Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2332: against aliens

Most immortal cultivators only have a single attribute, and it is enough to find materials with a single attribute to condense the dharma. Ordinary virtual cultivators are stronger. If the law is completely condensed, the supernatural powers will be stronger.

"The True Monarch of the Five Spirits is indeed powerful, and the magical power of the Five Elements is not small, but this person has been missing for many years. I heard that the Five Elements are also the root of the Five Spirits. If you practice diligently, the Five Spiritual Roots can also be famous."

A slender young woman in a blue skirt praised.

Luo Yiheng nodded and said, "Yes! One hundred thousand years ago, a five-spiritual cultivator named Hunyuanzi ascended from the lower realm, passed five levels and cut six generals, cultivated to the late stage of integration, and killed many aliens in the integration stage. It is a pity that this person died under the great catastrophe, otherwise he might enter the Mahayana period."

"Hunyuanzi, I have read the records about this person in the classics. It is said that this person created a set of five-element exercises "Five Elements Zhenling Treasure Book", and Wuxingzi seems to be cultivating this set of exercises."

Lan Fukong agreed, his tone changed, and he said with a smile: "If you want me to say, Wuling Zhenjun will be the next Hunyuanzi, no, he should surpass the Hunyuanzi and enter the Mahayana period."

""The Five Elements Zhenling Collection"?"

Wang Qingshan's eyes showed a bit of surprise. If he remembered correctly, the current practice method is the "Five Elements Zhenling Collection".

"As expected of the arrogant true monarch, I have long heard that you love to flatter people. Whoever is in your mouth is hopeful, the Mahayana can be expected. If it's so easy, how come there are only two Mahayana monks in our human race?"

A thin old man in green robe smiled contemptuously and sneered.

Lan Fukong smiled embarrassingly and said, "Sometimes you can see things wrong. As a disciple of the Xuanqing faction, Daoyou Su will definitely be able to shine in this race war, and fellow Daoists, you will all... "

Before he could finish speaking, a piercing alarm sounded, spreading throughout Xuanguang City.

"Not good, the enemy attacked, the aliens attacked the city."

Lan Fukong's expression changed, and his expression became tense.

They have been in Xuanguang City for a while, but they have not yet played against aliens.

"All monks will return to their residences immediately, waiting for dispatch, immediately."

A majestic male voice suddenly sounded, resounding throughout the entire Xuanguang City.

Wang Qingshan and others' faces froze. They have never fought against aliens, and they are a little nervous.

They left one after another, returning to their respective homes, waiting to be dispatched.

Back at the residence, Wang Qingshan, Wang Qingfeng and others sat chatting in a blue stone pavilion.

Wang Qingfeng and others talked about what they had seen and heard these days. They also attended various gatherings, met a group of spiritual monks, and communicated with others.

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"True Monarch Blood Knife! He is in Xuanguang City?"

Wang Qingshan frowned. There was a blood knife faction in the Ice Sea Realm, and there was a Blood Blade True Monarch. This person killed all the high-level monks in the Ice Sea Realm and practiced blood sacrifice. Only then did he cultivate to the late stage of God Transformation, and then he disappeared. Later, his disciples and grandsons, Xuesha Shuangsheng, entered the Dongli Realm, but unfortunately they were killed by Wang Qingshan and Qijue Sword Emperor.

Wang Qingfeng nodded and said, "Well, fellow Daoist Gan came with his master. I heard that his master was a late stage cultivator who killed four aliens in the virtual stage."

"You stay away from this fellow daoist and True Monarch Xuedao, the exercises they practice are a bit wicked."

Wang Qingshan warned that if True Monarch Blood Saber was the True Monarch Blood Saber he knew, he really couldn't get too close.

In order to ascend to the Xuanyang Realm, True Monarch Blood Saber sacrificed a master of the interface in blood. The method was too cruel. This kind of person would do anything to achieve his goal. If he befriends such a person, he will not know when he will be killed.

Wang Qingfeng and the others did not think much and agreed.

Wang Qingshan seemed to be aware of something, took out a dazzling dharma plate, and punched in a magic formula, a majestic female voice suddenly sounded: "Wang Daoyou, you brought your royal family to the city wall, ready to fight against the alien race, Everyone goes up."


Wang Qingshan agreed to come down and put away the blue Dharma plate.

"Let's go! Everyone be careful, take care of each other, don't run too far, be careful."

Wang Qingshan exhorted and left the residence with Wang Qingfeng and others.

When they were walking on the street, they could see groups of monks rushing to the city wall, most of them were led by monks refining the virtual.

When he came to the city wall, Wang Qingshan found that there were a large number of immortal cultivators gathered on the city wall, most of them were Spirit Transformation cultivators, and there were also quite a few cultivators. Feng Xiaoyao was also on the city wall.

The line of defense was too long, and the cultivators were scattered in multiple positions, directing the cultivators to meet the enemy.

Outside the city wall, densely packed monsters gathered together, and you could see a large number of alien races, such as the Fire Race, the Spirit Race, the Bone Race, the Orc race, and so on.

Wang Qingshan sucked in a breath. He had experienced a large beast swarm, but compared with the monsters outside the city walls, the large swarm was still far behind.

There are hundreds of millions of monsters outside the city walls. They are densely arranged together, and there is no end in sight. The city walls of Xuanguang City are millions of miles long, and the defense line is too long. The hundreds of millions of monsters are scattered, and the pressure is not very great.

There are millions of immortal cultivators gathered in Xuanguang City. There are hundreds of cultivators and tens of thousands of spiritual transformations. As long as they are properly directed, they should be able to repel the alien race.

Yan Ji sat on the top of a golden leopard with a length of 100 meters, her eyes were siege the city! "

Yan Ji gave a soft drink and spread hundreds of thousands of miles around.

The order was quickly conveyed, and the aliens commanded the monsters to attack the city.

One hundred thousand golden beasts rushed out of the camp. They looked like rhinos, but they had a single golden horn on their heads and only one huge golden eyeball.

Sound rhino, good at sonic attack.


Almost at the same time, these sound rhinoceros let out an extremely strange roar, each spurting a golden sound wave, and went straight to Xuanguang City.

The dense golden sound waves came straight to Xuanguang City. Wherever they passed, the ground was torn apart, the earth and rocks burst, and smoke billowed.

After the loud bang, the ground in a radius of ten thousand li exploded, and the smoke and dust were everywhere, and the momentum was huge.

Xuanguang City has been managed by the human race for many years, and naturally it is not so easy to be broken.

As soon as the dense golden sound waves approached Xuanguang City for thousands of miles, they stopped abruptly, as if blocked by a copper wall and an iron wall, and burst open one after another, with waves of air.

One hundred thousand sound rhinos rushed towards Xuanguang City, among which there were more than a hundred sixth-order sound rhinos.

"Meet the enemy!"

With the loud shouts of men resounding throughout the world, the human race cultivators took action one after another.

The human race cultivators did not make random shots, but formed battle formations one by one, with a team of sword cultivators, a team of physical cultivators, a team of law cultivators, a team of magicians, and a team of sound cultivators.

Hundreds of huge sixth-order puppet beasts appeared outside the city wall outside Xuanguang City, including wolves, tigers, leopards, apes, giant bears, and they all used their methods to attack monsters.

Wang Qingshan's face condensed, this is very different from the battles he has experienced in the past. Humans and aliens will line up troops, attack in an orderly manner, and cooperate with each other, rather than beating each other indiscriminately.

Of course, if the fight is fierce, it will definitely disrupt the formation. (To be continued)

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