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Chapter 2248: Wang Qing? Guarding the family (thanks to Du Ai for the reward, today…

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He couldn't beat Wang Changsheng, so naturally he didn't dare to disobey Wang Changsheng's orders.

The ants are still greedy for life, not to mention that he has finally entered the spirit transformation stage.

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood. With a pinch of the magic trick, the blood turned into a blood-colored lotus flower, flew towards Xiao Mie Xian, and got into Xiao Mie Xian's head and disappeared.

With a flash of blood, Xiao Miexian had a **** lotus mark on his head.

"Give you an hour to give your subordinates an order to retreat immediately and stop invading the human race. You can run, but consider the consequences and dare to betray me. It's not as simple as dying."

Wang Changsheng's tone was indifferent.

"Yes, Dao... Master."

Xiao Miexian agreed repeatedly, turned into a golden light and walked away.

Less than half an hour later, Xiao Miexian came back with a respectful expression.

"Master, it has been done. After receiving my order, they will return to their nest. What should I do next? Please show me the master."

Xiao Miexian said cautiously, without using any treasures, to easily kill Jinhua, this person is definitely not an ordinary god.

"I'm going to the South China Sea, tell me what you know on the way."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

"Yes, master, this subordinate takes the liberty to ask, who is the master's last name? I have never heard of the master before. If I knew of the existence of the master, I would not dare to kill the subordinate."

Xiaoxianxian's expression was respectful.

"My name is Wang Changsheng, and you should be more familiar with the title of Master Taihao."

Wang Changsheng said softly.

Xiao Miexian was stunned, his mouth was wide open, and his eyes were about to fall out. Is Taihao still alive? According to the time, it should be sitting down, isn't it?

Wang Changsheng saw Xiao Miexian's confusion and explained: "I will go from the lower realm of Xuanyang Realm this time to deal with some small troubles and do things well. I will give you a chance to help you ascend to Xuanyang Realm."

"Nether Realm? Ascension to Xuanyang Realm?"

Xiao Miexian's voice trembled, and the spirit world is powerful in the lower realm, no wonder it was easy to kill Jinhua.

"Yes, master, the liver and brain are on the ground, and the subordinates will die. The subordinates will send the master to Qinglian Island in the South China Sea first."

Immortal Xiaoxiao's body surface is full of golden light, turning into a golden giant owl with wings more than 100 feet long, with double heads, and both claws shining with golden light.

Wang Changsheng was very satisfied with Xiaoxian's attitude and jumped on the back of the golden giant owl.

The golden giant owl flapped its wings gently, and a gust of wind blew up, carrying Wang Changsheng towards the sky.

Half a month later, all the monsters withdrew from the human territory, and millions of creatures were spared.


South China Sea, Qinglian Island, Wang Family.

In the conference hall, Wang Qingjing sat on the main seat, and more than 20 members of the Wang family sat on both sides with respectful expressions.

The most prosperous is the decline. More than 2,000 years ago, the Wang family ushered in the most prosperous period. Two gods, more than 20 yuan infants, and the limelight were unparalleled. Many tribes failed to attack the gods. The monks sat down one after another, and the Wang family now has only three Nascent Souls, and they are in a state of inextricability.

This situation is very common. Any power has a period of prosperity and a period of decline.

The Shen family was almost wiped out, and several geniuses emerged later, and there are currently more than 20 Nascent Soul cultivators.

The Murong family supported by the Wang family had great luck, and there were many cultivators of Tianlinggen. There are currently 12 cultivators of Nascent Soul, and six cultivators of Nascent Soul have emerged from Zhenhaizong.

With Wang Qingjing there, the Wang family is still one of the top ten immortal clans in the South China Sea, and there is no force that dares to provoke Wang Qingjing.

The lifespan of monsters is longer than that of monks of the same rank. Wang Qingying has taken the elixir of prolonging life and has more than 800 years of lifespan. He is currently in the middle stage of Spirit Transformation.

"Old Ancestor, the Hai Clan's offensive is very fierce. They have already won the Baili Family, and they are killing our Wang Family."

A tall and thin old man in green robe opened his mouth and said with a worried look on his face.

Wang Zongming, in the middle of Yuanying, he is the descendant of Wang Changsheng, the current head of the Wang family.

"The sea clan has two gods, as well as the heavenly treasure, which is not easy to deal with."

"Just relying on our Wang family can't stop it!"

"Yeah! The sea clan has destroyed many forces."


Numerous clan elders were talking, and their faces were full of worry.

The Wang family has been going downhill all these years, and it is all supported by Wang Qingjing. No one thinks the family can survive this.

"Where is Ten Thousand Beast Island! Have the people sent to Ten Thousand Beast Island come back?"

Wang Qingxing asked with a frown.

"Myriad Beasts Island was also attacked by the Sea Clan, and suffered heavy losses, so there is no time to support us. The Central Plains are in chaos, there are fifth-order sand beasts in the Western Desert, and the major forces in the Northern Xinjiang are fighting within each other."

Wang Zongming's mouth is full of bitterness, and the house leaks every night with rain, and now there is no peace in all parts of the Dongli world, no one cares about others, and everyone sweeps the snow before their doors.

A loud roar sounded, and the siren blared loudly.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack."

"The sea clan is here! What should I do now?"

"Why don't we start the great formation of protecting the clan and dive Qinglian Island into the bottom of the sea! Let's hide for eighteen hundred years."


Many clansmen expressed their opinions. This time, the sea clan was recruiting and moving the crowd. If the Wang family wanted to pass this level, they could only activate the island protection formation and escape the Qinglian Island into the seabed.

"What are you panicking about? I'm here, don't panic, just go out with me and have a look."

Wang Qingjing said in a deep voice, turned into a white light that broke through the air, and flew outside.

Outside Qinglian Island, a gigantic wave with a height of 10,000 meters was lying on the sea. Thousands of sea clans stood on the huge wave, most of them were Recommended, Mimi read the book It's easy to use, download it here and you can try it. 】

The leader was a young woman in a blue dress with gorgeous features, with several blue scales on her arms, half a blue scale on her face, and blue eyes.

Whale Jade Pearl, in the middle stage of God Transformation, the body is a fifth-order mid-grade sea-swallowing whale.

"Fairy Whale, what a grand style, what is your intention to bring so many people to lead our royal family?"

Wang Qingxing asked with a cold face.

"Your royal family? Your body is a fifth-order Flood Dragon, and you are willing to watch the gate for the Wang family? Why bother! Why don't you join our sea clan? I am willing to cultivate with you, let's join forces, no one in the Dongli world is our opponent, and in the future, we will ascend to the sky. The world is not a problem.”

Whale Yuzhu's tone was full of temptation, she was speaking the truth.

The Flood Dragon family in the South China Sea has fallen. In the entire Dongli Realm, there is only Wang Qingying, a fifth-order Flood Dragon. In her eyes, only Wang Qingying is worthy of being her Taoist companion.

"Hmph, I grew up in the Wang family, and the Wang family is my home. If you really want to deal with the Wang family, I was the first to refuse."

Wang Qingxing's tone was indifferent.

"I grew up in the royal family? The human monks just treated you as a slave, why did they treat you as a family member? You won't really listen to the lies of the human monks, and really treat them as relatives! I really don't know what the fairy Bailing has instilled in you. Soul medicine, you are willing to guard the Wang family for more than two thousand years."

Whale Yuzhu sneered, with a look of disdain.

"Shut up, I won't allow you to say that to my sister."

Wang Qingxing's face turned cold, his body revealed a white light, and he turned into a white dragon that was more than a hundred feet long, with a pair of white fleshy wings on his back.

In a deafening roar of dragons, the white dragon pounced on the whale jade bead.

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