Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2244: Meeting Li Qinghuan by chance, Wang Yingjie set off for home

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Wildlands, a steep green peak.

A huge thundercloud floated high in the sky, countless golden thunder snakes wandered, and the wind whistled.

One after another thick golden lightning fell from the sky, slashing downwards, the smoke billowed, and the thunder light flickered non-stop.

Wang Yingjie sat cross-legged on the ground, his face slightly pale.

Every hundred years, he would attract thunder tribulations, and the power of thunder tribulations became stronger every time, making Wang Yingjie miserable.

Wang Yingjie is still in the middle stage of Spirit Transformation. He can't practice in seclusion for a long time, but his mana is quite deep, which is the main reason why he can block the thunder tribulation.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, the thundercloud tumbled violently, turning into a golden thunder tiger more than ten feet long, and rushing down from the sky.

Wang Yingjie's face froze, his sleeves flicked, and a yellow light flew out. It was an all-yellow hedgehog with yellow scales all over its body and a long tail.

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This is a fifth-order low-grade spirit beast, an armored dragon beast. Wang Yingjie and Wang Qingling learned a lot of beast-fighting skills and overcame this beast.

As soon as his tactic was pinched, his body surface radiated a lot of spiritual light, and he became one with the Ankylosing Dragon Beast.

The golden giant tiger slammed into the body of the Ankylosing Dragon Beast, and it exploded in an instant, turning into a huge golden sun, drowning the area for more than ten kilometers.

After a while, the golden sun dissipated, and the mountain peak disappeared, replaced by a giant pit with a diameter of tens of thousands of feet. Ankylosaurus lay in the giant pit, a large number of scales fell off, and its flesh was blurred.

With a flash of inspiration, Wang Yingjie revokes the enchantment, and his body is covered in scars and bleeding, and he is very embarrassed.

A beautiful figure descended from the sky and landed in front of Wang Yingjie, a girl in a red dress with a graceful figure.

The girl in the red dress has snow-white skin, picturesque facial features, and a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth. She is a middle-stage cultivator.

Liu Hongxue, from the Tianlan Realm, is an alchemist who also smuggled in and landed in a barren land. She was seriously injured. Fortunately, she met Wang Yingjie and was rescued by Wang Yingjie.

She took out a pale golden pill and handed it to Wang Yingjie.

Wang Yingjie swallowed it without hesitation, and healed his wounds.

They have been together for more than two hundred years and supported each other, so that they can survive.

Liu Hongxue smuggled in together with three of her sects. Everyone else died under the interface storm. She was the only one who survived, but if Wang Yingjie hadn't rescued her, she would have died in the mouth of the monster.

There are a lot of elixir and fruit here, otherwise Liu Hongxue would not be able to refine the healing elixir.

After a cup of tea, Wang Yingjie resigned and let out a long breath.

"We have to find a way to get out of this ghost place. If we don't die under the thunder calamity, we will also die under the monster beast."

Wang Yingjie said solemnly, there are many monsters here. Wang Yingjie has been injured by monsters many times. If it wasn't for Liu Hongxue to take care of him, he would already be dead.

The same is true for Liu Hongxue. She will have to cultivate for a while after the Thunder Tribulation. Without Wang Yingjie to protect her, she would have died long ago.

The two shared weal and woe, and both had some good feelings for each other, but in a dangerous place, neither of them had the heart to think in that direction.

"I don't know what the **** is this place. There are even ten thousand years of elixir, and there are many powerful monsters."

Liu Hongxue sighed, her face full of sadness.

At this moment, a huge explosion sounded, the ground shook violently, and huge red mushroom clouds appeared in the distance.

"No, I encountered a high-level monster fighting again, run away."

Wang Yingjie's expression changed and he exclaimed.

The fire at the city gate brought disaster to Chi Yu. Whenever they encountered high-level monsters fighting, they would avoid as far as possible to avoid being affected.

Before they could escape, a giant red owl fell from the sky and hit the ground, leaving a big hole on the ground.

The left wing of the red giant owl was bleeding profusely, and there were many bones on his body.

A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a steam-filled giant sword fell from the sky, heading straight for the red giant owl.

The red giant owl spewed out a red-golden flame, facing the sky-high sword.

The sky-high sword was like a rainbow, easily smashing the red-golden flames and beheading the red giant owl's head.

A burst of fairy sounds rang out, and a blue cloud appeared in the sky in the distance, as large as mu xu.

The blue cloud group holds a magnificent blue palace, with eaves and bucket arches, carved beams and painted buildings, the gate of the palace is open, and a dozen young and beautiful female monks can be seen dancing in the palace.

Wang Yingjie swept away his consciousness and was secretly surprised that there were as many as five Spirit Transformation cultivators, and the rest were more than ten Yuan Ying cultivators.

A burly young man in blue shirt walked out of the palace slowly, with a gold and jade belt around his waist, gold silk auspicious clouds embroidered on his wide sleeves, a pair of white jade boots on his feet, and a white exquisite jade pendant hanging from his waist.

The blue-shirted youth has thin eyebrows, red phoenix eyes, eyes like stars, broad shoulders and round waist, and there is a bit of arrogance between his eyebrows.

The two female cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage flew down below and collected the body of the red giant owl.

The blue shirt youth's eyes fell on Wang Yingjie and said a few words.

Wang Yingjie couldn't understand the other party's words, so he introduced himself, and the other party couldn't understand him either.

The blue shirt youth flicked his sleeves, and a light blue jade flew out and landed in front of Wang Yingjie.

Wang Yingjie hesitated for a picked up the jade and put it between his eyebrows, frowning slightly.

After a while, he took off the jade, handed it to Liu Hongxue, and said, "Fairy Liu, we have arrived at the Xuanyang Realm."

"Junior Wang Yingjie, meet the senior."

Wang Yingjie bowed and looked respectful.

"Wang Yingjie? What's your relationship with the Qinglian royal family?"

The young man in blue shirt asked, Wang Yingjie's clothes had a few patterns of blue lotus flowers.

Wang Yingjie was stunned. Only the monks from the lower realm knew about the Qinglian royal family. Could it be that there is also a Qinglian royal family in the Xuanyang realm?

"I take the liberty to ask, I don't know what the seniors call them? Who created the Qinglian royal family that the seniors said?"

Wang Yingjie asked cautiously.

"My son Li Qinghuan, the Qinglian royal family is of course the royal family created by Master Taihao. Is there a second Qinglian royal family in the Xuanling Continent?"

The blue-shirted youth wondered.

Wang Yingjie was stunned and became very excited.

He carefully observed Li Qinghuan and wanted to see Li Qinghuan's attitude towards the Wang family. If it was the enemy of the family, it would be bad.

"Forget it, if you're embarrassed, then you don't need to answer. I'm about to leave the wild land. I can give you a ride. You can stay here if you want."

After Li Qinghuan said this, he turned around and walked into the palace.

More than 300 years ago, Master Taihao slaughtered three sixth-order monsters in a large beast tide. He became famous in a battle, and the reputation of Qinglian Wang Family also spread.

Of course, aside from this reason, Li Qinghuan didn't mind giving them a ride as both humans.

Wang Yingjie and Liu Hongxue were grateful and flew into the blue palace.

With Li Qinghuan's strength, it was easy to kill them.

The blue palace slowly flew towards the coming and going way, very fast, and disappeared into the sky.

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