appeared on Wang Qingshan's face.

At this moment, there was a ripple in the void above his head, and countless red firelights emerged, turning into a big red hand hundreds of feet long, emitting a terrifying high temperature.

The big red hand was photographed head-on, and an amazing heat wave hit the face.

Wang Qingshan's shoulders twitched, and a piercing sound of swords rang out, and nine azure glass swords flew out, turning into nine cyan rainbows, and slashing towards the big red hand.

After the loud bang, the big red hand was shattered by nine cyan Changhong chops and turned into a billowing flame.

Sun Sihai threw out a steamy blue flag and released a large blue glow to block the flames.

"A god-turning cultivator dares to come to our Wu family's territory to make trouble. Is it true that no one dares to teach your Wang family a lesson?"

An indifferent male voice came from the sky.

As soon as the voice fell, a red light appeared in the distant sky, and the speed was very fast.

It didn't take long for the red light to stop. It was a huge Li Huo Falcon. Wu Ya sat on Li Huo Falcon's back with cold eyes.

"This is our Wu family's territory, get out!"

Wu Ya's tone was cold, if it wasn't for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's face, he would have killed him long ago.

"Senior, our royal family is ready to develop this island..."

Before Wang Qingshan's words were finished, Wu Ya started.

He patted the void with one hand, and countless red fires suddenly appeared in the void in front of Wang Qingshan, which instantly turned into a huge red fire palm, with a monstrous heat wave, and photographed Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and the nine azure glass swords shot up, turning into nine azure giant pythons with a length of more than 100 feet, and their mana turned into shape.

Nine cyan giant pythons faced the red fire palm. They opened their **** mouths, bit the red fire palm, tore it to pieces, and the flames were billowing.

Wu Ya's eyes flashed with surprise, he didn't have the nine-piece Tongtian Lingbao.

Wang Qingshan was only in the Spirit Transformation stage, so he dared to resist him, which made Wu Ya a little unhappy.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, a dazzling red light burst out from the surface of his and turned into a huge shadow of the candidate.

The candidate phantom lit up with a dazzling red light, and slapped his right hand towards the void.

The void above Wang Qingshan's head suddenly swayed with ripples, and countless red firelights emerged. After a blur, it turned into a big red hand that was thousands of feet long and patted Wang Qingshan.

Wu Ya will not kill Wang Qingshan, and there is no problem in seriously injuring Wang Qingshan.

Before the big red hand could be photographed, an astonishingly high temperature hit the face, a large amount of seawater volatilized, and thick fog billowed.

Sun Sihai felt his mouth dry, and his eyes were full of fear.

Wang Qingshan raised his hands high, and the thick fog rolled violently, turning into white flying swords, facing the big red hand. At the same time, the nine cyan giant pythons merged into one, turning into a huge cyan dragon, rushing towards the big red hand.

As soon as the white flying sword approached the big red hand, it suddenly collapsed. The cyan Flood Dragon collided with the big red hand. The cyan Flood Dragon let out a shrill cry and flew out backwards, turning into nine flying swords with azure light.

Wang Qingshan's sword art changed, and the nine azure glass swords shot up sharply, one hundred, one hundred thousand, ten thousand cyan flying swords facing the big red hand.

After a loud bang, the big red hand was smashed by the dense cyan flying swords and turned into billowing flames, submerging for several kilometers, and the high temperature caused a large amount of seawater to evaporate.

Song Yunhui looked happy when he saw this scene. Wu Ya attacked with his face. Even if Wang Qingshan didn't die, he should have been injured.

Before long, the flames dissipated.

Wang Qingshan was wrapped in a blue flame, and he was not damaged. Sun Sihai's face was pale, the clothes on his body were tattered, and his face was gray, forming a clear contrast.

With Qinglian Karma's fire protection, ordinary flames can't hurt Wang Qingshan.

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