Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2264: collect treasure

The latest website: Burial Demon Icefield, Meteorite Lake.

A golden escaping light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly. It didn't take long for the golden escaping light to stop. It was a huge golden giant owl. Wang Changsheng was sitting on the back of the golden giant owl.

The golden owl stopped, and Wang Changsheng jumped down, looking at the water of the Styx with fiery eyes.

As soon as Wang Changsheng raised his hand, a palm-sized blue jade bottle flew out, sparkling with aura.

He used the Taiyin Divine Crystal as the main material to refine the Taiyin bottle, which was specially used to hold the water of the dark moon, and stayed in the family before flying to the Xuanyang Realm.

Wang Changsheng entered a magic formula, and the luminous bottle spurted a blue glow, covering the water of the Stygian River. The water of the Stygian River seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, and was swept into the taiyin bottle by the blue glow.

He used the Qinglian Good Fortune Ding to take away a lot of the water of the Styx River before, and there is not much water in the Styx River left, but he estimates that he can condense a small half of the dharma.

It is difficult to buy the materials for condensing the dharma phase with spirit stones. Basically, it is exchanged for things. According to Wang Changsheng's estimation, if he uses spirit stones to estimate, the value of the water in the Styx he collects is more than one billion spirit stones, and these Styx Rivers are only To be able to condense a small half of the dharma, you can see how difficult it is to condense the dharma.

Even if it is a cultivator, it is not easy to condense the law completely.

After the water of the Styx was drained, the lake turned into a big pit, and several black spar stones could be seen.

Wang Changsheng put on a pair of blue glistening gloves on both hands, grabbed towards the void with one hand, and the black spar flew towards him and landed on his hand.

"What is this?"

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment, even through the blue gloves, he could feel a biting chill.

You must know that even if the Lingbao touches the water of the Ming River, it will be damaged, not to mention the refining materials.

These black spar crystals are crystal clear and extremely cold to the touch.

Wang Changsheng observed carefully, but could not recognize the origin of the black spar. It was estimated that it was the refining material of the underworld, and it might have other magical uses.

There is a special treasure appraiser in Xuanyang Realm, and someone must be able to identify it.

He carefully inspected the giant pit and dug out more than 200 black spar stones, about the same size. It might be the currency of the underworld, or it might be a special refining material.

After confirming that there were no omissions, Wang Changsheng put away the lunar bottle and the black spar, jumped on the back of the golden giant owl, the golden giant owl fluttered his wings, and a gust of wind blew away and disappeared into the sky.


Wanlei Sea Area, one of the forbidden places in Tianlan Realm.

From time to time, thick lightning bolts cut through the sky and slashed towards the sea below.

A huge golden giant owl flew from a distance, and it didn't take long for the golden giant owl to stop at the periphery of the Wanlei Sea Area.

Wang Changsheng looked at the lightning in the distance with a solemn expression.

With a flash of golden light, the golden giant owl turned into the appearance of an immortal owl.

When Wang Changsheng raised his hand, a water-blue ball flew out and flew around them. In a burst of dazzling blue light, the blue ball turned into a thick water-blue light curtain, covering the two of them. Whole body, dived into the bottom of the sea.

Infighting in the Tianlan Sect, there is no longer organized large-scale hunting of monsters, which has caused the number of monsters to increase sharply. Along the way, they encountered many monsters, but the rank is not high, most of them are third-order, and occasionally there are Tier 4.

Naturally, these monsters could not help them, and they were all killed.

From time to time, lightning fell, and Wang Changsheng sacrificed a small golden umbrella, with amazing aura.

This treasure is made from the animal skin given by Wang Zonglang. The animal skin can even absorb the power of thunder and lightning released by Lei Peng's feathers. After refining it into a treasure, it is even more powerful.

Wang Changsheng named it Hualei Umbrella, which is a heavenly treasure.

After half a month, they stopped, and a huge skeleton of a monster appeared in front of them. Compared with the skeleton of a monster, they were the difference between an ant and an elephant.

Xiao Miexian was stunned when he saw the skeleton of this monster.

It was the first time he had seen such a large corpse of a monster, even if it was his body, it was less than one percent of the corpse.

Wang Changsheng's eyes were fiery, and he flew towards the corpse in front of him.

Having the Lightning Beads will be of great benefit to his and Wang Mengbin's cultivation, and will also help the turtles to advance to a certain degree.

Wang Changsheng can use the lightning ball to guide the sky to quench his body, and it can also be used to set up formations to injure the enemy, which is very useful.

This corpse was at least a seventh-order monster, or an eighth-order, even in the Xuanyang Realm, Wang Changsheng had never seen such a big monster.

From time to time, there will be lightning strikes. The closer to the lightning ball, the thicker the lightning strikes, but all of them are absorbed by the lightning umbrella. If it is not for the lightning umbrella, it is really difficult for them to get close to this place.

Arriving in front of the corpse of the monster, Wang Changsheng's palm lit up with a dazzling blue light, and grabbed towards the lightning ball.

The lightning ball swayed slightly. After years of tempering with the power of lightning, the lightning ball gave birth to a trace of spirituality, but it was still far from turning into a human form.

Wang Changsheng grabbed the lightning ball, placed it in a golden jade box, and affixed a silver talisman.

After the Thunder Orb was taken away, the power of thunder and lightning in the Ten Thousand Thunder Sea Region seemed to have disappeared, and there was a deafening roar from the horizon.

"Master, what should I do with this corpse? A corpse so big can't hold a storage ring!"

Xiao Miexian looked at the corpse of the monster in front of him with a look of embarrassment.

The storage ring only makes the treasure temporarily smaller, and the treasure will return to its original size when placed in the storage ring. A space of several hundred cubic meters is enough to store a lot of monster beast materials. The ring space can't hold it.

Wang Changsheng muttered something in his mouth, a dazzling blue light lit up in his palm, and placed his hands on the corpse.

The corpse shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming the size of a palm.

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth and spewed out countless blue runes, wrapping the mini corpse, forming a blue ball of light.

This corpse has been tempered by the power of lightning for many years. It is a good material for refining. If it is refined into a puppet beast, its power is definitely not bad. UU reading

"What secret technique is this?"

Xiaoxianxian was stunned.

"This is the Qiankun Collection Art, a reduced version of the Qiankun in the palm of the hand, which is also suitable for receiving some large-scale objects."

Wang Changsheng explained that he had long considered this issue and had specially studied this technique.

There are many things that the monks in the lower realm can't do, which is not a problem for the monks in the Xuanyang realm. The monks in the lower realm are still worried about Shouyuan, but the wealthy monks in the Xuanyang realm have no such distress.

"The universe accepts the art of things!"

Xiao Miexian suddenly realized, and yearned for Xuanyang Realm more and more.

"Let's go! The things are in hand, let's go back!"

Wang Changsheng waved his sleeves, and they returned to the way they came. The water of the Stygian River and the lightning beads were all in hand, and the problem of ascension was solved.

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