Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2326: 1 vs 4

Thousands of miles around it turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the wind was blowing wildly.

Wang Changsheng's hair fluttered in the wind, and his face was solemn.

Even if a racial war broke out, the aliens dispatched four cultivators and sent a late cultivator, which showed that the aliens attached great importance to him.

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You must know that Wang Changsheng only left the customs not long ago, and before that, his appearance in front of people was only in the early stage of virtual practice.

Based on what he knew about Wang Ruyan, if he knew that there were four aliens in the imaginary stage besieging him, Wang Ruyan would definitely come to support him, unless he was entangled by a strong enemy.

Combined with the fact that the aliens were hiding in the dark and attacked in secret, Wang Changsheng could conclude that the aliens attached great importance to the Wang family and should have something to do with the shark pearl.

Sharma Mingzhu knew that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan worked together so well, if she told the Jinpeng family truthfully, the aliens would naturally attach importance to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were hunted down by Sharma Mingzhu in their early years. Later, for their common interests, they joined forces to deal with the demons. Now, for their own interests, Sharma Mingzhu has stood on the opposite side of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

No permanent friends, only permanent interests.

The alien dharma in the late stage of imaginary refining is only two-fifths of the condensed, while Wang Changsheng in the middle stage of imaginary refining has already condensed half of it. If it is not a last resort, he does not dare to use the dharma easily. Otherwise, if the alien dharma aspect Wang Changsheng's dharma is condensed by half, he will definitely pay more attention in the future. Wang Changsheng, maybe he will send four or five late stage cultivators to deal with Wang Changsheng.

Wood show will be destroyed by Lin Feng, Wang Changsheng dare not be careless, there is no shortage of geniuses in immortal cultivators, but geniuses are more likely to die prematurely.

Since the aliens know the details of Wang Changsheng, they should know that he is a body cultivator. Maybe there is a treasure of restraint body cultivator, so they will wait for Wang Changsheng to get close.

Even if he didn't move his physical appearance and physical body, Wang Changsheng still had magic weapons at his disposal.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and nine Dinghaizhu flew out, turning into nine blue lights and disappearing into the sea.

With his magic trick, with him as the center, the sea water in a radius of 10,000 miles spun rapidly, forming a huge vortex, generating a powerful airflow, and the void began to twist and deform, as if it was about to collapse.

As soon as the red fireball and the cyan hurricane approached the huge vortex, they were crushed by the powerful airflow, and disappeared into a little bit of aura.

The top of Wang Changsheng's head lit up with a red light, and a giant red tower suddenly appeared. As soon as the red giant tower appeared, it immediately spewed out a red glow, covering Wang Changsheng.

The blue light on Wang Changsheng's body surfaced, and his body rose more than a circle, his arms slammed into the red glow, and the red glow was torn apart.

A powerful airflow emerged out of thin air, and the giant red tower was suddenly covered, and Wang Changsheng seemed to be covered.

Almost at the same time, the nearby sea surface burst open, and eight blue giants with a height of more than 500 meters emerged from the bottom of the sea.

The eight blue giants were divided into four groups, and two blue giants dealt with a virtual cultivator.

The blue giants waved their fists one after another, and with a burst of air, they smashed at the cultivator.

The sea surface rolled violently, and a huge vortex with a diameter of 50,000 miles appeared out of thin air, generating a powerful suction.

The cyan Pengbird phantom flapped its wings gently, and the wind was blowing, and countless cyan wind blades flew out, slashing at the blue giant.

The giant phantom moved his arms and smashed at the two blue giants.

With a loud bang, eight blue giants burst open one after another, turning into countless blue sea water.

The sea suddenly set off four gigantic waves with a height of more than 10,000 feet, like four big blue hands that lifted the sky, with a force of billions of pounds, and slapped the four cultivators.

Where Qingtian's big hand passed, the void was distorted and deformed, making a "humming" sound, with great momentum.

The four cultivators were about to cast spells to resist when a man shouted loudly.

Zhenshen roar.

The God-suppressing Roar depends on Wang Changsheng's mana and consciousness. Wang Changsheng cultivated the "Taixu Forging Divine Art" to the fourth level, and used the supernatural power of Zhenshen's Roar with his cultivation in the middle stage of the practice, and the power has increased a lot. .

The red-robed old man felt that the sea of ​​​​consciousness was about to be torn apart, and his head was buzzing.

The giant phantom opened its mouth and spewed out a red flame, which defeated the attacking hand of Qingtian, and the white mist billowed.

The other three early stage cultivators were not so lucky. They let out a scream one after another, and their bodies flew out backwards. The blood flowed from the surface of their bodies. If they were ordinary cultivators, their bodies would have been destroyed long ago.

Before they could stand firm, three incomparably huge blue giant beads smashed over.

At the same time, the sea surface burst open, and nine thick water tornadoes shot up into the sky, stabbing at the three of them like nine blue spears.

Their body surface was full of aura, and they used magic weapons to resist, which blocked the blue spear, but the blue giant beads also smashed over.

A graceful young woman in a golden skirt let out a scream and flew out backwards, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, and a long blue rainbow fell from the sky, piercing her head, UU reading www.'s head exploded, and it turned into a fog of blood.

A mini-peng bird flew out of the body, and before it flew far, a golden glow flew out of the void, covering the mini-peng bird, getting caught in the mouth of the soul-eating golden cicada and disappeared.

Countless blue water vapors emerged, and Wang Changsheng appeared indifferently.

The corpse of the young woman in the golden skirt turned into a huge golden Peng bird. Wang Changsheng put away the corpse and kept it as a refining tool, as well as a golden storage ring.

Soul Eater Jin Chan flew into Wang Changsheng's sleeve and disappeared, an alien spirit in the early stage of virtual refining, this is a great tonic, and Wang Changsheng's consciousness has increased a little.

The Four Seas Destroying Spirit Finger, after Wang Changsheng entered the middle stage of virtual refining, and then used this magical power, the power increased a lot.

The other two cultivators were not doing well either, their breath was sluggish, the blood flowed nonstop, and their faces were slightly pale.

"Divine Consciousness Attack!"

The red-robed old man's face sank. They didn't know that Master Taihao mastered the attack of divine consciousness, otherwise they would not suffer.

A cultivator in the early stage of refining has fallen, and this lesson is too heavy.

"Don't hold back, this person is not an ordinary cultivator."

The red-robed old man said through voice transmission, his tone was heavy.

Wang Changsheng killed a cultivator before he even used the law. The red-robed old man felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Generally speaking, cultivators in the dharma will use their spells to hurt the enemy, which can improve their own strength. Wang Changsheng has not used the spells for a long time, which shows that Wang Changsheng does not want people to see his spells.

Either Wang Changsheng's law is relatively special, and he is worried about being recognized by the hostile forces, or Wang Changsheng's law is relatively strong, and he is unwilling to reveal his trump card prematurely.

The Wang family is an affiliate of Zhenhai Palace. The first type is obviously impossible, and most of them are the second type.

Thinking of this, the red-robed old man did not dare to be careless. (To be continued)

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