Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2091: Crisis in the Wildlands

The latest website: He looked towards the sky, and two blue lights appeared in the sky. They were two giant falcons full of blue. The surface of the body was filled with a large number of blue arcs, and the mouth was golden.

"The golden-mouthed Thunder Falcon of the sixth-rank top grade!"

Wang Changsheng's expression changed, if there was a sixth-rank high-rank demon bird, he would be fine, but two sixth-rank top-rank golden-mouthed Lei Falcons would not be his opponent.

Wang Changsheng shouted loudly, resounding for thousands of miles, it was Zhenshen's roar.

When the two golden-mouthed Lei Falcons heard this, their bodies twitched, and they almost fell from the sky.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Changsheng suddenly sacrificed 18 Dinghaizhu, and when the magic trick was pinched, the 18 Dinghaizhu suddenly released blue light, and a large amount of seawater gushed out. The seawater surged violently, turning into a huge blue water curtain, as if It was like a giant blue bowl, with a radius of 100 miles in it.

Two golden-mouthed thunder falcons hovered uncertainly in the sky, and a huge cyan thundercloud suddenly appeared high in the sky, with lightning and thunder, and cyan thunderballs poured down and smashed into the blue giant bowl.

The rumbling thunder sounded, and the blue giant bowl was submerged by the dazzling cyan thunder.

The two golden-mouthed Thunder Falcons made a sharp and piercing hissing sound, and two huge Thunder Falcon phantoms appeared high in the sky.

After a loud noise that shook the world, the blue giant bowl disappeared like a piece of paper.

A cyan Changhong broke through the air and walked away at a very fast speed.

The two golden-billed Thunder Falcons would naturally not let Wang Changsheng and Wang Sen go, this was their food.

They mobilized Dharma and attacked Wang Changsheng and Wang Sen one after another.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the ground lit up with a cloud of blue lightning, and smoke billowed.

The Qingluan Boat is a heavenly treasure, and it flies very fast, but the golden-mouthed Thunder Falcon is even faster.

A golden-mouthed thunder falcon flew towards him, with a pair of wings, thousands of cyan thunder **** flew out and smashed at Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's face sank, it seemed that he didn't really move, and it was difficult to get out.

He took a deep breath, and there was a ripple in the void above his head, and a huge human-shaped phantom appeared out of nowhere, and the small half of the human-shaped phantom was glowing with a black light, and the right fist flashed with blue light.

The right fist of the human-shaped phantom smashed towards the void, the void oscillated and twisted, and a black fist that was more than a thousand feet in size flew out, and greeted it with an aura of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Where the black fist shadow passed, thick and long cracks appeared in the void, as if it were about to collapse.

The dense cyan thunder ball collided with the black fist shadow, burst open in an instant, and was smashed by the black fist shadow, and the black fist shadow came to the front of the golden-mouthed Lei Falcon.

The golden-mouthed Lei Falcon opened its mouth and spewed out an incomparably thick cyan thunder light, smashing the black fist shadow, and a powerful air wave spread out. The monsters below the order were directly killed by the powerful air wave, the towering trees were directly turned into powder, and the ground burst.

The right finger of the human-shaped phantom moved slightly towards the golden-mouthed Lei Falcon on the opposite side, the void oscillated and distorted, and countless blue water vapors emerged, turning into a blue long rainbow, going straight to the golden-mouthed Lei Falcon, and instantly arrived at the golden-mouthed Lei Falcon. in front of the falcon.

The golden-mouthed Lei Falcon was about to avoid it when a loud shout from a man resounded through the heavens and the earth, its body trembled, and the blue Changhong hit its body, leaving a terrifying blood hole.

At the same time, a nine-colored arrow flew toward him, and after one blurred, it turned into a huge nine-colored thunder dragon and rushed towards the golden-mouthed thunder falcon.

The golden-mouthed Lei Falcon quickly flapped its wings and released a large piece of blue lightning that struck the nine-color Lei Jiao.

The nine-color Lei Jiao let out a deafening roar, turned into a nine-color arrow, pierced the left wing of the golden-mouthed Lei Falcon, and the blood flowed non-stop.

Hundreds of huge cyan lightning **** fell from the sky and smashed at Wang Changsheng.

The humanoid phantom moved his arms, and with a piercing sound of breaking through the air, dense black fist shadows flew out, defeating the attacking cyan thunderball.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed 18 Dinghaizhu, and with a pinch of the magic trick, the 18 Dinghaizhu burst into a dazzling blue light, and countless sea water surged out. The sky-high waves that were more than ten feet tall turned into two big blue hands that lifted the sky, and with the strength of tens of millions, they slapped the two golden-mouthed Lei Falcons.

A golden-mouthed thunder falcon reacted very quickly, its wings slammed violently, and it disappeared into a blue thunder light.

The other injured golden-mouthed Lei Falcon was not so lucky. It was shot by Qingtian's big hand and fell from the sky in an instant. A lot of feathers fell off and blood was dripping, but it stopped quickly, and its companions flew quickly. Come here and protect your partner.

The double-eyed mouse released a yellow glow, covering him and Wang Sen, sneaking into the ground and disappearing.

The golden-mouthed Lei Falcon's escape speed was too fast, so he could only escape.

They had just dived into the ground when dense cyan thunderballs fell from the sky and hit the ground where they were standing.

After the loud bang, the radius of a hundred miles was overwhelmed by the dazzling blue lightning, and the dust was flying.

After a while, the thunder light dissipated, a huge pothole appeared on the ground, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Sen disappeared.


Ten years later, in a secret underground cave, there is an underground river in the cave.

The river rolled violently, and a huge tortoise emerged from the river. The tortoise's head resembled a unicorn. Wang Changsheng and Wang Sen stood on the turtle shell. There was a terrifying blood hole on Wang Changsheng's left shoulder, and his back was dripping with blood.

There are too many monsters in the wild land, and there are even seventh-order monsters.

After escaping from the hands of two sixth-order golden-mouthed Lei Falcons, Wang Changsheng and Wang Sen encountered other sixth-order monsters, and with their condensed dharma images, they all saved their lives.

The most dangerous time was when he encountered a sixth-rank high-grade fire-attribute ancient beast, which almost killed Wang Changsheng. He used a Nine Free Shadow Talisman to escape.

Not long ago, Wang Changsheng encountered a sixth-rank high-grade crocodile. This beast was proficient in earth attribute supernatural powers. If it weren't for Wang Changsheng's condensed magic, his strength would have increased several times, and he would have been unable to escape.

The double-eyed mouse can use the earth escape to escape, the tortoise can use the water escape to escape, and the green luan boat, as long as he does not encounter the seventh-order monster, Wang Changsheng can still retreat.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness opened wide, and he scanned the entire cave and found no monsters, and he was relieved.

The top of the cave is a row of stalactites of different lengths, and the stone walls are uneven.

Not far away, there was an open space with a size of several acres. Wang Changsheng and Wang Sen flew into the open space. Wang Changsheng meditated to heal his wounds, and Wang Sen and Lingui warned him.

It didn't take long for Wang Changsheng's body to be covered by a dazzling blue light.

If Wang Ruyan came to the wild land with Wang Ruyan, Wang Changsheng would not be so embarrassed, but unfortunately Wang Ruyan had to stay on Qinglian Island and could not escape.

The Silver Gang Crystal has not been found yet. After his injury has healed, he will continue to look for it. If he cannot find it, he will not continue to look for it. He can only leave and think of another way.

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