Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2300: get away

The latest website: an endless green mountain range, dangerous mountains and peaks, towering ancient trees, birds and animals.

A blue light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly.

It didn't take long for the blue escape light to stop, it was Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's face was pale, and there was a terrifying blood hole on his left shoulder. The blood on his back was blurred, the wound was scorched, and his face was gray. It seemed that he had been burned by fire.

His mana and consciousness were severely depleted, and the two Lian Xu were in hot pursuit.

If you don't want to get rid of the pursuers, it's only a matter of time before you get caught up.

Wang Changsheng stopped over a valley shrouded in purple miasma. The valley was surrounded by mountains on three sides. The valley was filled with thick purple miasma, and he couldn't see what was inside.

His hands lit up with a dazzling blue light, and slapped towards the valley below. The void vibrated and twisted, and countless blue water vapors emerged, turning into giant blue palms, and slapped towards the valley.

After the loud bang, the dust flew up, accompanied by a sharp and harsh hissing sound, and tens of thousands of thick purple thunder lights flew out, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Before the purple thunder light could get close to Wang Changsheng, it was shattered by the giant blue palm.

A deafening thunder sounded, a group of golden thunder light emerged, and two huge golden centipedes suddenly appeared near Wang Changsheng. Under the centipedes' belly was a row of golden claws, like a sickle, flashing a cold light.

The giant centipede has four wings on its back, and its eyes are golden.

The four-winged golden thunder cockroach is ranked 122nd on the Ten Thousand Insects List. It has the blood of a real dragon with the thunder attribute, is extremely poisonous, and is also proficient in the thunder system.

These two four-winged golden thunder cockroaches are all sixth-rank top-grade, which is equivalent to the late stage of virtual refining.

***I have witnessed the four-winged golden thunderbird foraging from a distance, followed it here and made a mark.

For no reason, Wang Changsheng was naturally reluctant to provoke them, and now, in order to get rid of the powerful enemy, he could only do so.

As soon as the two four-winged golden thunder cockroaches appeared, they each opened their **** mouths and spurted a thick golden thunder light, piercing through Wang Changsheng's body, and Wang Changsheng turned into a little blue light and disappeared.

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Hundreds of miles away, countless blue water vapor suddenly appeared in the void, and after the blue water vapor blurred, it turned into the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

Two escaping lights flew head-on, very fast.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and nine Dinghaizhu flew out and flew around him for a while. The nine Dinghaizhu suddenly burst into blue light, and countless sea water emerged, turning into a blue sea, protecting him.

Wang Changsheng turned on the spot, the sea tumbled violently, and a thick water tornado rose into the sky, and the water tornado went straight to the two rays of light. Trees turn into powder.

The light disappeared, revealing the figure of the girl in the golden skirt and the old man in the purple robe, and their faces were solemn.

The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry, thinking of Wang Changsheng's terrifying melee ability, they didn't dare to be careless.

The body surface of the two people was full of inspiration, and a golden flame and a purple flame emerged respectively. Two huge human-shaped phantoms appeared one after another, one phantom's hands, head, and half of the chest were shining with golden light, and one phantom's phantom. There was a burst of purple light on his arms.

The two of them urged the dharma signs one after another, and the arms of the two dharma signs slapped towards the void, and there was a "humming" sound from the void, and countless golden flames and purple flames emerged. After one blurred, it turned into a golden one Qingtian's big hand and a giant fist wrapped in purple flames greeted him.

With a loud bang, the water wave tornado was smashed by Qingtian's big hand and the purple fire, and countless white mists erupted, and the sea water splashed in all directions.

The girl in the golden skirt sacrificed a small golden cauldron, floating above her head, with a look of alertness on her face.

Her consciousness was wide open, and she did not find Wang Changsheng.

After a while, the white fog dissipated, and the area was razed to the ground, revealing a huge pothole.

"What is that! No, it's a gregarious monster!"

The complexion of the purple-robed old man changed greatly, and his eyes stared at the distant sky in horror.

If you encounter one or two sixth-order monsters, it's fine, but the scary thing is to encounter that kind of gregarious monsters.

Two huge four-winged golden thunder cockroaches flew from a distance, with fierce light in their eyes, a deafening roar came from the sky, and a huge golden thunder cloud appeared in the sky.

Accompanied by a deafening thunder, streaks of golden flashes cut through the sky and slashed at them.

"The four-winged golden thunder cockroach of the sixth-rank top-rank, unexpectedly encounters this strange insect, quickly retreat!"

The girl in the golden skirt changed greatly, and her voice became anxious.

They were about to cast a spell to escape, when a loud shout of a man who shook the sky and the earth sounded, echoing in a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

The girl in the golden skirt frowned and felt a little uncomfortable. The old man in the purple robe let out a painful scream, and his facial features were distorted.

God roar!

When they regained consciousness, two high-rank four-winged golden thunder cockroaches suddenly appeared in front of them.

The two four-winged golden thunder cockroaches opened their **** mouths at the same time, and each spewed a thick golden thunder spear, hitting the two of them.

A shrill scream of a man sounded, and a dazzling thunder light lit up, drowning the two figures.

Hundreds of miles away, above a rushing river, countless blue water vapors emerged, taking the appearance of Wang Changsheng. Wang Changsheng didn't know the fate of the two fire-breathing He dared not stay nearby to observe.

He released the tortoise and jumped on the back of the tortoise. The blue light on the tortoise's body surfaced, and a blue water curtain emerged out of thin air, covering Wang Changsheng and diving towards the bottom of the river at a very fast speed.

There are metal ore veins near this river, which have certain restrictions on spiritual consciousness.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng opened a cave on the riverbed. The cave was several hundred zhang in size, and the stone walls were bumpy and uneven.

As soon as Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, river water poured out of the cave, a yellow light lit up at the entrance, and a yellow stone wall emerged out of thin air, blocking the entrance.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and hundreds of blue flags flew out, turning into hundreds of blue lights, and disappeared into the stone wall.

He sat down with his knees crossed, took out two aura storage rings, and shook them down. After the two rays of light passed by, there were a lot of things on the ground.

There are twelve low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, most of which are fire-type treasures, four are earth-type treasures, and the most precious is Zhenlingjiao.

The Zhenling Horn is made from the single horn of an ancient beast. The cultivators of the Jinghuo Clan use this treasure to make Wang Changsheng temporarily lose his mana, which is better than Zhenshen Roar.

Every time he casts God's Roar, Wang Changsheng consumes a lot of consciousness and mana.

In addition, there was a batch of elixir and fruit, among which five exquisite blue jade boxes caught Wang Changsheng's attention.

He opened five jade boxes, each of which contained a water-blue oval fruit. The fruit was crystal clear, like colored glass, glowing with a faint blue light.

"Water glass fruit, it's actually this kind of strange fruit."

Wang Changsheng was full of surprises. Shuiliguo bloomed in five thousand years, fruited in five thousand years, and matured in another five thousand years, usually growing in damp and dark caves.

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