Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2284: Work together to help Qingshan impact the virtual refining period

The latest website: Spring and autumn come, twenty years have passed quickly.

Wuling Valley, there is a very wide manor in the valley, pavilions and pavilions, garden waterside pavilions, corridors and strange stones.

A red hexagonal stone pavilion, Wang Yingjie was sitting in the pavilion, a red-clothed boy with handsome features and a blue-skirted girl with delicate features stood in front of him.

The boy in red is called Wang Huashuo, and the girl in blue is called Wang Huayue. They are the sons and daughters of Wang Yingjie.

Wang Huashuo has some talent in alchemy. She learned alchemy from Liu Hongxue. She is currently a second-order alchemist and has established a foundation. Wang Huayue is currently learning alchemy. She has learned alchemy before, but her performance is mediocre and has no interest.

Her parents are god-turning cultivators, and Wang Huayue's starting point is relatively high, so you don't need to consider the cost of trial and error.

"I'm going to retreat and practice. You have to listen to your mother's words, abide by the rules of the family, and practice hard. I hope that the next time I see you, you have already conceived babies."

Wang Yingjie's tone was stern. He had been married to Liu Hongxue for more than 20 years. He had been with his wife and children all these years, enjoying family happiness, and not much time to practice.

He plans to retreat and practice for a period of time, hoping to advance to the Great Perfection of God Transformation.

"Baby knows, and he will work hard to cultivate."

Wang Huashuo said seriously.

"Father, are you going to retreat for a long time this time?"

Wang Huayue asked curiously. She had heard from her clansmen that Wang Yingjie was a cultivator who had been in seclusion for more than 400 years when he first arrived on Qinglian Island.

"I don't know, it may be two or three hundred years, it may be four or five hundred years, cultivating the Tao is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat, you can't slack off. You are in good conditions now, and you have to work hard. I am at your age, but not so much. good conditions."

Wang Yingjie persuaded earnestly.

Wang Huashuo and Wang Huayue agreed, and Wang Yingjie told them to go back to practice.

Walking into the practice room, Wang Yingjie sat cross-legged on a blue futon.

The stone walls are engraved with a large number of patterns, which are colorful.

In the corner is a five-color magic formation more than 100 feet long, with hundreds of grooves on it, and a top-grade spirit stone is placed in each groove.

The Five Elements Gathering Array, the fifth-order auxiliary array, and the array that Bai Yuqi specially arranged for Wang Yingjie can speed up Wang Yingjie's cultivation speed.

Wang Yingjie took out a pale golden incense burner, lit a meditation incense, and inserted it into the incense burner.

A meditative concentrating incense requires 50,000 spirit stones, which are made from three thousand years of concentrating wood as the main material. If you light one before practicing, you can quickly enter the state of meditation and enter the state of cultivation.

As an ascending cultivator, Wang Yingjie's treatment is very good.

Now that the conditions have improved, Wang Yingjie does not dare to slack off, and must work harder to cultivate.

Wang Yingjie made a seal on her hands and closed her eyes. After a while, a five-colored aura emerged from Wang Yingjie's body, covering her entire body.


On Qinglian Peak, the door of a certain secret room suddenly opened, and Wang Changsheng walked out with a smile on his face.

Using the materials provided by Wang Qingshan, he successfully refined a sword embryo spirit.

"Calculate the time, Qing Feng should have refined the five-element flying sword!"

Wang Changsheng muttered to himself, took out a flashing message board, entered a magic formula, and asked in a deep voice, "Feng'er, has the flying sword been refined yet?"

"It's already refined, Dad."

Wang Qingfeng's voice came from the communication board.

"Come here immediately with Feijian, and call Yuqi and Qingshan over. I have something to tell them."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

"Understood, Dad, I'll go right now."

Putting away the communication tray, Wang Changsheng walked out.

When he came to a cyan stone pavilion and sat down, the double-eyed mouse emerged from the ground and climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulder.

The double-eyed rat is now a fifth-order top grade, and it devours a fifth-order monster every once in a while. Lin turtles and double-eyed mice are relatively timid, and their supernatural powers are not strong.

Wang Changsheng took out a few cyan fruits and fed them to the double-eyed rat.

After a while, Wang Changsheng said to the outside, "You all come in directly!"

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and Wang Qingfeng, Wang Qingshan and Bai Yuqi walked in one after another.

Wang Qingfeng didn't talk nonsense. With a flick of his sleeve, five spiritual lights flew out. It was five flying swords of different colors.

Wang Changsheng asked Wang Qingfeng the materials for refining the flying sword, Wang Qingfeng answered truthfully, and Wang Changsheng nodded in satisfaction.

Wang Changsheng looked at Bai Yuqi and asked, "Yuqi, is the formation ready?"

The Sword Spirit Transformation Technique requires formations to perform. If it is solely based on individuals, the Spirit of Sword Embryo cannot absorb much of the Five Elements Sword Qi at all.

According to the records of the secret technique, the more sword energy of the five elements is absorbed, the greater the confidence that the sword cultivator will advance to the stage of immortality.

"If you go back to the ancestors, it's all set up."

Bai Yuqi answered honestly.

"That's good, let's go, take us to the place where the formation is set up, and hope that Qingshan will smoothly enter the refining period."

Wang Changsheng waved his sleeves and led them away from Qinglian Peak.

After a quarter of an hour, they came to a bluestone square that covered an extremely wide area. There were six arrays on the square, five of which were more than a thousand feet in size, and surrounded a blue-colored array that was more than a hundred feet in size.

Around the six circles, there are thirty-six thick stone pillars, with various runes inscribed on the stone pillars, and the aura flashes constantly.

"At that time, the ancestor of Qingshan sat in the innermost circle, refining the five elements of sword energy in the spirit of the sword embryo, and using this to attack the virtual refining period, but this process is relatively long, and I am not sure how long it will take. time."

Bai Yuqi pointed to the magic circle and said that she had never heard of this kind of secret technique, and she didn't know how long it would take Wang Qingshan to refine the Five Elements Sword Qi.

Wang Qingfeng's sleeves flicked, and five flying swords of different colors flew out, scattered over the five formations, and there was a flying sword above each formation.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and a silver light flew out. It was a small sword with silver light. Upon closer inspection, the small silver sword was not a real body, but was somewhere between the virtual body and the real body, which was equivalent to a special energy body. .

The silver sword floated above the cyan circle and was surrounded by five circles.

Bai Yuqi took out a flashing array plate and handed it to Wang Changsheng with both hands.

Wang Changsheng took over the formation plate and entered the five dharma tactics.

Immediately, the five formations shone Thirty-six stone pillars lit up, and five different colors of blue, red, blue, and gold rose into the sky, covering the five flying swords.

Wang Changsheng's tactic changed, the five flying swords swayed one after another, and there were bursts of harsh sword sounds.

The void vibrated and twisted, and five different colors of sword qi struck the silver sword, disappearing without a trace like mud like the sea.

Time passed, and the size of the silver sword skyrocketed, emitting amazing energy fluctuations.

The quality of the sword embryonic spirit has a lot to do with the sword spirit. Jin entered the refining period.

In addition, the quality of the five flying swords also has a lot to do.

It is related to Wang Qingshan's impact on the virtual refining period. The materials for refining the spirit of the sword embryo and the flying sword are excellent. Wang Changsheng believes that the spirit of the sword embryo is not so easily damaged.

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