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Chapter 2228: Wang Yingjie smuggled in, Sun Tianhu entered the virtual refining period

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After obtaining the transformation stone, Wang Changsheng would not immediately cast the lower realm. Separating the soul into the lower realm was not an easy task, so he had to be well prepared and not be careless.

The soul is divided into the lower realm, and it is impossible to carry things to the lower realm, but some secret techniques can be passed on to the clansmen in the lower realm, and knowledge is the most precious.

He has already ordered Wang Qingcheng to collect the manuals of the exercises, especially the secret manuals of the dragon practice. Wang Qiujing's body is a fifth-order flood dragon, and he has a suitable set of exercises. The speed of cultivation is faster, and this is also the biggest form of monster. benefit.

In addition to the classics of the exercises, there are also formations. If you can collect materials and connect the people of the lower realm with the people of the Xuanyang realm, it will be even better.

Taiyangzong was killed in the sect of the lower realm, and he could contact the ancestors of the Xuanyang realm through the formation method, so as to move and rescue soldiers.

There are many communication formations, but the lower realm may not be able to collect the materials to set up the formation. It is necessary to improve the formation, which will trouble Bai Yuqi, and it will not be possible in the short term.

Nine Dragon Fruit Tree, Tianyuan Fruit Tree, and Nine Thunder Bamboo, Wang Changsheng will let Wang Qiupu take care of them personally. Wang Qiupu is a spiritual planter. This time, he has obtained a lot of planting books, which is beneficial to Wang Qiupu's growth.

Back in the secret room, Wang Changsheng continued to refine the fifth-order puppet beast.

After passing the large beast tide, he can cultivate with peace of mind. According to the time calculation, within three hundred years, the large beast tide will definitely erupt, and the time is urgent.

There are a lot of refining materials on the ground, and some puppet limbs can be seen.

Wang Changsheng picked up a piece of khaki-yellow ore and threw it into the air, spewing out glazed ice flames, covering the ore.

As time passed, the ore showed signs of softening.


Green Bamboo Bee, Wang Qingshan sat on the bamboo chair, Wang Lihe and other more than 20 sword cultivators stood by with respectful expressions.

"From today onwards, you will be staying in Green Bamboo Bee, and I will instruct you to cultivate. How much you can comprehend depends on your own comprehension."

Wang Qingshan's tone was stern. Before the big beast swarm came, he planned to give good guidance to the younger generation of the family and improve the strength of the tribe as much as possible.

"Yes, Old Ancestor Qingshan."

Wang Lihe and the others agreed in unison with respectful expressions.


The southeastern part of Xuanling Continent, a barren land.

There are many powerful ancient beasts living in the wild land, and the integrated monks may also fall when they encounter these powerful ancient beasts. However, there are many natural treasures in the wild land, and many races will enter this place to hunt for treasures. It is also a buffer zone between humans and foreign races. one.

They only dare to move in the periphery, and only a few monks with strong cultivation base or boldness dare to go deep into the wild land to hunt for treasures.

In the depths of the wild land, there is a vast and boundless dense forest. Looking around, there are towering trees with a height of more than 100 feet, with luxuriant branches and leaves.

In an open space, a red giant tiger more than ten feet long is fighting with a blue giant python more than one hundred feet long. The red giant tiger has some golden patterns on its body, and a pair of red fleshy wings on its back. On the head of the blue giant python. There is a golden flesh crown, and they are all fifth-order monsters.

The red giant tiger opened its **** mouth and spewed out a thick red flame, heading straight for the cyan giant python.

A blue hurricane spewed out of the blue giant python's mouth, blocking the red flames.

The rumbling sound rang out, huge fire pits appeared on the ground, and the towering trees were smashed by the dense giant wind blades.

The void vibrated and distorted, and a crack that was several meters in size suddenly appeared. A distressed figure flew out of the crack and smashed into the canopy of a towering tree. It was Wang Yingjie.

Wang Yingjie's body surface was bleeding non-stop, white bones could be seen in many places on his body, blood on his back was blurred, and his breath was sluggish.

He sent his clan to look for the ancient monk's cave. It took hundreds of years to find two unknown secret realms. There were many thousand-year-old elixir in the secret realm, which were refined into medicinal pills and taken. Only then did Wang Yingjie enter the middle stage of transformation.

This is already amazing. At this point, his lifespan is only more than five hundred years left. He is very clear that with his aptitude and the resources of immortal cultivation in the ice sea world, it is impossible for him to cultivate to the late stage of God Transformation. , only smuggling.

It is very dangerous to smuggle to death. Wang Yingjie asked his clan to refine a number of defensive spiritual treasures, obtained two fifth-order secret talismans from the ancient monk's cave, and practiced many life-saving secret techniques.

As for the Tongtian Lingbao, he didn't have one, so smuggling was particularly dangerous.

Occasionally, a secret realm appeared in the world, but unfortunately the high-year elixir in the secret realm was eaten by a fifth-order sky-splitting beast.

This fifth-order sky-splitting beast has no shape, but it can speak human words and master the supernatural powers of space.

At the beginning, this beast wanted to eat Wang Yingjie and improve his cultivation. Wang Yingjie used the fifth-order secret talisman to transform into a fifth-order demon bird, injuring the demon, forcing the demon to sign an oath on the forbidden book, not to violate each other.

Wang Yingjie had thought about it for hundreds of years, and then smuggled through the cultivation base, but the clansmen found an ancient monk's cave without heavy treasures. They knew of two space nodes leading to the spiritual world, one of which has collapsed, and the other is still maintained. Soon.

The main reason for smuggling through nine deaths is that there is no accurate space node. It may also lead to the Necromancy, or it may lead to other interfaces.

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Wang Yingjie thought about it and planned to seize the opportunity to join forces with the sky-splitting beast to sneak in. Even with the secret talisman and many spiritual treasures, Wang Yingjie was seriously injured, but fortunately he survived. As for the sky-splitting beast, Wang Yingjie did not know it. 's whereabouts.

Feeling the abundant spiritual energy in this place, Wang Yingjie's face was filled with joy.

He swept his gaze and saw two fifth-order monster beasts, so frightened that their souls flew out of the sky, the body surface radiated a lot of light, and they turned into a ray of light that broke through the air and walked away.

The two fifth-order monsters were red-eyed, and they had no interest in paying any attention to Wang Yingjie.

Wang Yingjie's condition is very bad now and needs to find a place to heal.

"Blessed by the ancestors of the Wang family, I must be in the spiritual world, but don't appear in other lower interfaces."

Wang Yingjie muttered to himself, speeding up his escape and disappearing into the sky.


Wanlingmen, a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides.

A huge thundercloud floated high in the sky, lightning flashed and thunderous, and thick silver lightning cut through the sky and smashed into the valley.

On a peak in the distance, a burly old red runner stood on the peak with a solemn gaze.

The red-robed old man is the deputy head of Wanlingmen, Su Yuntao, a cultivator.

After a cup of tea, the thundercloud turned into a giant silver tiger and rushed towards the valley with a loud noise.

After a loud bang, a huge silver sun lit up, flooding the entire valley.

After a while, the sound of dragons and tigers roared, and several ghostly beasts suddenly appeared high in the sky, beasts roared, birds and insects chirped.

The silver sun valley disappeared.

Sun Tianhu stood in a huge pit, with terrifying bloodstains on his body, exuding an astonishing spiritual pressure.

"Haha, I've finally entered the Void Refinement Stage."

Sun Tianhu laughed, his face full of pride.

Su Yuntao descended from the sky and landed in front of him.

"Disciple Sun Tianhu pays a visit to the master."

Sun Tianhu bowed and saluted, he flew up and landed on Wanlingmen's site, joined Wanlingmen, and worshipped under Su Yuntao's sect. If not, it would be difficult for him to enter the refining stage.

Su Yuntao handed Sun Tianhu a blue porcelain bottle and said, "You accept this bottle of medicinal herbs to heal your wounds. Remember, you have inquired about Qinglian Immortal Companion, do you know them?"

"I know, they and their disciples are both cultivators from the Dongli Realm, but they received the help of the Zhenxian Pagoda Artifact Spirit. It is said that they have ascended to the spiritual realm, but the disciples are not sure."

Sun Tianhu said truthfully, after entering Wanlingmen, Sun Tianhu inquired about the whereabouts of Qinglian Immortals many times, but unfortunately there was no news.

"They are indeed in the Xuanyang world, and they have also played against the avatar of the teacher."

Su Yuntao's eyes were dignified, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were very strong in the spiritual transformation stage, and now they are definitely stronger in the virtual refining stage.

He didn't care, everyone was their own master, and the things of Xuantian fell into the hands of the Xuanqing faction. In general, it was the power to strengthen the human race.

Sun Tianhu's eyes flashed with surprise, he never thought that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were so powerful.

"We don't know each other if you don't fight with them. I didn't expect you to know them. You will have a chance to meet them in the future. You heal your injuries first and talk later. They have entered the stage of refining and established a family."

Su Yuntao said slowly.

"Yes, Master."

Sun Tianhu responded and returned to his residence to practice.

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