Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2278: Sword Spirit Transformation

The latest website: As soon as Qingguang converges, Wang Qingshan flew out from the body of the Giant Sword.

"Junior Wang Qingshan, meet the seniors."

Wang Qingshan bowed and saluted with a respectful expression.

Master Yuyin nodded, looked at Lan Fukong, and asked in a deep voice, "The five cultivators can't help the ghosts? What the **** is going on?"

Lan Fukong answered truthfully, not daring to hide anything.

"Qing Xuzi turned against the water? It seems that when he entered the ghost's nest for the first time, he was coerced by a ghost cultivator. If the ghost cultivator was caught, it is estimated that it will be clear, you should leave here immediately! I'm going to help Fellow Daoist Ma is a helping hand."

After Master Yuyin finished speaking, he put away the cyan Buddha beads and Yin beads, turned into a cyan escaping light and walked away, and soon disappeared into the sky.

Wang Qingshan's sleeves flicked, and a yellow light flew out from the ground and disappeared into his sleeves.

He opened his palm, and a flashing cyan storage ring appeared on his hand, which was Qing Xuzi's storage ring.

Ma Yunbiao was attacked by the ghost repairers, and he didn't have time to take away the storage ring, but was taken away by the stone man, which made Wang Qingshan cheaper.

His consciousness swept away, and there was a deep joy in his eyes.

Wang Qingshan put away the storage ring, and Lan Fukong turned around and said in a pleasing tone: "Friend Wang Dao, should we go to the ghost's lair? There should be a lot of treasures."

He didn't dare to go alone and wanted to pull Wang Qingshan up.

Wang Qingshan shook his head and said, "Though treasures are precious, they have to be enjoyed with their lives. You saw it just now. It's useless to kneel to ghosts, let's get out of here!"

Lan Fukong knelt down to the ghost and begged for mercy, which reminded Wang Qingshan of Huang Fugui.

Lan Fukong and Huang Fugui have similar personalities. They are both afraid of death. The difference is that Lan Fukong likes to flatter others, while Huang Fugui likes to brag about himself and exaggerate his achievements.

Hearing this, Lan Fukong didn't care at all, as long as he could survive, kneeling down to the ghost was nothing.

Lan Fukong nodded, no longer insisted, and left Moyang Forest with Wang Qingshan.

Half a month later, an astonishing news spread that Qing Xuzi colluded with ghost cultivators and murdered three cultivators.

When this happened, Qingxu Sect was naturally crowded out by other forces and ceded a lot of interests.

Amethyst Valley, a secret room.

Wang Qingshan sat cross-legged on a cyan futon, holding a cyan storage ring in his hand, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

There are not many treasures in Qingxuzi's storage ring. There are two heavenly treasures, more than 8 million spiritual stones, a piece of 30,000-year-old soul tree, some sixth-order refining materials and dozens of jade slips.

One of the jade slips records a secret technique for sword cultivation to impact the imaginary stage, the sword spirit transforming imaginary technique. Collect materials to refine a sword embryo spirit. Sword, control the flying sword to release the five elements of sword qi, let the spirit of the sword embryo absorb, and the sword cultivator refines the spirit of the sword embryo, and absorbs the five elements of sword qi to impact the refining period.

After entering the virtual refining stage, the spirit of the sword embryo can be refined into the flying sword of life to enhance its power.

Wang Qingshan went out to travel in order to find other ways to impact the virtual refining stage. He went to many square markets and Lingshan, but he did not get anything. He did not expect to get a method to impact the virtual refining stage here.

With this secret technique, Wang Qingshan can find materials and let Wang Changsheng help refine the spirit of the sword embryo.

He turned the palm of his hand, and a page of silver glittering book appeared in his hand, the runes flashed, and the aura was amazing.

"Mysterious Spirit Forbidden Book, I didn't expect to get a page of Mysterious Spirit Forbidden Book."

Wang Qingshan muttered to himself, his eyes fiery.

The Xuanling Forbidden Book is a treasure refined by Xuanling Tianzun. If a cultivator swears on the Xuanling Forbidden Book, he must not violate it, otherwise he will be backlashed and his body will die.

A sound transmission flew in, Wang Qingshan put away the jade slip, grabbed the sound transmission and crushed it, Ma Tianming's voice followed: "Wang Daoyou, are you convenient now? The seventh uncle wants to see you."

Wang Qingshan got up and walked out, Ma Tianming was standing at the door.

"Fellow Daoist Ma, Senior Ma is all right!"

Wang Qingshan asked curiously.

"Thanks to the timely arrival of Master Yuyin, Seventh Uncle is fine."

Ma Tianming explained and led the way.

Not long after, they walked into a secluded small courtyard with green tiles. Ma Yunbiao was sitting in a blue stone pavilion, his face was slightly pale, and it seemed that he had lost a lot of vitality.

"Meet Senior Ma."

Wang Qingshan bowed.

Ma Yunbiao smiled heartily, and said with a pleasant face: "These false rituals will be avoided, Xiaoyou Wang, listening to Xiaoyou Lan, you were chased and killed by a female ghost in the refining stage, and you sacrificed heavy water lightning beads to hurt the enemy, I don't know if you still Is there any, can you sell me one?"

The Ma family does not have such a big killer as the heavy water thunder ball.

Wang Qingshan shook his head and said, "It was made by the ninth uncle, and I only have one."

Ma Yunbiao nodded, changed his tone, and asked, "By the way, did you not pick up Qingxuzi's storage ring that day?"

"Storage ring? We are chased by ghosts, how can we have the intention to pick up a storage ring."

Wang Qingshan smiled bitterly and said that he really had no intention of picking up the storage ring, which was taken by the stone man.

Ma Yunbiao was dubious, considering Zhenhai Palace, he naturally did not dare to go too far.

"Okay! Thanks to your help this time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to kill Qing Xuzi. It's a pity fellow Daoist Chen and the others."

Ma Yunbiao sighed.

"Senior Ma, what's going on here? How could Senior Ling turn back? Could it be that he was already controlled by ghost repairers?"

Wang Qingshan wondered.

Ma Yunbiao nodded and said, "Master Yuyin and I joined forces to capture the ghost cultivator alive, searched his soul, and learned the ins and outs. By chance, this woman found a tens of thousands of years old soul tree deep in Moyang Forest. , She planned to cultivate ghosts there, and never thought that the cultivator of Qingxu Sect would break in. She deliberately let one person go, attracted Qingxuzi, injured Qingxuzi, forced him to keep half of his primordial spirit, and let him seduce others The cultivators are going to kill the ghosts, the ghosts we killed before are fake, but the yin beads are real."

If Qing Xuzi was not injured by ghost repair before, Ma Yunbiao and Wang Qingshan would not have killed Qing Xuzi so easily.

Wang Qingshan suddenly realized, no wonder Qingxuzi is so weak, it turned out to be injured before.

"Senior Ling is not afraid of ghost repairs going back? Are you so determined to do things for ghost repairs?"

Wang Qingshan asked curiously.

"Of course he was afraid that the ghost cultivator would go back on it. The two signed an oath on the forbidden book of Xuanling, and then they agreed. Speaking of which, the ghost cultivator did so many things for the purpose of condensing the dharma. Fortunately, Master Yuyin arrived too, UU read the book www. otherwise I would have died."

Ma Yunbiao said at the end, with a lingering expression on his face.

He looked for Wang Qingshan mainly for the banned book of Xuanling, but Wang Qingshan did not admit it, he was not good at searching Wang Qingshan's storage ring.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and there were many monks present. It was difficult to determine that Qingxuzi's storage ring was in Wang Qingshan's hands. Ma Yunbiao would not search Wang Qingshan's storage ring because Wang Qingshan was suspicious.

"Wang Xiaoyou, it's rare for you to come to Amethyst Valley, stay for a while longer, and let us make the best of the friendship of the landlords."

Ma Yunbiao said amicably.

"Yes, Senior Ma, the junior also wants to stay for a while longer, and by the way, help Jiu Shu collect some refining materials."

Wang Qingshan agreed, if he left in a hurry, it would be a ghost.

After a few chats, Ma Yunbiao asked Ma Tianming to take Wang Qingshan away.

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