Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2274: Set off

Latest website: Lan Fukong dares to make jokes about small powers, but he has absolutely no courage to joke about Zhenhai Palace. This is not good for him, let alone Lan Fukong, other cultivators dare not make jokes about Zhenhai Palace.

"Wang Daoyou, this time the Demon Extermination Conference was initiated by the family teacher, Qing Xuzi, we welcome all cultivators to participate in the Demon Extermination Conference, and the cultivators of the gods who participate in the Demon Extermination Conference can get one million spiritual stones. After destroying the ghosts, If the credit is big enough, you can share some soul-cultivating wood or mysterious soul crystal."

Zheng Yang explained enthusiastically.

Wang Qingshan nodded and continued to ask: "How to sign up? What procedures do I need to go through?"

"You don't need to go through the formalities. If you want to participate, you can go with us when the time comes."

Zheng Yang said heartily, if you can take this opportunity to make friends with the monks of the Wang family, it will be a great thing.

"Okay, I will participate. I don't know the situation of Moyang Forest. Do you have a map of Moyang Forest? I want to check it out."

Wang Qingshan said politely.

"Of course, there are powerful sixth-order monsters in some areas, and few people set foot there, so there is only most of the map of Moyang Forest."

Zheng Yang introduced enthusiastically, took out a cyan animal skin and handed it to Wang Qingshan.

The bark of the human shadow tree, the Zhenhai Palace brand is still very useful, but if you are a disciple of other sects, you will not have such a good treatment.

The other cultivators introduced the Moyang Forest to Wang Qingshan. Lan Fukong had never been to the Moyang Forest, so he couldn't speak.

Lan Fukong participated in the Demon Extinguishing Conference for the sake of one million spiritual stones, led by a number of cultivators, and borrowed Buddhist treasures, so there must be no problem.

"By the way, you mentioned Shuiyue Temple just now, is this the Buddhist sect?"

Wang Qingshan asked curiously, the cultivators of the Wang family are mainly active in the sea, and they don't know much about the inland sects.

Lan Fukong replied first: "Shuiyue An has been established for more than 100,000 years, and there are many experts, but the main altar of Shuiyue An is very far away from here, there is a Lianxi Mountain that is 300 million miles away. I have seen Master Yuyin, the first time I saw her old man, I felt that she had an extraordinary bearing, and there was a faint bloom of Buddha light.

Shuiyuean does not participate in the hegemony, mainly to promote Buddhism. In terms of overall strength, Shuiyuean can be tied with the Lengyan faction.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, why do you like to brag so much, so you can't stop for a while?"

Zheng Yang rolled his eyes and said angrily.

If Lan Fukong doesn't do business, he knows how to brag about others.

Lan Fukong didn't feel ashamed at all, and said righteously: "This old man never brags about others, he speaks the truth."

The monks were speechless for a while and ignored Lan Fukong.

A majestic man's voice came from the top of the mountain: "The monks who participated in the Demon Extermination Conference will gather at the square on the top of the mountain and are ready to go. The idle people will leave this place early."

"Go, fellow Daoist Wang, let's go up! We're going."

Zheng Yang waved his hand and strode towards Shining. Wang Qingshan and others quickly followed.

When they came to the top of the mountain, a large bluestone square appeared in front of them.

In the center of the square is a circular high platform more than 100 feet long. Four men and one woman are standing on the circular high platform, and Ma Yunbiao is also inside.

The leader was a green-robed Taoist priest with a national character face, tall and thin, with a goatee and a peach wood sword on his back. The Taoist robe fluttered in the wind, and he had a bit of a fairy-like flavor.

Qingxuzi, in the middle stage of refining.

A red-robed Taoist priest with a red face and a fat brain stood beside Qing Xuzi. The belly of the red-robed Taoist priest was like a huge ball, white and fat, giving an impression of being approachable.

Raging Fire Master, in the middle stage of virtual refining, the remaining three are all in the early stage of virtual refining.

"Hey, Xiaoyou Wang, are you also going to participate in the Demon Extermination Conference?"

Ma Yunbiao saw Wang Qingshan at a glance, and said in surprise.

"Friend Ma, is he your junior?"

A graceful young woman in a golden dress asked curiously, the young woman in the golden dress had a beautiful nose with her lips and lips, her brows in indigo, and her bright eyes filled with hope.

Mrs. Jin Yan, in the early stage of virtual refining.

"No, Wang Xiaoyou was born in Qinglian Island, and his uncle Taihao was born in Zhenhai Palace."

Ma Yunbiao explained.

"Real Taihao! Zhenhai Palace!"

Qing Xuzi was surprised and couldn't help but glance at Wang Qingshan.

"No matter what sect you come from, it is the responsibility of my cultivators to slay demons and eliminate demons. It's a good thing to be willing to participate in the Demon Extermination Conference, and you should be paid a lot."

A middle-aged Confucian scholar with a fair face said solemnly, the middle-aged man's facial features are straight, his body is a little thin, and he looks gentle.

Chen Wenzheng, in the early days of virtual refining, he was born in Qixian Mountain. Qixian Mountain is a Confucian sect. It has been passed down for more than 80,000 years. Currently, there is one cultivator, and there were four cultivators at the peak. However, during the race war, the three merged. The monk has fallen.

Qingxuzi nodded and asked all the monks to stand in order. In this operation, five cultivators and fifty gods were dispatched. This is already a very powerful force.

The fifty cultivators were divided into five teams of ten, Wang Qingshan and Lan Fukong were on the same team. Seeing the face of Zhenhai Palace, Ma Yunbiao asked Wang Qingshan to be the captain.

"Let's go, slay the demons and exorcise the demons."

Qing Xuzi waved his sleeves, and a blue light flew out. It was a flying boat with blue light. This was a flying spirit treasure. Qingxu Gate was just a small sect.

The cultivators flew to the blue flying boat one after another, and when the Qingxuzi magic art was pinched, the blue flying boat suddenly burst into blue light, turned into a blue long rainbow, and flew towards the Moyang Forest at a very fast speed.

More than an hour later, the cyan flying boat appeared above a dense black forest. The surrounding peaks and vegetation were black, and there was not a single green plant.

Qingxuzi's magic art was pinched, the blue flying boat slowly landed, and the monks walked down one after another.

Wang Qingshan keenly discovered that there are certain restrictions on spiritual consciousness here. According to Zheng Yang's explanation, the Xuanyin Meridian has certain restrictions on spiritual consciousness, but it has little effect.

"In order to avoid scaring the snake, let's restrain our mana and move towards the ghost's lair. When we reach the goal, we will act according to the plan. Zheng Yang, Wang Xiaoyou, Ma Xiaoyou, UU Kanshu You control the formation, trapping a radius of 100,000 miles. To prevent the ghosts from escaping, others will follow us to kill the ghosts, and destroy the ghosts in one fell swoop."

Qing Xuzi commanded in a stern tone.

Wang Qingshan and others agreed, with a solemn expression.

Lan Fukong's expression became tense, he glanced at the five Qingxuzi, and felt a little at ease.

The group was divided into five teams, marched hand in hand, and walked towards the dense forest. After a while, they disappeared into the dense forest.

More than an hour later, they appeared on top of a steep peak. This is the depths of Moyang Forest. The mountain is filled with a lot of black mist. These mists have certain restrictions on consciousness and vision.

"Xiaoyou Wang, let's go to the formation! Act according to the plan."

Qing Xuzi commanded with a heavy tone.

Wang Qingshan responded and left with the three of Lan Fukong, flying towards the northwest.

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