Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2238: Wan Beast Flute

They looked towards the other cultivators, intending to support other cultivators and kill more aliens in the cultivating period.

A nine-foot tall man in a red shirt fought fiercely with an orc with a bear head and body. The four fists collided continuously, and a strong wave of air erupted.

The red-shirted man has a tiger-backed waist, bulging muscles, a layer of red flames on his body, and a strong suffocating aura emanating from his body.

There is a huge human-shaped phantom on the top of the red-shirted man's head, and the arms of the human-shaped phantom have red light that keeps flowing, just like a real body. There is a huge phantom of a bear-headed person on the top of the orcs' head, and the arms of the bear's head flash with a burst of black light. .

Wang Qingshan met a big man in a red shirt at a party. This man was called Wang Dafei. He was a physical cultivator in the virtual period.

In the race war, many human race masters have come to participate in the war. They can kill alien races in exchange for good deeds, and use good deeds to exchange for the necessary cultivation resources. It is not easy for scattered cultivators to collect immortal cultivation resources. The great powers of China have brought out a lot of treasures, among which are the materials for condensing the law and the treasures for transcending tribulation.

The human-shaped phantom's arms moved, and smashed into the orc phantom with a burst of air, and the orc phantom waved his arms and greeted him.

With the loud bang, Wang Dafei and the orcs fought back and forth, regardless of whether they were up or down.

The orc phantom let out an angry roar, shaking the void to contort and twist.

When Wang Dafei heard this, his head buzzed and he felt dizzy.

The surface of the orc race was full of black light, and the furry palms patted Wang Dafei's head.

At this moment, nine flying swords with sparkling azure light shot out, blocking the palms of the orcs, and there was a muffled sound of "kengkeng".

After the sound of breaking the air, countless slender blue threads shot out and hit the orcs one after another. There was a muffled sound, and the blue threads entangled the orcs' bodies.

The blue light flashed, and a big blue hand appeared out of thin air, shooting at the orc phantom.

The orc phantom spewed out a gray sound wave, defeating the big blue hand.

A azure sky-high sword slashed head-on, and the orcs struggled violently, but the dense blue silk threads entangled the orcs' bodies, unable to move.

Qingtian Daoqi slashed on the head of the orcs, and there was a muffled sound, and the blood flowed non-stop.

The blue silk thread suddenly loosened the orcs, and a huge golden thunderball fell from the sky and hit the orcs.

A miserable beast roar sounded, and the dazzling golden thunder light drowned the orcs.

A sky-high giant sword and a blue-colored sword were submerged in the golden thunder.

Wang Dafei looked at Wang Qingshan, smiled and nodded.

The human race Lianxu teamed up to kill the alien race, and the alien race was also teaming up to kill the killer race cultivator, you come and I come.

They looked at other alien races in the Void Refinement Stage and took action one after another.

A huge cyan fireball appeared high in the sky, very conspicuous.

Seeing this scene, the human race monks took back their spiritual birds and beasts one after another.

Somewhere on the city wall, a potbellied golden-robed old man had a dignified expression. The golden-robed old man had a round face and small eyes, and his eyes narrowed into a slit, giving him an approachable impression.

Liu Yilong, in the middle of the fusion period, the representative of Wanlingmen.

Liu Yilong seemed to be aware of something, took out a red glittering dharma plate, punched in a magic formula, and a deep male voice suddenly sounded: "Fellow Daoist Liu, you can use that treasure."

"Understood, I'll use it now."

Liu Yilong agreed to come down and put away the dharma plate.

He flipped his right hand, golden light flashed, and a golden jade flute appeared on his hand, with multiple monster patterns engraved on the surface.

Wan Beast Flute, a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao, one of the seven treasures of Wanlingmen, can order low-level spirit beasts within a certain range. If the integrated cultivator is fully motivated, the seventh-order monsters will also be affected to some extent. Powerful monsters are less affected.

It took ten thousand years for the Wanlingmen to refine this treasure. Liu Yilong's activation of the Wanbeast Flute can only affect the seventh-order monsters, but cannot drive the sixth-order monsters. There is no problem in driving the sixth-order monsters. .

His mana was madly injected into the Wan Beast Flute, and the Wan Beast Flute suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, and gently blew it on his mouth.

The roar of the beast resounded through the heavens and the earth, one after another, and the roar of the beast was mixed with the roar of various monsters.

An astonishing scene appeared, and the monsters who were originally lined up became irritable, and instead attacked the Jinghuo and other aliens.

A group of orcs rode on the back of the blue giant wolf. The blue giant wolf suddenly struggled violently, lost control, and rushed towards their master.

For a time, the alien camp was in chaos.

Taking this opportunity, the human cultivators took action one after another, killing the Jinghuo clan and other hostile alien races.

An orc with the head of a tiger and a human body stood on the back of a more than 100-foot-long Lihuo Falcon. Lihuo Falcon was a sixth-order spiritual bird.

Li Huo Falcon suddenly became restless, and no matter how the orcs appeased it, it was useless.

Li Huo Falcon threw the orcs down, and the feathers on the backs of the orcs gently flapped into the air, so that they did not fall to the ground.

He still hadn't figured out what was going on, and after a while from the fire falcon's wings, dense red feathers flew out, turning into red fire blades, slashing at the orcs.

A large number of red firelight appeared in the void, turning into huge red fireballs, smashing at the orcs.

The orcs hurriedly moved the orc phantom above their heads, and the orc phantom opened its mouth and spewed out a green hurricane, blocking the incoming red fire blade and red fireball.

There was a rumbling sound, and the air was billowing.

A huge red-glowing bird claw suddenly appeared above the head of the orcs and grabbed it head on.

The orc phantom's arms moved and smashed into the huge bird's claws. After a loud noise, the huge bird's claws were torn apart.

A cyan sword light with a length of more than 10,000 meters and a cyan sword light with a length of more than 10,000 feet lased, and slashed at the orcs one after another, and there were two muffled sounds.

Dense cyan silk threads flew in, and some of the threads blinded the eyes of the orcs and tied them up.

After a sound of breaking the air, Wang Dafei waved a giant red stick, smashing the head of the orcs.

Taking advantage of the chaos of hostile alien races such as the Jinghuo clan, the monks of the human race and the affiliated races took the opportunity to kill a number of powerful enemies and achieved considerable results.

After a long battle, the low-level monsters suffered heavy casualties, and the monsters that survived were not low-level, most of them were third-level, and there were tens of thousands of fifth-level monsters.

Before this, the monsters were the help of the Jinghuo clan, but now they have become the help of the human race.

The explosions continued, mixed with a miserable cry. One name after another was besieged by many monsters, and they managed to block the besiege of the monsters. Humans took the opportunity to sneak attack and kill many aliens.

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