Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2272: negotiated

The latest website: Xuanyang Realm, Qinglian Island.

Qinglian Peak, a manor covering an area of ​​10,000 mu, has pavilions, pavilions, gardens, waterside pavilions, and strange rocks.

Sun Tianhu was sitting in a green pavilion, and he looked into the distance.

Looking down his gaze, you can see a giant blue tortoise, which is the tortoise.

The scale turtle is getting bigger and bigger, and the lake it lives in keeps expanding.

The tortoise is very human, and can go out to sea to hunt monsters by itself, but it will not run far, and it is active in the Wang family's territory. If no monsters are hunted, the Wang family regularly sends people to feed the tortoise.

It eats a lot, and it can eat up to seven fifth-order monsters at a time. Fortunately, it takes a long time to eat.

Sun Tianhu could naturally see that the Wang family's Lin Zun bloodline was extraordinary, and he had a high chance of advancing to the sixth rank.

A sound transmission flew in and landed in front of Sun Tianhu. Sun Tianhu's face condensed and he crushed the sound transmission. Wang Qingcheng's voice suddenly sounded: "Senior Sun, my father invites you to the Dongli Hall."

Sun Tianhu took a deep breath and finally could see Gongsun Yang.

Walking out of the manor, Sun Tianhu saw Wang Qingcheng standing at the door, and Wang Qingcheng's expression was respectful.

When the two came to Dongli Hall, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had been waiting for a long time.

Walking into the hall, Wang Changsheng nodded at Bai Yuqi, who took out a flashing array plate and entered a magic formula.

The formation shook violently, and after all the formation patterns were lit up, Gongsun Yang's phantom suddenly appeared above the formation.

"Master, is that you? Is it really you?"

Gongsun Yang's expression was excited.

Sun Tianhu nodded. He looked at Wang Changsheng and said politely, "Friend Wang Dao, can you let me chat with Yang'er in private for a while?"

"No problem, but you try to talk about the key points. Every time you activate the communication array, you must use the material like Jinhuan Divine Crystal. There are not many lower realms, so use less than once."

Wang Changsheng exhorted and walked out with Wang Ruyan and Bai Yuqi.

The door of Dongli Hall was slowly closed, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood outside the hall.

After a while, the hall door opened wide, and Sun Tianhu came out.

"Friend Wang Dao, I've finished chatting with Yang'er, you can chat with your clan!"

Sun Tianhu's tone was sincere. Gongsun Yang's lifespan was running out. If he couldn't ascend to the Xuanyang Realm before his lifespan was transformed, he could only sit there.

Wang Changsheng nodded and walked in. Gongsun Yang's phantom disappeared, replaced by Wang Zonglang's phantom.

"How many times can the Jinhuan Divine Crystal be used?"

Wang Changsheng went straight to the point.

"Should be able to use it twice."

Naturally, Wang Zonglang didn't tell the truth. The Wang family's treasure house also had a piece of Jinhuan Divine Crystal, which could be used five or six times.

"I'll discuss with Daoyou Sun first, and then let you arrange Daoyou Gongsun to ascend. You let him stay on Qinglian Island first."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Zonglang agreed, and the phantom suddenly collapsed.

"Come on, Fellow Daoist Sun, let's have a good talk."

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and Sun Tianhu came to the reception room, and the three discussed the issue of compensation.

Sun Tianhu knew how difficult the lower realm was, and he said, "Friend Wang Dao, raise a price! How can we help Yang'er soar."

Only the cultivators of the Wang family can drive the flying spirit orders to start the flying spirit formation. The Wang family is unwilling, and Gongsun Yang is useless to grab it, not to mention, Sun Tianhu does not know where the soaring land is.

"The Ascension Formation we arranged landed on the Feiling Terrace of Zhenhai Palace. This is not a matter for me to discuss. You have to ask Senior Su to come forward and talk to Master Chen. If Master Chen agrees, I can say it here. Let's get to know each other."

Wang Changsheng said seriously, if you were an ordinary spiritual cultivator, it would be fine if you joined Wanlingmen, but a spiritual person was different.

With Gongsun Yang's talent, he would definitely make a name for himself in the Xuanyang realm. When Chen Yueying traced it, Wang Changsheng didn't have any good fruit to eat.

When Wang Changsheng made a deal with Su Yuntao, he naturally did not dare to open his mouth. If it was Chen Yueying, then it would be no problem.

The interests are shared, Wang Changsheng does not intend to eat alone, he can let Gongsun Yang pretend to be a monk of the Wang family, and then join Wanlingmen, avoiding Wanlingmen will not gain much, and will make Chen Yueying unhappy.

Wang Changsheng involved Chen Yueying, Su Yuntao would definitely bleed, and Wang Changsheng's benefits were indispensable.

Sun Tianhu frowned and said, "Can't we move the Flying Spirit Array to the place where the old man ascended? That way, we can definitely land on the site of Wanlingmen."

If a fit cultivator is involved, the price is definitely not small.

"I have a clan member who has successfully ascended to that ascending platform. The place you mentioned, Daoyou Sun, has not been tested. Besides, if the process of moving the array is damaged, what should I do? Daoyou Gongsun is a Spiritual body person, are you willing to take risks on his path? There is no way around this matter, Uncle Chen, and I don't dare to mess around without authorization."

Wang Changsheng's attitude is very firm, Chen Yueying must be brought in, and the interests are shared.

Before the Wang family became a cultivator, the Wang family had to hug Chen Yueying's thigh tightly.

Only interests can maintain relationships forever. There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests.

Sun Tianhu pondered for a while, and said, "I will immediately return to Wanlingmen to report to the master. If Yang'er can successfully ascend to the Xuanyang Realm, I owe you a favor."

"No problem, but Fellow Daoist Sun needs to move quickly. It takes virtual cloud crystals to activate the flying spirit formation, and there are not many virtual cloud crystals in the lower realm."

Wang Changsheng warned.

Sun Tianhu agreed, left Qinglian Island immediately, and returned to Wanlingmen to report the news.

"Our family is lacking a panacea for longevity. With this credit, we can ask Zhenhai Palace for some."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "With the aptitude of Fellow Daoist Gongsun, after ascending to the Xuanyang Realm, he will definitely be able to advance to the Void Refinement Stage, and maybe he will become a cultivator, and it would be good to form a good relationship. How's it going?"

"Calculate the time, he should be inland."

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng went back to refining, and Wang Ruyan went back to practice.


The Amethyst Mountains are named after a large number of Amethyst trees grow. UUkanshu is full of spiritual energy. It consists of 100,000 hills of different sizes and is the old nest of the Ma family.

More than 30,000 years ago, Ma Yuliang, the ancestor of the Ma family, soared from the lower realm and founded the Ma family. After more than 30,000 years of development, the Ma family has five virtuous practitioners, and there are more than 50,000 immortal practitioners in the family, which are powerful.

In the northwest of the Amethyst Mountains, there is a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. Outside the valley stands a purple stone tablet more than 20 feet high, with the three characters "Amethyst Valley" written on it.

Amethyst Valley is a square market opened by the Ma family. It mainly sells ores and spiritual wood. The streets are spacious and bright, and people come and go, which is very lively.

A purple Changhong flew from the distant sky, and as soon as the purple Changhong approached the Amethyst Valley Baili, the speed suddenly slowed down.

The purple light converged, revealing a purple flying boat that was more than ten feet long. Two men and a woman stood on the purple flying boat. One of the men was wearing a blue long gown with star eyebrows and sword eyes. Several cyan lotus flowers are engraved on the surface, which is Wang Qingshan.

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