Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2240: The Liu family who suffered heavy losses

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He suddenly thought of one thing. There are 31 sub-islands in the Liu family. No matter which direction the monsters come from, the clansmen should be able to find them and warn them in advance, but they haven't been warned until the monsters appear here. There is only one explanation, the clansmen responsible for warning were all killed.

No matter how powerful the sixth-order monsters are, there is a great formation to protect the island. As long as you buy a moment, you can send the warning back to Qianzhu Island. That is to say, the clansmen responsible for the warning are killed instantly, and there is no chance to warn.

It can only be done by the imaginary cultivator using his great supernatural powers, and he immediately thought of Wang Changsheng.

In this sea area, Wang Changsheng was the most suspicious of the cultivators with this motivation and ability.

He didn't have time to think about it, Li Fire Falcon and Sawfish had already brought nearly a million monsters to kill, and the intensive magic aura rushed over.

"Chuanzhi, immediately ask the Leng Yan faction for help."

Liu Tianxiao instructed that the Liu family is a cultivator family supported by the Leng Yan faction. There is a teleportation array on the island that directly teleports to Xueyanfang City. With the help of the cold flame faction, it is not difficult to block the attacks of the sixth-order monsters.

"Qingheng, if you have trouble, take action and fight the beast tide with me."

Liu Tianxiao looked at Su Qingheng with a heavy tone.

Liu Chuanzhi has not been in the Void Refinement Stage for a long time, and his supernatural powers are not strong. Su Qingheng is a disciple of Master Feixue and an elite disciple of Leng Yan Sect.

Su Qingheng nodded, his sleeves flicked, and a small white bell flew out, with a miniature white dragon engraved on the bell, with amazing aura.

Ice Flood Bell, low-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

As soon as Su Qingheng's tactic was pinched, a deafening dragon roar came from the ice dragon bell. The ice dragon bell lit up with a dazzling white light, and its body soared, becoming the size of a small mountain, exuding a biting chill.

The ice dragon bell spewed out a white sound wave, and went straight to the beast tide. Wherever it passed, the sea quickly froze, and a large number of low-level monsters were frozen.

Li Huo Falcon and Sawfish urged Dharma to attack Qianzhu Island one after another.

Tens of thousands of feet below the sea floor, a huge clam shell.

Wang Changsheng was lying in a huge mussel shell. This mussel shell was a low-grade sea mussel that was a treasure of the heavens and the sky, and the concealment effect was very good.

Even with his huge spiritual consciousness, he could not find out that Liu Yunlan's body was destroyed, and all the treasures on his body belonged to Wang Changsheng.

On the way to Qianzhu Island, he controlled the sawfish and the fire falcon to gather a lot of monsters.

Wang Changsheng flicked with four fingers, and four blue Changhongs flew out, heading straight for the four sixth-order monsters.

The offensive of the four sixth-order monsters was not big, but after being injured by the Four Seas Spirit Exterminating Fingers, this angered them, and successively urged Fa Xiang to attack Qianzhudao.

Six sixth-order monsters, plus nearly two million monsters, the Liu family's island protection formation couldn't stop them.

"Old Ancestor, the great formation of protecting the clan can hardly be stopped."

Liu Chuanzhi exclaimed, with an anxious tone, several cracks appeared on the array plate in his hand, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger.

Liu Tianxiao's face sank, and he took out a beautiful cyan jade box.

At this moment, the phantom of the sawfish made a strange roar, and Liu Tianxiao felt dizzy and dizzy.

Su Qingheng and Liu Chuanzhi were not much better either, not to mention the cultivation bases below Lianxu, and their reactions were affected.

When Liu Tianxiao came back to his senses, a huge red bird's claw appeared out of thin air and shot it on the island protection formation.

The formation plate in Liu Chuanzhi's hand shattered instantly, and the island-guarding formation was shattered.

The red bird claws slapped towards Liu Chuanzhi, Liu Chuanzhi reacted very quickly, and with a flick of his body, he appeared hundreds of feet away, and the red bird claws slapped on hundreds of Liu family cultivators, smashing them into flesh.

At the same time, the intensive magic light came, the island roared loudly, various magic lights lit up, a large number of monks were killed by spells, and their stumps and arms were scattered all over the place.

A hot wind blew, and the Lihuo Falcon suddenly appeared on top of Liu Chuanzhi's head, and its sharp bird claws grabbed Liu Chuanzhi's head.

Liu Chuanzhi was taken aback and was about to avoid it when the phantom of the sawfish made a strange cry again.

Liu Chuanzhi's reaction was stagnant, and a long sword with a white light flew towards it, blocking Lihuo Falcon's bird claws, and Liu Chuanzhi's head was preserved.

Li Huo Falcon spewed a thick red flame, drowning Liu Chuanzhi's figure, and at the same time a blue sound wave swept in, Liu Chuanzhi flew out, vomiting blood.

Li Huo Falcon wanted to kill Liu Chuanzhi in one go, but the ice dragon bell smashed over.

It flapped its wings fiercely, and disappeared into a mass of red flames.

Liu Tianxiao's eyes were gloomy. He could see that the Lihuo Falcon and Sawfish were controlled, otherwise the cooperation would not be so good. You can see this by looking at the other four sixth-order monsters. They have no cooperation at all. , fighting each other.

Li Huo Falcon flew high into the sky, the huge bird wings slammed violently, and a burst of sound rang out, and red feathers flew out one by one, and after one blurred, they turned into red fire swords, hitting the Liu family.

There was a loud bang, and the flames shot into the sky. Hundreds of Liu family cultivators were killed on the spot, their flesh and blood flying.

"Bold and evil, dare to commit murder on Qianzhu Island."

A cold female voice suddenly sounded.

Yang Xuemei arrived with three virtual cultivators, and they all took action to deal with the monsters. As a result, the pressure on the Liu family cultivators was greatly reduced.

The sawfish flew out of the sea and came straight for them, as if to fight hand to hand.

The surface of the sawfish was covered in blood, with white bones in many places, and was seriously injured.

Its body swelled rapidly, and seeing this scene, Liu Tianxiao and others turned pale in shock.

"No, this demon is going to explode."

Yang Xuemei exclaimed.

After a loud noise, the sawfish exposed itself, and a dazzling blue light shrouded the small half of Qianzhu Island. Thousands of immortal practitioners were covered by the blue light, and the blue light dissipated, and thousands of immortal practitioners evaporated from the world.

Li Huo Falcon seemed to be frightened, and the fire on the surface of the body flashed and disappeared.

Liu Tianxiao looked at the messy Thousand Bamboo Island, his face was ashen, and if his eyes could kill, he would have killed the sixth-order monsters long ago.

A sixth-order monster whose vitality was severely injured took the initiative to expose the enemy, which was unbelievable. It was impossible to say that it was not under the control of an immortal cultivator.

The Wang family can actually control the sixth-order This is too terrifying, doesn't it mean that after more than a thousand years, the Wang family can continue to control the sixth-order monsters to attack the Liu family.

This time, the Liu family shot themselves in the foot.

Liu Tianxiao's bowels are all regretful. If he knew this, he would not provoke the Wang family.

Liu Chuanting looked at the clansmen who were screaming again and again on the ground, blood dripping from her heart.

She also discovered an anomaly. It was really rare for a sixth-order monster to take the initiative to expose itself when there was no end to it.

They didn't think much about it, and they all cast spells to attack the monsters, hoping to defeat the beast tide as soon as possible.


On Qinglian Island, the Golden Thunder Turtle led nearly a million monsters to attack Qinglian Island.

Wang Ruyan and others joined forces to resist the monsters, and an aqua blue light curtain covered the entire island.

There was a huge fire cloud more than a hundred kilometers in the sky, covering the sky and the sun. Huge fireballs the size of water tanks flew out of the fire cloud and smashed into the monsters below.

One after another, the red fireballs fell, the sea surface burst open, and the sea water quickly boiled.

The air was filled with a strong aroma of meat, and it was impossible to break through Qinglian Island by relying on a sixth-order golden thunder turtle.

There are more than 30,000 immortal cultivators on the island. This is the strongest force that the Wang family can draw. Except for the Wang family, most of them are affiliated forces.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Countless blue water vapor emerged, turned into a big blue hand more than ten thousand feet long, and patted on the back of the Golden Thunder Turtle.

At the same time, hundreds of thick blue water columns rose into the sky like sharp blades, tearing apart the low-level monsters and turning them into a rain of blood.

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