Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2242: Counting the harvest, Wang Yingjie crosses the small catastrophe

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This is still a conservative estimate. The beast tide has not completely ended, and many islands of the Liu family are still resisting the beast tide.

Liu Chuande said at the end, his face full of grief.

More than a dozen of his descendants died in the self-exposure of the sawfish. If they hadn't been killed, a few hundred years later, one of them would have a high chance of being promoted to the God Transformation Stage.

Liu Tianxiao's eyes were gloomy and he asked, "I asked you to send someone to check Yunlan's whereabouts. Is there any news?"

No amount of casualties among low-level clansmen could compare to that of a cultivator, Liu Yunlan had not returned, which made Liu Tianxiao have a bad premonition.

Logically speaking, if Liu Yunlan escaped with all his strength, he should be able to escape. Since he escaped, why not return to Qianzhu Island? Speaking of being killed, Liu Yunlan's natal soul lamp has not been extinguished.

Not seeing people in life, not seeing corpses in death, this is what Liu Tianxiao finds the most troublesome.

"They searched the sea area for thousands of miles, but they didn't find Aunt Yunlan, and no one received a distress call. Will Aunt Yunlan be captured by the sixth-order monster?"

Liu Chuande guessed that it was not uncommon for high-level monsters to arrest human monks, force human monks to teach skills, or have children.

"She has escaping sea mussels, and it is difficult to find her on the bottom of the sea. Forget it, withdraw the manpower first, and let's talk about the end of the beast tide. I hope she doesn't fall into the hands of the Wang family."

Liu Tianxiao said at the end, his eyes were full of worry.

If Wang Changsheng really did it, it would be terrifying.

He wanted to know even more how the Wang family prevented the beast tide.

This time the Liu family shot themselves in the foot. If they used the Seven Stars to lure away two sixth-order monsters, they could relieve their pressure and make a small profit.

Liu Tianxiao didn't think he had done anything wrong. There was no room for others to snore on the side of the couch. He could conclude that there were more than two people in the Wang family who practiced immorality.

That's right, it must be like this. The Liu family can ask the Leng Yan faction to help, and the Wang family can find Zhenhai Palace. If the Zhenhai Palace cultivator makes a move, everything can be explained.

"Yes, great-grandfather."

Liu Chuande agreed and bowed down.


Two months passed quickly.

Qinglian Island, Wang Qingcheng and other more than 30 monks are meeting in the council hall.

The beast tide was completely over, and the losses of the Wang family were also reported.

"Qiuhong, report the loss of personnel!"

Wang Qingcheng ordered.

A tall, thin middle-aged man responded and stood up: "Patriarch, we have killed a total of 2,735 people, and 975 people are missing, of which 430 were killed in our family. Fifteen people, one hundred and thirty-four people missing, eight Yuanying people, forty-five people who formed pills, fifteen sets of fifth-order formations were damaged, eight fifth-order puppet beasts were scrapped, and puppet beasts below fifth-order were scrapped More than seven hundred."

Fortunately, the Wang family refined a large number of puppet beasts, otherwise the loss of personnel would be even greater.

Wang Qingcheng's expression softened. The loss was not big. Before the sixth-order monsters attacked Qinglian Island, most of the casualties were lost. If not, the loss of the Wang family would be even greater.

"After talking about the loss, let's talk about the gain!"

Wang Qingcheng ordered.

"This time, a conservative estimate is that we killed 200,000 monsters, most of them were Tier 2 or 3, 3 Tier 6 monsters, 155 Tier 5 monsters, and 3,000 Tier 4 monsters. Three hundred and fifty-four, and a large number of animal meat and demon pills."

Wang Qiuhong said truthfully, he did not know that Wang Changsheng killed the Lihuo Falcon, and thought that the Wang family killed three sixth-order monsters, which was already very powerful.

After many monsters were killed, the corpses floated on the sea, and the aftermath of the fighting method shattered the corpses, otherwise the harvest would be more.

The beast tide has receded, and the affiliated forces of the Wang family have returned to their homes to repair the formation and rebuild their homes.

This battle showed the prestige of the Wang family. Wang Changsheng showed his supernatural powers and killed the sixth-order monsters, which was praised and respected by the affiliated forces. In addition, Wang Qingshan and Wang Mengbin led people to hunt down the fifth-order monsters, which were also given to the affiliates. The power left a lasting impression.

Wang Qingfeng was injured by a sixth-order monster, and he stayed on Qinglian Island to heal his wounds. He did not have any brilliant achievements.

After listening to Wang Qiuhong's report, the faces of many tribesmen showed excited expressions.

"So many monster corpses, great, we made a fortune this time."

"Hey, we have collected a lot of monster spirits, and then we can refine a batch of puppet beasts. The next time a large-scale beast tide breaks out, we can drive more puppet beasts."

"If the ancestors refined the sixth-order puppet beast, we will deal with the large beast tide more easily next time."


Many clansmen expressed their opinions one after another, and their faces were full of pride.

This victory belongs to them, and every clan member sticks to his post and contributes his own strength to the family.

"The beast tide has receded, but our losses are not small. We sent someone to dispose of the monster's corpse, and then transported it to Xueyanfang Market for sale in exchange for other resources for cultivating immortals."

Wang Qingcheng instructed that after this battle, the Wang family not only became famous, but also obtained a lot of property, which can continue to expand, develop desert islands, and support more immortal cultivators.

"Yes, master."

Everyone agreed in unison and left one after another.


Wilderness, a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides.

A huge thundercloud floated over the valley, lightning flashes and thunder, and one after another thick lightning pierced the sky and smashed into the valley.

Wang Yingjie sat cross-legged on the ground, his face was pale, a huge yellow clock was floating above his head, and there were more than a dozen tiny cracks on the surface of the giant He sneaked here and found it by chance. A god-turning cultivator sat in a cave mansion, got several spiritual treasures, and has been retreating to heal his wounds. The cave where he was hiding was suddenly split open by lightning, which was actually a thunder tribulation.

Wang Yingjie couldn't figure out what was going on, so he could only pass the robbery passively.

After the loud rumbling sound, the thundercloud rolled violently and turned into a silver thunder python more than a hundred feet long, rushing down from the sky.

The silver thunder python slammed into the yellow giant bell, bursting instantly, and a dazzling silver light enveloped the entire valley.

After a while, the silver light dissipated.

The yellow giant bell disappeared. Wang Yingjie was lying in a huge pit, his body was charred and his breath was sluggish.

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If he hadn't gotten a few spiritual treasures, he wouldn't have been able to stop this thunder calamity.

Wang Yingjie spit out a mouthful of blood and turned pale.

"The cultivator of God Transformation wants to transcend the calamity? I didn't hear it!"

Wang Yingjie said to himself, his face full of confusion.

He didn't know that the monks from the lower realm flew into the Xuanyang realm and needed to take the dust-washing pill to wash away the breath of the lower realm. Otherwise, a small catastrophe would be ushered in every hundred years, and the power of the small catastrophe would become stronger every time.

The wild land is very dangerous. There are fifth-order monsters and even seventh-order monsters everywhere. Wang Yingjie has encountered sixth-order monster battles many times and avoided it. Fortunately, he did not encounter seventh-order monsters. Otherwise it will be troublesome.

"I don't have anyone. It's hard to find someone to inquire about the situation."

Wang Yingjie sighed and flew into the distance. His injuries have not yet fully healed, and he has to find a place to heal them, which is really unfortunate.

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