Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2277: Yuyin Shitai (disappeared)

The latest website: A gleaming blue storage ring fell to the ground, very conspicuous.

Ma Yunbiao had a happy expression on his face, and his right hand grabbed the cyan storage ring on the ground. At this moment, a black light lit up on the top of his head, and a pitch-black ghost claw appeared out of nowhere, and the ghost claw exuded an amazing The aura fluctuated, obviously it was a heavenly treasure.

Ma Yunbiao responded quickly, waving the black long stick in his hand, and slapped the ghost claw.

With a muffled sound of "keng", the black ghost claw flew out.

A shrill devil's cry sounded, Ma Yunbiao's head sank and his body was weak. He sensed something flying towards him, and hurriedly rolled to the ground, feeling that his right arm was stabbed by a needle.

No one noticed that the cyan storage ring had disappeared.

A graceful young woman in a black dress came out of the cave, her skin was snowy, her facial features were gorgeous, and her plump **** seemed to burst out.

Judging from the fluctuations in his mana, he was clearly a mid-stage cultivator.

Ma Yunbiao was horrified to find that his right arm became stiff. Obviously, he was poisoned.

He waved the black long stick, transformed into heavy stick shadows, and smashed at the young woman in the black dress.

At the same time, the gravel and dead branches and leaves on the ground were blown up by the strong wind, turned into a flying sword shape, and went straight to the young woman in the black dress.

The young woman in the black dress opened her mouth, and a black flag flew out. There were a lot of hideous faces on the flag, exuding astonishing spiritual energy fluctuations.

The black flag spun around her, and a gray gust of wind emerged, protecting the young woman in the black dress.

After the loud bang, the air was billowing, and the sky was filled with smoke and dust.

The air waves dissipated, and Wang Qingshan, Lan Fukong and Ma Yunbiao had already appeared in the distant sky. Lan Fukong stayed with Wang Qingshan, and the other cultivators fled around.

"You go after those gods, and I will kill Ma Yunbiao."

After the young woman in the black dress said this, she put away the black flag and turned into a black light to chase after it. A looming **** ghost flew towards the cultivator, and soon there was a scream of men and women.

Wang Qingshan and Lan Fukong were standing on the Ganguang Escape Shuttle, and there was a miserable cry from time to time behind them.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, hurry up."

Lan Fukong urged, with an anxious tone.

A miserable woman's cry sounded, Wang Qingshan and Lan Fukong felt their bodies soften, ripples rippled in the void above their heads, and a huge blood-colored ghost claw appeared out of nowhere and slapped them.

Before the blood-colored ghost claws fell, an extremely stench of blood came out.

Two yellow lights suddenly shot out from the ground, hitting the Scarlet Ghost Claw, and the speed of the Scarlet Ghost Claw's fall was stagnant.

Taking this opportunity, Qianguang's shadow and shuttle's light soared, and the **** ghost's claws were empty.

A piercing gloom blew past, and a beautiful blood-robed female ghost suddenly blocked their way.

The blood-robed female ghost's eyes are blood-red, there are some blood-colored lines on her face, and the body exudes amazing Yin Qi fluctuations, she is a ghost in the refining stage.

Wang Qingshan's tactic was pinched, and Ganguang Escaped Shadow Shuttle quickly landed on a peak covered with black weeds.

"Jianxiu! The thing I hate most in my life is Jianxiu. Are you committing suicide, or do you want me to do it?"

The female ghost in blood said coldly, her eyes fixed on Wang Qingshan.

"Senior, you don't remember the villain's deeds, just treat us as a fart and let us go!"

Lan Fukong's legs softened and he knelt down, begging bitterly.

The female ghost in blood had obviously never met someone like Lan Fukong. Hearing this, he smiled "puchi".

"You kill him, I can let you go."

The blood-robed female ghost sneered.

Wang Qingshan made a pinch with his right hand, and a large amount of black grass was uprooted, turned into a flying sword, and went straight to the blood-robed female ghost.

The blood-clothed female ghost shook her sleeves, and a cloudy wind blew past and greeted her.

There was a loud rumbling sound, the air waves rolled, and all the flying swords collapsed.

A gust of gloomy wind blew, and the female ghost in blood suddenly appeared behind Wang Qingshan and Lan Fukong, and a pair of blood-red ghost claws went straight to Wang Qingshan and Lan Fukong.

There is only one word difference between ghost cultivators and ghosts. The difference in supernatural powers is too great. Ghost cultivators are cultivators who practice ghost Taoism. not much.

The ground suddenly lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and two yellow lights flew out and went straight to the blood-robed female ghost.

Wang Qingshan let out a loud roar, and on a soil **** more than a hundred miles away, a blood-robed female ghost suddenly appeared and let out a shrill scream.

The blue light flashed, and a blue light flashing ball suddenly appeared on the top of the blood-robed female ghost. There were countless blue arcs flashing on the surface of the blue ball. The heavy water thunder ball was a heavy treasure refined by Wang Changsheng. Wang Qingshan got one. particles.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, the heavy water thunder bead burst open and turned into a huge blue thunder light, drowning the area for hundreds of miles.

Wang Qingshan's tactic was pinched, and Gan Guang's escape and shadow shuttle's aura soared, flying towards the sky.

They had just flown out more than a hundred miles when a piercing sound of breaking through the air came from behind them.

Wang Qingshan noticed something, and when the magic trick was pinched, the nine azure glass swords flew out from the sword box, and instantly merged into one, turning into a giant sword that lifted the sky and slashed into a black light.

With a "keng" sound, the black light was shattered.

A blood-colored ghost claw appeared out of nowhere and grabbed at them. Wang Qingshan and Lan Fukong hurriedly avoided them. Their shoulders were still hit by the ghost claw, and Lan Fukong had several terrifying bloodstains on his shoulders, and white bones were faintly visible.

Wang Qingshan was safe and sound, and there was a faintly shining inner armor.

The female ghost in blood flew from a distance, her body was looming, and she was obviously severely injured. She was hit by a heavy water thunderball. Even if she sucked the blood of the two cultivators, she couldn't make it up. She hated Wang Qingshan completely. Wang Qingshan must be killed.

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and after the cyan light on his body was released, it merged with the giant sword of the sky, and went straight to the blood-robed female ghost.

Lan Fukong didn't run away, the cyan whisk in his hand flicked lightly, and after a burst of "chichi", a large number of cyan silk threads flew out and went straight to the blood-robed female ghost.

The blood-clothed female ghost opened her mouth and spewed out a blood-colored ghost fire, hitting the sky-high sword, turning into a gust of gloomy wind and disappearing.

The sky-high sword collided with the **** ghost fire, and the speed slowed down, but soon, a cyan flame emerged from the sky-high sword, dispelling the blood-colored ghost fire.

Lan Fukong thought of something, and his face turned pale.

A gust of gloomy wind blew, and the blood-robed female ghost suddenly appeared behind him, her eyes resentful.

"Evil, don't hurt people."

A cold female voice suddenly came from the The voice just fell, a blue light suddenly lit up on the head of the blood-robed female ghost, and a string of blue Buddha beads suddenly appeared on the blood-robed female ghost's head.

The azure Buddha beads instantly swelled up and were placed on the body of the blood-robed female ghost. With the sound of Sanskrit, the blood-robed female ghost made a series of miserable screams, and the body surface was full of blood, but it was useless.

Countless Buddhist runes emerged from the blue-colored Buddha beads, and the blood-robed female ghost was bubbling with blue smoke, and the breath became weaker and weaker.

A sky-high sword shot out and pierced through her body.

After the blood-robed female ghost made an extremely painful scream, it turned into a black ball and fell to the ground.

A blue-colored Changhong flew from a distance, and it didn't take long for the blue-colored Changhong to stop in the sky above Lan Fukong. It was a female nun with a face like jade, with long hair and a shawl, and a blue monk's robe fluttering in the wind.

"Master Yuyin, why is your old man here?"

Lan Fukong's face was full of flattery.

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