Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2296: 1 against 2

The Spirit Race is good at disguising and hiding. When they were searching for treasures in Xuanling Cave, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were attacked by the Spirit Race and almost killed.

The ground shook violently, like an earthquake.

The next moment, a piece of yellow boulders flew up and went straight to Wang Changsheng, a little yellow light emerged in the void, and after a blur, it turned into a block of yellow boulders, more than 100,000, floating densely in the sky, with momentum. amazing.

The yellow boulder fell from the sky and went straight to Wang Changsheng, looking like he was going to smash him into flesh.

Wang Changsheng's reaction was very fast, the void above his head shook and twisted, and a huge human-shaped phantom appeared out of nowhere, and the small half of his body shone with aura.

I saw the right hand of the human-shaped phantom slap towards the void, and countless blue water vapors emerged, quickly condensed together, and turned into a blue sky-high hand, slapped towards the opposite side.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and nine Dinghaizhu flew out. After each entered a magic formula, the nine Dinghaizhu suddenly released blue light. Submerged, the area continues to expand.

The sea tumbled violently, spreading in all directions, and there was a constant roar wherever it passed.

The dense yellow stones collided with Qingtian's big hand, like paper paste, they all burst apart and turned into countless powders.

The face of the young woman in the blue skirt sank, and the magic trick was pinched, and countless red runes appeared on the body. A dazzling red light shot up into the sky. After flying high in the sky, it turned into a huge red giant phantom. His head and arms were gleaming red, like a real body.

Her dharma is only one-fifth of the condensed, far worse than Wang Changsheng, but compared to other cultivators, it is already very good.

Qingtian's big hand went straight to the young woman in the blue skirt, and wherever he passed, the void made a "humming" sound, and there were thick and long cracks, as if the entire void was about to collapse, and the momentum was terrifying.

The scarlet giant opened its **** mouth and spewed out an incomparably thick red flame. There were runes flashing in the flame. Wherever it passed, the void was twisted and deformed, and it was about to be torn apart.

The red flame collided with Qingtian's big hand, and a powerful air wave erupted, shattering the ground for dozens of miles in a radius, smoke billowing, and sawdust flying all over the sky, the red flame didn't last for a moment, and then it burst open, the momentum of Qingtian's big hand. Ruhong continued to shoot at the young woman in the green skirt.

The face of the young woman in the blue skirt became more and more solemn, and the red giant's eyes lit up with a dazzling red light, each spurting a red red light, and greeted him.

After a loud bang, the two perished together, the air wave was like a tide, and there were long and thick cracks in the void, which quickly healed.

An earth-shattering tsunami sounded, and the sea tumbled violently, rushing in with a force of tens of millions of pounds. Wherever it passed, the mountains were washed away, and the towering ancient trees turned into sawdust.

After the sea water blurred, it turned into a huge blue water dragon and rushed towards the young woman in the blue skirt.

The young woman in the green skirt did not dare to be careless, so she reminded her of the trick.

The red giant's right hand lit up with a dazzling red light, and it tapped towards the void, and the void made a muffled "humming" sound, and countless red firelights emerged, quickly condensed into one place, and turned into a red sky. The huge palm exudes an astonishing high temperature.

The giant palm of the sky collided with the blue water dragon, and a thick fog suddenly erupted. The powerful air wave shattered the void, and cracks appeared in the void.

The head of the blue water dragon lit up with nine dazzling blue lights, which were nine Dinghai beads.

With a loud bang, the giant palm of the sky exploded instantly, and countless red flames splashed.

The ground in front of the young woman in the green skirt burst open, and a short and plump yellow-robed old man emerged from the ground. The yellow-robed old man had some yellow spiritual patterns on his face, long ears and high nose, and khaki eyes. , obviously not human.

The mana fluctuation of the old man in the yellow robe is weaker than that of the young woman in the blue skirt, and he is also a mid-stage cultivator.

As soon as the old man in the yellow robe appeared, a dazzling yellow light shot up into the sky. After flying high into the sky, it turned into a burly human-shaped phantom. Upon closer inspection, the phantom had long ears and high nose, and his head was shining with yellow light, just like a real body.

It is also in the middle stage of virtual refining. The head of the old man in yellow robe is only condensed. The spirit clan is only a small clan that is attached to the fine fire clan. , has already been destroyed.

The old man in the yellow robe reminded him of the magic trick, and the human-shaped phantom above his head had bright eyes, each shooting a yellow light, and went straight to the blue water dragon.

The blue water dragon was hit by two yellow lights, petrified at an astonishing speed, and turned into a huge statue.

The red giant's right fist smashed into the void in front of him, and a harsh sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a red giant fist flew out and smashed on the huge statue.

With a loud noise, the huge statue was suddenly torn apart and turned into dust.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a huge blue hand appeared out of nowhere, blocking the void for dozens of miles.

Before the big blue hand fell, the void was torn apart, and thick and long cracks appeared, and the wind was blowing everywhere.

Feeling this astonishing momentum, the young woman in the blue skirt changed her appearance, and the magic trick was urged again. The red giant opened his mouth and spewed out a dazzling red light, which turned into a huge cloud of red fire and greeted him. UU reading

The red fire cloud collided with Qingtian's big hand, like an egg hitting a stone, and it shattered instantly.

The old man in yellow robe urged the Dharma image, and the Dharma image opened his mouth and spewed out a yellow glow and greeted him.

Huang Xiaguang collided with Qingtian's big hand, and Qingtian's big hand petrified at an alarming speed, and finally fell apart.

Taking this opportunity, the sea rolled violently, passing over the young woman in the green skirt and the old man in the yellow robe, and surrounded them.

The sea tumbled violently, and a huge water tornado rose into the sky. Inside the water tornado were a young woman in a green skirt and an old man in a yellow robe. With the two of them at the center, there was an open space for hundreds of miles, surrounded by sea water, and the water wall was surrounded by water. In the middle, you can vaguely see nine round beads that sparkle with blue light.

The water tornado spins rapidly, generating a powerful airflow, and the void twists and deforms, tearing apart.

"Don't hold back, this person's dharma is not only condensed by half, but the Tongtian Lingbao is still a complete set."

The young woman in the green skirt urged, her tone hurried.

She opened her mouth and spewed out seven red lights. After one blurred, it turned into seven red flags with amazing aura. When she reminded her of a magic trick, the seven red flags suddenly glowed red, and her body soared. The billowing flames swept out, spreading in all directions.

The red flames hit the blue water wall, and bursts of white mist suddenly appeared.

The old man in the yellow robe flicked his sleeves, and the three yellow-glowing magic mirrors flew out and entered a magic trick.

With a loud rumbling sound, the blue water wall petrified at an alarming speed, turning into a huge yellow high wall.

The next moment, the yellow high wall was torn apart, and a big hand that was bigger than before was photographed. At the same time, the sea tumbled violently, setting off huge waves that turned into blue hands. Shots from all directions. To be continued

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