Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2230: Wang Changsheng

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Qingzhi Island, the island is lush with vegetation, looking down from a high altitude, it looks like a huge blue Ganoderma lucidum. This is the Yan family's old nest.

A light cyan light curtain covered the entire Qingzhi Island, the alarm sounded loudly on the island, and a large number of Yan family members rushed out of the residence, panicking.

Yan Ruofeng and Wang Tianhua stood high in the sky out of thin air, their expressions solemn.

Hundreds of thousands of monsters are attacking Qingzhi Island, and various spells are overwhelmingly smashing on the blue light curtain.

There were six fifth-order monsters, three full-bodied giant crabs, with some blue patterns on their bodies, and their double pincers were more than ten feet long. A thick red flame spewed out of their mouths, hitting the cyan light curtain.

The three full-body blue seagulls have wings that are more than a hundred feet long, and their claws are like two blue scissors. They gently flap their wings and release a blue hurricane, hitting the blue light curtain.

With the help of the Wang family, Yan Ruofeng has entered the stage of spiritual transformation. Bai Yuqi helped to arrange two sets of fifth-order formations on Qingzhi Island, but Yan Ruofeng also dared to guarantee that he would be able to block the monsters.

"Quick, women and children, the old and the weak, leave first."

Yan Ruofeng commanded loudly to let the old and weak people teleport away first.

In his hand, he held a five-pointed array disk with a sparkling blue light. There was a pattern of flowers and plants on the surface of the array disk. The text, after a blur, turned into a blossoming blue spirit flower.

The red giant crab waved its double pincers, the void oscillated and twisted, and a large number of red firelight appeared, turning into red fireballs, as many as a thousand, hanging high in the void.

Thousands of red fireballs smashed on the cyan light curtain one after another, a huge explosion sounded, and the billowing flames drowned the cyan light curtain.

The cyan seagull's wings slammed fiercely, the void oscillated and twisted, and a blue hurricane swept out, hitting the cyan light curtain.

A huge explosion sounded, the cyan light curtain was twisted and deformed, and the cyan flower pattern on the surface slowly disintegrated, as if it never existed.

Yan Ruofeng poured a large amount of mana into the array and entered a series of magic tricks, his face was slightly pale.

The entire Qingzhi Island shook violently, and the cyan light curtain was twisted and deformed.

The defensive power of the fifth-order formation was relatively strong. In a short period of time, the monsters could not break the formation, but only after being beaten and not fighting back, Yan Ruofeng's mana flowed quickly.

As time passed, Yan Ruofeng's face became paler and paler.

The huge pincers of the red giant crab smashed on the cyan light curtain, and the cyan light curtain sank, looming, and seemed to collapse at any time.

At this time, the cultivators of the Yan family had almost retreated.

With a loud bang, Yan Ruofeng's array plate appeared several small cracks, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger. It was very good to be able to withstand it for so long.

The sea surface rolled violently, and a blue shark with a length of more than 100 meters and a giant golden shrimp emerged from the sea. They were all fifth-order monsters. The blue shark had a golden unicorn on its head, and it spewed out a thick Blue light, the golden crab spews a golden flame.

After a loud noise, the blue light curtain was torn apart, and a large number of monsters rushed over and attacked the Yan family cultivator.

At this moment, a hurried piano sounded, and a blue sound wave descended from the sky, passing over the bodies of thousands of low-level monsters.

Intensive spells fell like a meteor shower, and they were about to drown the bodies of Yan Ruofeng and Wang Tianhua.

A large amount of blue water vapor suddenly appeared in the void, and after a blur, it turned into a blue water wall more than a thousand feet high, protecting Yan Ruofeng and Wang Tianhua.

A gust of wind whistled past, and a huge cyan seagull suddenly appeared above Yan Ruofeng's head.

As soon as it appeared, there was a ripple in the void, and a big blue hand appeared out of nowhere, grabbing the body of the cyan seagull like lightning.

"The ancestors are here."

Wang Tianhua was full of surprises, and the people who could easily kill the fifth-order monsters must be Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

A cyan escaping light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly.

It didn't take long for the azure escape light to stop, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood on the azure boat, their eyes solemn.

"Hurry up and leave it to us."

Wang Changsheng instructed that the reason why the large-scale beast tide is terrifying is mainly because there are too many low-level monsters.

They try to kill some low-level monsters as much as possible, which can reduce the pressure.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, his hands were raised high, and the sea suddenly rolled violently. Hundreds of thick water wave tornadoes rose into the sky, and the low-level monster was hit by the water wave tornado. Bloody fog.

Wang Ruyan plucked the strings, and accompanied by a rapid sound of the piano, a blue wave of sound waves swept out. Wherever they passed, a large number of low-level monsters lost their response and sank into the sea.

The high-altitude monster bird wanted to cast a spell attack, but was directly pierced by a water wave tornado.

At the same time that Qingzhi Island was attacked, other islands of the Wang family were also attacked by monsters, ranging from tens of thousands to more than one Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan fought on the front line, Wang Qingshan, Wang Mengbin, Wang Qingfeng and others leave the residence one after another.

Wang Qingshan sat on Qinglian Island, and Wang Mengbin, Wang Qingfeng and others rushed to the seven sub-islands to resist the beast tide.

The tortoise was not idle either. It flew out of Qinglian Island and floated on the sea, making a deafening roar, lightning and thunder in the sky, and a huge blue thundercloud appeared in the sky.

One after another thick lightning pierced the sky and slashed towards the monster below.

The Golden Horned Leilin Beast floated high in the sky, and Wang Qingshan sat on its back with a cold expression.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were worried that Wang Qingshan would encounter a sixth-order monster, and let him stay on Qinglian Island instead of rushing to the front.

It is not easy for the monsters to break through the outer defense line, not to mention that there are seven auxiliary islands blocking the road, and it is not easy for the monsters to rush to Qinglian Island.

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Standing on a steep peak, Wang Qingcheng looked nervous. This was the first big problem the family had encountered since the establishment of the family.

The island's defense is not weak. There are as many as five fifth-order puppet beasts, and there are three sixth-order formations. Even if two or three sixth-order monsters attack Qinglian Island, Wang Qingshan controls the formation and can resist. a period of time.

The last time a large beast swarm hit here, there were only two sixth-order monsters, and the Zhenhai Palace disciples blocked the attack of the monsters with the sixth-order formation.

Almost at the same time, the major forces in this sea area were attacked by monsters, and the low-level monks gathered towards the big island. A large number of monks were killed by monsters before they could withdraw.

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