Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2269: Refine Tier 5 Puppet Beast

The latest website: As soon as the voice fell, a blue light flew over, and it was a majestic blue-robed old man. The blue-robed old man had a round face and big eyes, and his eyes were bright, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"Uncle Sun!"

Liu Qingyun bowed and saluted with a respectful expression.

"Junior Wang Qingxing, see Senior Sun."

Wang Qingying hurriedly bowed and saluted, looking a little nervous.

"You are so demonic, you are a member of Junior Brother Wang's clan? You are not lying to the old man, are you?"

The old man in green robe wondered, the man and the demon are not at odds with each other.

Demon is a very broad concept, which can refer to a monster that takes the form of a human, or a monster that does evil.

Wang Qingying took out a blue jade slip and handed it to the old man in green robe with both hands, saying, "This is what Uncle Ninth asked the junior to give it to Senior Sun."

There is some information about the Xuanyang Realm in the jade slip, and the monks in the lower realm are completely unaware of it.

The old man in green robe swept away his consciousness, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he asked in doubt, "Junior Brother Wang is in the lower realm?"

"Exactly, Uncle Ninth is in the Dongli Realm, and has established a communication array, so that he can contact the clansmen in the Xuanyang Realm. What is the order of Senior Sun?"

Wang Qingxing asked cautiously.

The old man in green robe pondered for a moment and asked, "Are you going to Qinglian Island?"

Wang Qingxing nodded and admitted honestly.

The old man in green robe took out a cyan animal skin and a cyan porcelain bottle, handed them to Wang Qingjing, and said, "This is the chart to go to Qinglian Island, and there is also a demon pill, which can restrain your demonic energy. If you encounter difficulties, You can report the name of Zhenhai Palace, only before you arrive at Qinglian Island, and after you arrive at Qinglian Island, you are not allowed to do things under the banner of Zhenhai Palace."

"Yes, thank you Senior Sun. When the junior arrives at Qinglian Island, he must report it to the Ninth Uncle. I don't know if the senior has anything to bring to the Ninth Uncle?"

Wang Qingying asked respectfully.

"Give some care to Zhenhai Sect of Dongli Realm, nothing else."

The old man in green robe ordered.

Wang Qingying responded with a sound, turned into a white light and walked away at a very fast speed.


Donglijie, Qinglian Island.

Qinglian Peak, a secret room.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a blue futon, the body of the eight-winged snow beast was lying on a red magic circle, and two eyeballs had been buckled out.

Wang Changsheng held two snow-blue eyeballs in his hands, his eyes were fiery.

With the materials from the lower realm, he could not refine the two eyeballs into a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, and he would return to the spiritual realm.

He put away his two eyeballs and looked at the body of the eight-winged Xueyao beast. He planned to refine the eight-winged Xueyao beast's body into a fifth-order puppet beast to enhance the heritage of the lower world family.

Wang Changsheng took out a flashing red array plate and punched in a magic formula. The array patterns on the magic array were all lit up, and a red flame emerged, wrapping the body of the eight-winged snow beast.

When Wang Qingjing returns to Qinglian Island, it is estimated that the fifth-order puppet beast has also been refined.


Qinglian Island, Qinglian Peak.

Wang Ruyan and Wang Qingcheng were sitting in a cyan stone pavilion, and the two were drinking tea and chatting.

"After a period of time, Xueyanfang City will hold an auction. I heard that there is a panacea for prolonging life. Qingcheng, you can go there yourself!"

Wang Ruyan instructed that she already knew that Wang Changsheng had used the formation method to contact Bai Yuqi and established the Feiling Great Formation. In the future, more Wang Jiahua spirits would ascend to the Xuanyang realm, and the people from the lower realms could cultivate to the middle stage of spirit formation. There is not much left, and as a result, a lot of elixir for longevity is needed.

Wang Qingshan, Wang Mengbin, and Wang Yingjie ascended to the Xuanyang realm one after another, and the family gave them four life-extending spirits, and they all extended their lifespan by more than 1,500 years. Not every cultivator in the Xuanyang realm can be so extravagant. Yes, there is only one elixir of longevity left in the treasure house of the Wang family.

In order to exchange for the elixir of longevity, the cultivators of the Wang family frequently participated in auctions. In addition, Sun Yuejiao also went to Zhenhai Palace to visit those high-level cultivators who had longevity elixir, and exchanged treasures or other immortal cultivation resources for longevity elixir.

Even so, the panacea for longevity is not enough.

"Got it, mother."

Wang Qingcheng agreed, he seemed to have noticed something, took out a gleaming dharma plate, punched in a magic formula, and a respectful male voice suddenly sounded: "Patriarch, there is a spiritual cultivator named Wang Qingying, he said it was ours. tribe."

"Qingying, that's great, he's finally here, Qingcheng, please invite him in."

Wang Ruyan ordered excitedly.

Wang Qingcheng responded and flew out.

After a quarter of an hour, Wang Qingcheng came back, and Wang Qingjing followed behind him.

"Qingying has seen Aunt Jiu."

Wang Qingxing bowed and looked excited.

Wang Ruyan nodded in relief and asked, "Where's Qingling! Did you bring it here?"

Wang Qingying's sleeve flicked, and a white light flew out. After one blurred, it turned into a huge white ice coffin. Wang Qingling lay quietly in the ice coffin.


Wang Ruyan looked at Wang Qingling in the ice coffin, with a look of reminiscence on her face, all kinds of past memories came to mind.

"Just go to Qinglian Island. Your life span is running out. There is still a longevity elixir in the family treasury. You can get it from Qingcheng and give it to Qingxuan to take it. You can send more people to search for the elixir of longevity."

Wang Ruyan ordered.

Wang Qingcheng responded and turned to leave.

Wang Ruyan asked about Wang Qingxing's journey to Xuanyang Realm, but Wang Qingxuan didn't hide it and answered honestly.

"Thanks to the map and medicine pill provided by Senior Sun, I was able to arrive at Qinglian Island safely all the way."

Wang Qingxing said sincerely.

Wang Ruyan nodded: "We will see Senior Brother Sun another day, we will thank him well."

It didn't take long for Wang Qingcheng to come back with an extra blue porcelain bottle in his hand, which he handed to Wang Qingying.

"Qingying, you go down and rest first! I will send someone to inform my husband."

Wang Ruyan said kindly.

Wang Qingxing responded, put away the ice coffin, and left with Wang Qingcheng.

Wang Ruyan took out a gleaming communication disk, entered a magic formula, and instructed: "Yuqi, use the communication array to contact her husband and tell him that Qingying has arrived at Xuanyang Realm, and Qingying is flying on Xuanguang Island, right, Senior Brother Sun asked his husband to take more care of Zhenhaizong, and passed this sentence on to his husband."

"Yes, my ancestor."

Bai Yuqi's voice came from the communication board. UU reading www.

In a spacious and bright hall, Bai Yuqi stood beside a huge magic circle, holding a gleaming array plate in her hand, and entered a magic formula, the magic circle shook violently, and all the lines of the formation brightened.

After a while, Wang Zongming's phantom appeared on the magic circle.

"Tell the ancestors that Qing Jing has already ascended to the Xuanyang Realm, and he has landed on Xuanguang Island."

Bai Yuqi said in a deep voice.

"Understood, is there anything else?"

Wang Zongming asked cautiously.

Bai Yuqi thought for a while and said, "Senior Sun said that the ancestors should take more care of Zhenhaizong."

"Understood, I will inform the ancestors."

After saying this, Wang Zongming's phantom disintegrated, and the formation pattern of the formation also dimmed.

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