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Chapter 2238: Smart was mistaken by smart, Wang Changsheng shot

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It is the magneto-optical demon-killing formation, the sixth-order formation.

The gray light curtain is magneto-light, and those spells are crushed by powerful magnetic force.

The blue thunder light dissipated, Wang Ruyan's face was slightly pale, there were many small bloodstains on his body, and he had a gray face.

Thanks to the magneto-optical demon annihilation array, she was slightly injured, but it was not a big problem.

A large number of monsters rushed into Tianshu Island. As soon as they approached them for ten miles, gray lights suddenly appeared on the ground, and a powerful magnetic force emerged out of thin air. The monsters below the fifth order were instantly crushed by the magnetic force and turned into a mass of blood. fog.

The kestrel phantom's wings slammed violently, the void vibrated and twisted, and countless red hot pots emerged. After a blur, they turned into thousands of giant fireballs the size of water tanks, smashing at Wang Ruyan and others.

The phantom of the baby-splitting beast spewed a blue thunder spear more than a hundred feet long, heading straight for the monk of the Wang family, and at the same time, a dense blue thunder ball poured down.

Wang Ruyan didn't dare to be careless, the flute sound became more and more rapid, and blue sound waves swept out and greeted him.

Wang Qingcheng and others also cast spells to attack the monsters.

A huge explosion sounded, and the dazzling aura drowned the small half of Tianshu Island.

In a loud noise, two giant ape puppet beasts flew out, smashing heavily on the ground, the body surface was bumpy, or broken hands, or broken feet.

The two fifth-order puppet beasts were severely damaged and temporarily lost their combat power.

At this moment, accompanied by a strange roar, a sawfish charged with more than 100,000 monsters and fought with other monsters.

A blue-colored Changhong appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly. It was Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and nine azure glass swords flew out. After one blurred, it turned into tens of thousands of identical azure flying swords. It didn't go straight to the beasts, and the speed was extremely fast.

After a huge explosion sounded, a large number of low-level monsters were pierced by the dense blue flying swords.

Wang Qingshan fell in front of Wang Ruyan, Wang Ruyan frowned, and asked, "Qingshan, where is your ninth uncle!"

"Ninth uncle asked us to resist the beast tide, he has other things to do."

Wang Qingshan said through a voice transmission that Wang Changsheng was looking for the Liu Family's Void Refinement cultivator, and he did not show up for the time being.

Wang Ruyan nodded, without thinking much, urging the red dust flute to attack Lihuo Falcon.

With the addition of sawfish, the pressure on Wang Ruyan and others was greatly reduced.

Inside a huge clam shell, Liu Yunlan frowned.

"What's the matter? Why did the sixth-order monster come back? They also attacked other monsters? Did the Wang family get a treasure like the Order of Ten Thousand Beasts?"

Liu Yunlan muttered to himself, with an incredible look on his face.

The Order of Ten Thousand Beasts is a top-grade Lingtian treasure, the treasure of Wanlingmen, which can forcibly drive monsters below the seventh rank. The Wang family has been established for less than a thousand years, so there should be no such treasures.

Seeing that a good show she led was destroyed, she was naturally unwilling.

Liu Yunlan took out another soul-killing talisman, and with a flick of his wrist, the soul-killing talisman turned into a black light and flew away.

In order not to leave any substantive evidence, she could only use the talisman to assist her.

The black light hit the sawfish, and the sawfish made a painful cry, and the attack was less powerful.

Liu Yunlan's consciousness sensed that there were several astonishing aura fluctuations flying towards her, looming.

With the huge clam shell as the center, eighteen blue-light sparkling beads suddenly appeared in a radius of a hundred miles, surrounding the huge clam shell.

Seeing the eighteen blue balls, Liu Yunlan's jade appearance changed greatly, and when the magic trick was pinched, the blue clam shell immediately moved towards the distance, and the speed was very fast.

"Do you still want to leave? When Wang does not exist?"

A cold and ruthless man's voice suddenly sounded, the eighteen blue **** suddenly brightened, and the sea water was squeezed out, forming a vacuum zone with a radius of 500 miles. A huge blue light curtain blocked the sea water, and the huge clam shell was covered with blue light. The curtain is blocked.

Countless blue water vapors emerged, turning into a big blue hand that emerged out of thin air and slapped the huge clam shell.

The huge clam shell fell onto the seabed, and a young woman in a blue dress with gorgeous features came out. It was Liu Yunlan, who had changed her face. She didn't dare to face the Wang family with her real face. As long as she killed it, she could take out the family.

They were all cultivators, so she didn't believe that she could be killed so easily.

A blue Changhong lasing came and instantly arrived in front of Liu Yunlan.

Liu Yunlan opened his mouth, and a small blue shield the size of a slap flew out, instantly swelled, and blocked in front of him.

The blue Changhong hit the blue shield, and there was a muffled sound.

Countless blue water vapor appeared out of thin air, and after a blur, it turned into the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

He had a murderous look on his face. Whether it was the Liu family or the Leng Yan faction, if he wanted to kill someone with a knife, Wang Changsheng would never let him go.

As soon as Wang Changsheng appeared, Liu Yunlan took out six flying knives whose blue light was fluctuating. In a piercing sound of knives, the six blue flying knives suddenly merged into one, turning into a huge blue giant with water vapor. Blade, went straight to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng snorted coldly, the blue light on the surface of his body released, his body rose in a circle, and there was a skeletal sound of "crackling", and a snow-blue flame emerged from his right fist, smashing towards the blue giant blade.

With a muffled sound of "keng", the blue giant blade flew out, instantly freezing and being frozen.

Liu Yunlan's body surface lit up with a dazzling blue light, and a vague female phantom appeared out of nowhere, and the woman's phantom's right palm slapped toward the void.

Countless blue water vapors suddenly appeared in front of Wang Changsheng, turning into a giant blue palm that shone with blue light, smashing at Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng was not afraid at all, and with a movement of his fists, he smashed the blue giant palm into pieces, turning it into countless blue water vapors, which scattered all around.

With a flash of blue light, a small blue seal suddenly appeared on the top of Wang Changsheng's head.

With a loud noise, Wang Changsheng was hit by the blue giant seal, and the ground shook.

A little blue light suddenly appeared in the void behind Liu Yunlan, turning into the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

The blue light on Wang Changsheng's body surfaced, and a huge human-shaped phantom suddenly appeared above his head, his right fist flashed a burst of blue light, and the human-shaped phantom's right fist smashed into the female phantom.

The female virtual shadow quickly waved her right palm and went up to meet her.

With a loud bang, the woman's phantom was like a piece of paper, shattered by Wang Changsheng's dharma, and disintegrated into countless blue auras.

Liu Yunlan's dharma does not have a single part condensed, and it is not a match for Wang Changsheng's dharma at all.

The dharma was broken, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and her face turned pale.

The right fist of the humanoid phantom smashed into Liu Yunlan's and smashed it into flesh, and a huge pit was smashed into the seabed.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness was wide open, but he didn't notice Liu Yunlan's breath, he snorted lightly, took out the Jiujiao Drum, moved his arms, and smashed it towards the Jiujiao Drum.

With the sound of deafening dragon roars, blue sound waves swept out and swept away in all directions.

The void suddenly lit up with a golden light, and disappeared after a blur.

A golden light lit up above Wang Changsheng's head, and a golden ball suddenly emerged, exuding a violent aura.

The golden orb suddenly burst open, and a dazzling golden thunder light lit up, drowning the area for hundreds of miles.

The blue light curtain was twisted and deformed, a blue light lit up in the void, Liu Yunlan appeared, her left arm was missing, and her face was pale.

She opened her mouth, and a small mirror with blue light flew out, which instantly expanded. After the mirror lit up with countless blue runes, a blue glow shot out, hitting the blue light curtain, and the blue light curtain suddenly tore. When it opened, a gap of more than 100 feet appeared.

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"I want to go, have you asked Wang?"

A cold and ruthless man's voice sounded, Liu Yunlan's head buzzed, her sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be torn apart, she let out a miserable cry, and her facial features were twisted and deformed.

A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and an arrow flashing with a nine-color electric arc shot from behind, instantly piercing Liu Yunlan's head, his body burst open, and the gap in the blue light curtain healed.

A mini Nascent Soul flew out of the body, and before it flew far, a snow-blue Flood Dragon descended from the sky, opened its **** mouth, and swallowed the mini Nascent Soul.

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